Donkey Kong Country Returns HD Proximo estreno

in Hive Gaming2 months ago (edited)

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Donkey Kong Country Returns HD

This January 16 will be back the funniest gorilla of video games, Donkey Kong and of course his son, this will be for the Switch platform that will have back this remastered game that in addition to having the content of the classic Country brings adapted Nintendo DS expansions brings according to Vandal on page.

It is certainly a good opportunity to return to play this great title, who has not spent hours trying to pass some impossible level in Donkey Kong is exquisite.

Although Nintendo does not change the formula and continues to bet on their own game franchises, with this title possibly come to raise something in sales because in recent years has not shown great competition in that area in terms of the battle of the consoles.

Donkey Kong Country Returns HD is going to give the Nintendo Switch some nostalgia for old players and surely a lot of fun to players who are trying it for the first time, it is a 2D platformer with a somewhat high difficulty and a very special music and gameplay mechanics, definitely not to be missed.

Este 16 de enero estará de vuelta el gorila mas divertido de los videojuegos, Donkey Kong y por supuesto su hijito, esto será por la plataforma Switch que tendrá de vuelta este juego remasterizado que además de tener el contenido del Country clásico trae adaptadas las expansiones de Nintendo DS trae según Vandal en pagina.

Sin duda es una buena oportunidad para regresar a jugar este genial titulo, quien no ha pasado horas tratando de pasar algún nivel imposible en Donkey Kong es exquisito.

Aunque Nintendo no cambia la formula y sigue apostando a sus propias franquicias de juego, con este titulo posiblemente venga a levantar algo en ventas pues los últimos años no ha mostrado gran competencia en ese rubro en cuanto a la batalla de las consolas.

Kong Country Returns HD va llegar a darle a la Nintendo Switch algo de nostalgia para antiguos jugadores y seguro mucha diversión a jugadores que lo estén probando por primera vez, es un juego de plataformas 2D con la dificultad algo elevada con una música y mecánicas de juego muy especiales, sin duda no te lo puedes perder.

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Palabras finales//Last Words

To be honest this game, I have it on an emulator on the PC, it is very difficult to the degree that you get stuck for not being able to pass a challenge, if you're not ready for that better not try.

Donkey Kong is one of the most emblematic characters of the franchise, I consider him to be as even as Mario and Luigi in popularity, the levels of the game go up and up so don't expect peace in the last levels or high levels.

I leave the trailer for you to see the graphics and gameplay mechanics, it's great.

Para ser sincero este juego, lo tengo en un emulador en la Pc, es muy difícil al grado que te quedas atorado por no poder pasar algún reto, si no estas listo para eso mejor no lo intentes.

Donkey Kong es uno de los personajes mas emblemáticos de la franquicia, es mas yo considero que está tan parejo como Mario y Luigi en popularidad, los niveles del juego van en ascenso así que no esperes paz en los últimos niveles o niveles altos.

Te dejo el tráiler para que veas las graficas y mecánicas de juego, es genial.

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When talking about Donkey Kong, the first thing that comes to my mind are memories full of nostalgia, from that release for the NES to its most current release. I feel and I believe that Nintendo at this point made a very good bet, it is true that in recent years Nintendo has focused more on its most iconic characters and the fact that at this point it continues to do so is something that in my personal opinion is memorable. This type of improvements to games of emblematic Nintendo characters usually have a plus in their community. Undoubtedly it has been and will be a great bet.

Surely it is a good bet, this has worked for them in the last decade, As you say, it's very good for the community because all the iconic characters are taken into account. !PIZZA 🍕

Very nice game playing experience, very nicely described, you enjoy the games very much

I've played it on emulator on PC until now I haven't played with a Switch, but yeah is a very good Game. !PIZZA 🍕

Wooow this game is súper fantastic, its so good

Yes it's true I like it too. !PIZZA 🍕

Ah donkey Kong... So many good memories when I was a kid, it seems still the same except graphics adapted to today standards... Worth a shot!

Yes, the graphical improvements are a very good thing, I'm sure you'll enjoy them a lot. !PIZZA 🍕

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