A New Beginning.

in Hive Gaming4 months ago

I already talked about the turning point of a thief of Baghdad who was willing to join the hidden orders but he was getting tasks of stealing things only. One job changed his life entirely where he lost his closest person (Nehal) and all other known peoples but he got a new beginning and he was taken where he belonged or where he wished to be.

Drowning in the river showed us a great transition of Basim. He fell in the river in Baghdad and now he was haunted by the Jinn in the water also. But the good thing is, he is not the same Basim anymore where he used to be scared of the Jinn always. He learned to control his nightmare now.

Basim dive up and reached the shore and it was not the same moment from when he fell in the river at Baghdad. He was at Alamut (the secret location where the hidden orders lives) and its two months later from that incident of Baghdad.

I ran to Roshan who was having a conversation with somebody and the other one left right after I reached her. Roshan asked Basim if he was ready and then I had to practice the Leap of Faith that Basim has been trying everyday and he messed up again so Roshan said they'll try again the next day.

Now I was walking with Roshan when she was saying how I must perform the Leap of Faith successfully and she suggested to first center his mind, body and spirit and suddenly I noticed someone else tried a Leap of Faith. This whole chapter basically shows Basim's progress and I get to train.

Roshan suggested me to speak with Fuladh and check if he needs anything and she said we'd continue the training later. I located Fuladh who has an eagle and he asked me to fetch some leather strips from the store room and give it to Rebekah.

After looking for the leather strip for a moment in the store room, I found it and that's when I heard someone was talking about the forces withing the Caliphate beginning to put pressure on them. They were talking about Baghdad and I understood something was not at the correct order.

I took the leather strips to Rebekah who made arrangements for my dagger and sword. She mentioned that Basim has moved past the wooden swords and she protested about it but Roshan insisted.

I got throwing knife as a new unlocked tool and I got the throwing knives training from there. I had to hit some pots there throwing knives and I did well there.

Then I ran to the training ground to take further training from Roshan where I found her training someone else. As I reached there, Roshan finished training of the other one.

My training with Roshan started where she first taught me to perform light attacks after locking an enemy and then I was taught to perform heavy attacks. After getting trained with performing attacks, I was taught how to parry and dodge incoming attacks.

Basim suddenly tried a special attack that surprised Roshan the she even asked where did that come from. Roshan ended the training session for the day though Basim was not okay with it as he kept failing but Roshan suggested Basim to be patient.

It was the nighttime when Basim reached this peoples and greeted them with the Islamic greeting (As-salamu alaikum) and sat there to warm himself. When Basim was relaxing with them, there came Nur to ask if anyone would help him on the patrol that night and Basim volunteered.

I followed Nur holding a torch and when we reached the patrolling spot, there came an eagle named Muhja and Nur mentioned that Basim will have one of his own.

Suddenly the eagle flew ahead as if she/he noticed a threat so we followed the bird and we found some mercenaries who was looking for our camp.

We took them down before they could use their element of surprise and then Basim noticed this sword and confirmed that mercenaries from Baghdad use these weapons.

They returned to the camp to warn the others and when Roshan asked Nur how he knew it was from Baghdad, Basim walked forward and confirmed it as he's seen their weapons many times and closely for getting grown up on the Baghdad's streets.

The orders decided to send someone to Baghdad to check who is giving the mercenaries orders and Nur volunteered.

Then I witnessed this beautiful cinematic part (the cinematic of this game is has far better graphics than the gameplay) of Basim getting trained and keeps failing.

But at last he got better with both the combat training and handling his own eagle which ended the chapter.

Thanks for reading. If you like my post, please follow, comment and upvote me.
All the in-game screenshots are taken by me except for the game's logo that I collected from the internet.

 3 months ago  

Can you use your eagle like a drone? That would be cool. I remember a similar mechanic in Far Cry Primal where you can survey an outpost and tag enemies using your pet eagle. Not sure how it works in this one but the graphics sure looks stunning. I am a bit jealous of your PC xD

I could do it in Odyssey and Valhalla, exactly as Far Cry Primal that you mentioned but I'm yet to find such things in this one. I guess there'll be that option as they made it possible for the last installments.

 3 months ago  

@tipu curate 8

Hey, thanks for your support.