My introduction to Dungeons and Dragons was via Baldur's Gate. Lots of people used this title as the gateway drug into the wonderful world of Dungeons and Dragons. A few months back, I joined a campaign with some friends, and in the COVID-19 era, we've been using Roll20 to play online instead of gathering at one of the player's homes.
I'm playing a Cleric who carries around a small bookshelf as a shield. On the bookshelf are the collected tomes and a small library of his research. He's also a kleptomaniac, a wise-ass, and fond of reading everything in sight.
He's also a shrewd business man, and good in the ways of cooking books, and as a result, is a mischievous character without being a rogue.
The scenario:
The party is tasked with travelling to an island to kill an evil warlock type. Along the way, they encounter a merchant who is due to deliver uniforms to the warlock's underlings, having just saved her from a possessed goat. She agrees to provide them with uniforms to act as a disguise. The Part takes the uniforms.
Enter Dungeon. There's some underlings. My character waltzes up to the first one who's standing on a bridge near a forge - I say 'G'DAY, I'm the back up!'
As a cleric, I use the skill Inflict Wound, and deal 3d10 damage to the poor bloke. He nearly dies, and a member of my party goes "Oh no, they've had a heart attack", and proceed to stab away the rest of the unfortunate enemy's life.
A member of the enemy party approaches and remarks about how there's a surprisingly large amount of blood for a heart attack. I roll to persuade, Nat 20.
Then, there's some necrotic skeletons, I use Turn Undead, and send two flying off into pits of Lava.
Silence from the DM. Shrieks of excitement and laughter from the party. I was a hero. Roll for initiative, and then Initiate the rest of the combat, and enjoy the rest of the D&D session.
What are some of your favourite tales from Dungeons and Dragons sessions you've been involved in?
I was into D&D before Baldur's Gate. It was a great game.
I had a Drow (dark elf) Ranger Cleric I think.
My character's back story is that they're searching for a Drow of some sort, that's mentioned in various books they hold on their shield shelf...
LOL Small Bookshelf Shield, I love it.
First game of D&D I ever played was as a Warlock.
We were in either the first or second session, I think first since we were still level 1 and almost 2. We were having good fun until the ogre boss.
One by one, the party was falling. It got to me being the last standing and I was going to try escape to come back and try somehow get people out.
"I want to jump over the table" I said as the ogre was mostly in my way and the table would get me out.
Rolled a crit fail 1... Found out I only needed a 2 to jump over the table.
It would be one of the funniest things ever and a facepalm moment. 😂
Cursed dice. Happens to our friend, a lot. :D
My old DM was a bastard that tried to punish me by limiting my choice to a Halfling Bard, thinking it was a shit character and would die fast. I had some contacts and used them to craft the most kick-arse min-maxed PC one could conceive of, with a rank here, a rank there, all designed to maximise power.
The DM had me split from the party and confronted by the Big Bad. I was more or less done with his bullshit, so decided to kamikaze the bastard.
My said my PC would run up some logs in a logging camp, cast True Strike, cast some spell that increases damage output, leap off of the pile with dual swords drawn, and stab the BBEG.
DM said I could, if I rolled to Cast, Climb, Leap, Attack, and won Initiative - all with disadvantage. I rolled 3 natural 20s and 2 rolls at 18 or 19, and managed to do such damage that I killed the BBEG in one hit.
DM said he teleported away before he died and kicked me out of the group shortly after.
Super unfortunate. Our current DM is pretty amazing. It's a very different kind of D&D world, not steeped in any particularly deep lore or limitations in terms of playing out of character. It's a good experience.
I remember Baldur's Gate, housemates and I had some marathons on that XD
One of the guys in the house knew how to play actual DnD so he taught the rest of us and while the roleplaying was fun (aside from the ex who took it way too seriously and decided that one of the NPCs flirting with my character was the DM indirectly flirting with me o_O). Can't remember what my character was but it was probably an elf thief because that's usually what I end up with.
Otherwise I didn't really enjoy the system much and moved on very quickly from DnD to Shadowrun and World of Darkness and an unholy lovechild of the two I concocted when I decided to try setting a roleplaying systerm in my head universe.
Great post Holoz0r! Sorry I forgot to feature this on my stream, I owe you an apology. I get a bit overwhelmed streaming sometimes and forget my bearing. I will be sure to feature this on my next stream. !PIZZA
No problem! You're all good in my books!
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