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RE: Link's Awakening: Two big tips to avoid frustration

in Hive Gaming4 months ago

So after you walk and walk and walk you get frustrated and probably start to look on the net about what you are supposed to be doing.

I love games that do this cos it makes you really think of where to go and even think "If I were the developer where would I put the solution" haha but also the frustration that you get from it. 15 years ago we wouldn't have easy access to the internet to search for the solution but also even if we have access, good luck finding a blog post about it.

I kinda miss those times where we'd think about the game all day and how to gtfo of the area haha. Nowadays it's so easy to just quit since there are many other games to choose from anyway.

I've never played this, but I really like the style of the graphics. :D


It certainly encouraged conversation among gamers IRL a lot more than we do today, that's for sure. I don't want to have my hand held either but some of the hints they give you are so subtle or just hidden that they would be really easy to miss. This game was a great example of how dedicated you had to be back in the 90's and 80's in order to complete an RPG. These days though I am sure that most people did what I did and just pulled up a game guide online when they got stuck. Good times.