Guub actually manages to not kill any of his own Pokemon this time. (Pokemon Nuzlocke #4)

in Hive Gaming5 years ago

This again, because jokes aside I'm actually enjoying this nuzlocke a lot. Who knew that all you really needed in order to enjoy these old pokemon games more was just a challenge that kills your virtual creatures?

Welcome once again to "Guub kills Pokemon: The series" "Guub does a Nuzlocke, the series where I desperately try to not get my Pokemon killed and fail horribly thanks to a combination of random luck, my terrible pokemon skills and/or just because the game feels like hating me at that moment.


Let's look over the rules one more time okay?

This nuzlocke thing is a challenge mode created by the Pokemon fans, in which you add some difficulty to your journey by making use of some special rules.

Usually, most runs use these three big rules:

  • If one of your guys faints then it's dead. You have to put it in a Box or release it.
  • You can only catch the very first Pokemonster that appears in every route.
  • When all of your boys are dead it's Game Over.

Some people use more rules but to me that's just making your Pokemon game a new Dark Souls so I'm not doing that.

Starting right from where I rage quitted left off last time, in the middle of a desert, looking for a Sandile that never showed up. Instead I decided to just cut my losses and move into the next city of the game, Nimbasa City.

You see, I spent the latter half of the last episode looking for a Sandile, in order to have a creature with a type advantage against the next Gym. However, the game cursed blessed me by giving me a different Pokemon. Twice.

Crushed by my losses I simply decide to progress the story to see if I can find more trainers to fight against, so that I can level my team to prepare for the coming gym.

This wish is quickly fulfilled because as soon as I enter this place I can see everyone's favorite terrorist group evil pokemon team, Team Plasma, attacking a poor defenseless old man.


Their overall goal is to liberate Pokemon from the horrible trainers that enslave them! ...And they do this by stealing them from old people and children who cannot even fight back, because they're old people and children.

Of course, they definitely have a different plan than just stealing stuff from the first defenseless person that they find.


Saving the old man from the Plasma Grunts awards me with a Bike, which I can use to go fast. It's not going to see much use right now, mostly because I got used to running everywhere and I forget I have a faster means of travel.

With this bike I can go Vrrrooooom!

Not much happens after that. There's still some story stuff that needs doing of course, I have to go to the Musical Theater because the plot demands I be introduced to the magical thing that is a "Pokemon Musical"

Also, Bianca's there for some reason.

I just wanna move on with the story dude.

Bianca's father also shows up, apparently he doesn't want his daughter to roam the world like every other child does in this world, which I totally understand. Would you let a 12/15 year old kid, specifically your own child, run around a world where animals are replaced with beasts that have superpowers? That's just asking for trouble.

Hey don't ask me, I'm gone as soon as the game's finished.

Believing this to be the final interaction needed for me to challenge the gym, I take off after to grind the team I have a little.

Since I don't really have an effective way of countering the electric types I just made sure to make everyone stronger so that they could stand on their own.

There were some times where I actually thought some of these guys were going to die, thanks to my incredible luck that makes it so my enemies always crit my poor Pokemon.

Surprisinly, none of my guys died. I did however, get an incredible amount of fear for one specific Pokemon in the desert:


Sigilyph isn't really a beast... I just don't have anything that can effectively get rid of it so I struggle with it.

These things almost killed Lil'Doge. Multiple times.

There's a lot of trainers in the Desert Resort, the one area where I spend most of my time looking for a Sandile, so that gives me plently of people to train with.

I don't like sand. It gets everywhere.

And just to make sure I had enough strength on my team I went to the other route that Nimbasa City connects to, where I found some trainers that, while weaker than the ones in Desert Resort, still helped my guys level up.


Wotr finally got to evolve and was now capable of, get this, actually taking more than one hit! She also received a second type with her evolution (Ground) which makes her immune to electric type moves...

...Exactly what I needed.

Okay so she was a tadpole before, but what the heck is this? A bigger tadpole?

Y'know, before this run started I used to hate Tympole's evolution tree. I just thought that they were creepy looking. But now? Heck, Wotr's one of my strongest guys and has actually grown on me!

Just look at that happy face!

I also got to catch another Pokemon, a Trubbish, which is sadly female so I couldn't name her "Trashman"...

I named her "DeVito" Instead, because Danny DeVito is the greatest thing ever created.

Eventually, I remembered I still have one final chance to catch a Sandile! I just have to go all the way back to the desert resort and then look for a bunch of statues!

There lies the entrance to the Relic Castle

Is it me or does it feel like these statues are actually alive...?

...All that this excursion proved was that the game definitely hates me. There's a 50% chance to catch the two different pokemon in here and I didn't get a Sandile.

I got a Yamask instead which evolves into a Cofragius, not a bad pokemon really, but at that point I was done with the grinding thing so I just put him in the box and continued to fight whoever appeared in front of me.

Eventually, I went back to Nimbasa and looked for more stuff to do.

Turns out you can fight some sports people at the stadiums.


And then there's the train battles, as in, you fight inside of a train.

...I didn't do anything on those because they don't give you any exp.

Finally, I headed towards the gym.

Hey it's the 20-something year old guy that wants to be best friends with my 13/15 year old trainer!

Oh look, it's N again.

Plot demands we talk about team plasma again, N takes this chance to speak about his manifesto. He wants to free all pokemon because human bad and human do bad things to pokemon.

I would have never figured it out if you didn't tell me! It's not like the intro cutscene has you being crowned or something....

Then more stuff happens and we end up fighting...


And then he talks some more...

My name is N, and I have a dream!

Finally he lets me go and lets me challenge this gym in peace.

...Not before I go back and heal my team.

Okay, now I'm actually challenging this gym.


This gym's gimmick is Roller Coaster.

...No I'm not kidding it's actually a Roller Coaster.

You're supposed to ride on these "cars" to move forward and then press some switches to activate more cars in order to proceed. Sometimes the cars have trainers in time (like, two) and you have to fight them before proceeding.

This gym's second gimmick is that everyone loves Emolga, the flying-rat-of-doom pokemon

The people in this gym only use three Pokemon, Emolga, Blitzle and Blitzle 2.0 Zebstrika, yes only three.

Emolga is the most annoying because it usually knows double team and volt switch and because the game hates me so much I never hit when they use double team I swear to god the numbers are against me.

help me i've been stuck in this fight for two hours

Emolga's "difficulty" here comes from it's Flying type, which makes them immune to the only ground attack that Wotr has. I had to find an alternate to this and decided to teach Sandile (the Darumaka named Sandile) Rock Tomb, which proved to be useless because Sandile can't hit anything to save her life.

This gym made me realize how straightforward all of them have been, with this one being the most simple because you just have to go forward, press button and fight trainer.

It actually feels like a spaceship...

Eventually the Emolga's got less annoying once I gave Sandile glasses to help her see where she was hitting and once she actually hit something.

Once I reached the end of the gym, I realized that type weaknesses don't always go one way, water types are weak to electric attacks but electric types aren't resistant to water attacks.

Which means that Sandile isn't really needed since Wotr could just take care of it all on her own...

...There goes 5 hours of my life I wasted grinding.

So I looked this up! Palpitoad is the combination of a Tadpole and a loudspeaker... The more you know...

Elesa herself isn't really difficult, just two demon squirrels Emolgas and Zebstrika, all of them don't even have a good counter to Wotr because his ground typing takes it away (She's immune to Volt Switch, the only electric move her Pokemon know.) which basically means that Wotr just trampled her team by just spewing dirty water at them.

Who would win? The tadpole abomination or the electric zebra?
The abomination of course.

After defeating Elesa and taking her gym badge, I continue on with my quest to become the very best, like no one ever was! complete this nuzlocke challenge.

...Hey I just realized, none of my guys actually died this time! I must be doing something right!

Boy what joyous occasion! I'll leave this episode here, I have to celebrate not getting my virtual creatures killed! what an achievement am i right guys?

Thank you so much for reading everyone! Remember to stay safe!

  • Current team: (The GGs)