Good news at the end of the year, for you Mobile Gamers who are looking for a new RPG game or looking for a different nuance, good news comes from Developer 10 Heroes Studio, they are developing a mobile game inspired by Monster Hunter, there is a chance this game will become very popular in the future.
This Time to Hunt game is a game based on Open World RPG which is quite interesting, this is because this game provides a gameplay mechanism similar to the Monster Hunt franchise, which can be seen in terms of weaponry, scattered monsters, and so on.
Indeed, not all aspects are completely similar to Monster Hunter, because the Developer (10 Heroes Studio) presents this game with more cartoonish or anime-style graphics that spoil the eyes, but if you are a Monster Hunter game player, you can be sure you feel very good familiar and can understand what I mean by this.
Apart from similar gameplay, Time to Hunt also has weapons that are quite similar, from dual swords, long swords, pikes, and many other types of weapons, although there are also some weapons that only exist in Time to Hunt such as Boomerang and one. One weapon that attracts attention is the hybrid weapon between hammer and Taiko music instrument which makes this weapon able to provide decent damage and can also recover health points (HP).
Although the Time to Hunt game has MMO elements, this game uses the 4 man hunt feature or a maximum of 4 players. This feature is similar to the features in Monster Hunter. Apart from hunting existing monsters, you can also grow crops, socialize, and maintain the pet that you have caught.
Keep in mind, from the trailers currently circulating, the Time to Hunt Game is still in the development stage, but the developer plans to provide Close Beta Test(CBT) soon in 2021, so for those of you who are curious about this game, you must a little bit patient.
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