Gaming Review: Endless Wander (Mobile Game)

in Hive Gaming14 days ago

Endless Wander

Hola a todos en la comunidad de videojuegos, hoy les quiero traer otro juego para móvil, llamado Endless Wander, que se basa en pelea de mazmorras, hasta llegar a uno donde lucharemos con jefe de dicha zona. En cada uno de estas mazmorras, al vencer a todos los monstruos, podremos adquirir o mejorar técnicas de ataque o poderes mágicos.

Hello everyone in the video game community, today I want to bring you another mobile game, called Endless Wander, which is based on dungeon fighting, until we reach one where we will fight with the boss of said area. In each of these dungeons, by defeating all the monsters, we can acquire or improve attack techniques or magical powers.


El arte del juego es muy bueno, basándose en pixel art, al igual que la mecánica de juego, por lo que en estos últimos dias he pasado bastante tiempo jugando, asi que quiero compartir con ustedes varias de las características tan interesantes que tiene.

The art of the game is very good, based on pixel art, as well as the game mechanics, so in recent days I have spent a lot of time playing, so I want to share with you several of the interesting features it has.




La historia del juego es bastante sencilla, pues una fuerza sobrenatural esta ganando fuerza en un territorio sagrado y lejano, al cual solo tienen acceso a través de un portal mágico.

The story of the game is quite simple, as a supernatural force is gaining strength in a sacred and distant territory, to which they only have access through a magical portal.


Hacemos un tutorial bastante sencillo, donde veremos las dinámicas del juego, como atacar, las habilidades de lucha especiales y los poderes mágicos. Estos poderes dependerán de la runa que vayamos recorriendo, pudiendo ser cosmo, cristal, fuego, agua y otros elementos.

We make a fairly simple tutorial, where we will see the dynamics of the game, how to attack, special fighting skills and magical powers. These powers will depend on the rune that we are going through, which can be cosmos, crystal, fire, water and other elements.


Allí venceremos varios enemigos y descubriremos el origen de la magia del templo y como se esta volviendo malvada, terminando por corromper al héroe Elione, con el que jugamos esta parte.

There we will defeat several enemies and discover the origin of the temple's magic and how it is becoming evil, ending up corrupting the hero Elione, with whom we play this part.


5 años despues de estos acontecimientos, el portal vuelve a abrirse, conocemos al héroe con el que comenzaremos esta nueva aventura, Novu, quien lo atraviesa para rescatar a Eloine, y salvar a este mundo por conocer de la corrupción que esta generando esta energía maligna.

5 years after these events, the portal opens again, we meet the hero with whom we will begin this new adventure, Novu, who goes through it to rescue Eloine, and save this world by knowing about the corruption that this evil energy is generating.


Cada mazmorra se basará en una parte de este nuevo mundo, con criaturas propias de la zona, y a medida que vayamos avanzando, iremos mejorando nuestras habilidades, asi mismo, cada puerta nos dará a elegir que habilidad física, poder mágico, o incluso, un premio como dinero, querramos al terminar la batalla.

Each dungeon will be based on a part of this new world, with creatures typical of the area, and as we advance, we will improve our skills. Likewise, each door will give us the choice of physical ability, magical power, or even a prize like money, we want at the end of the battle.


Al final de cada mazmorra, nos conseguiremos con un jefe final con habilidades y poderes diferentes, siendo un importante que cuidemos nuestra salud en el resto de batallas, porque a medida que pasemos el juego, la posibilidad de recuperarla es difícil, y si llegamos con poca a este duelo, perderemos, teniendo que comenzar desde el inicio.

At the end of each dungeon, we will encounter a final boss with different abilities and powers, it being important that we take care of our health in the rest of the battles, because as we complete the game, the possibility of recovering it is difficult, and if we arrive with little to this duel, we will lose, having to start from the beginning.


El primer capitulo termina en el templo, donde tendremos que enfrentarnos a Eloine en una batalla muy complicada, pues las habilidades que tiene, y el daño que produce, son muy considerables.

The first chapter ends in the temple, where we will have to face Eloine in a very complicated battle, since the skills he has, and the damage he produces, are very considerable.


Puede vencerlo en el segundo intento, porque ya venia preparado, con uno de los 3 ataques muy potente, casi toda la vida acumulada y bastante paciencia para huir de sus ataques, esperando mi momento para atacar.

You can beat him on the second try, because I was already prepared, with one of the 3 very powerful attacks, almost all the life accumulated and enough patience to flee from his attacks, waiting for my moment to attack.


Luego de pasar este primer capitulo, iremos desbloqueando nuevas opciones del juego, como la selección de nuevos personajes, desbloqueando primero al mismo Eloine, asi como otros modos de juegos, e incluso, de dificultad, en la sección de historia.

After passing this first chapter, we will unlock new game options, such as the selection of new characters, first unlocking Eloine herself, as well as other game modes, and even difficulty, in the story section.



Hay 4 personajes para jugar estas aventuras, aunque es triste que dos de ellos sean pagos, y no son especialmente baratos. Es una lastima total, pues yo queria jugar con el arquero, jajaja.

There are 4 characters to play these adventures, although it is sad that two of them are paid, and they are not especially cheap. It's a total shame, because I wanted to play with the archer, jajaja.


En el pueblo también tendremos otras tiendas para mejorar las habilidades de nuestros personajes, como la de Sara, donde mejoraremos los poderes de las runas mágicas de cada tipo.

In the town we will also have other shops to improve the skills of our characters, like Sara's, where we will improve the powers of the magical runes of each type.


Otra de las tiendas es la del cartógrafo, donde mejoraremos aspectos generales de la aventura, como la vida máxima o la cantidad de opciones que te da el mercader en las mazmorras para mejorar tus habilidades.

Another store is the cartographer's store, where we will improve general aspects of the adventure, such as maximum life or the number of options that the merchant gives you in the dungeons to improve your skills.


Ya por último, como en todo juego, vamos a tener diferentes objetos, que permitirán mejorar las estadísticas de los personajes, asi mismo, tendrán diferentes grados de rareza y de nivel.

Lastly, as in every game, we will have different objects that will allow us to improve the characters' statistics, and they will also have different degrees of rarity and level.



En lineas generales, el juego me ha gustado mucho, es muy entretenido, tienen una historia interesante y el arte en general me parece excelente, manteniendo casi todo en pixelart, pero sabiéndolo mezclar muy bien con animacion 2D tradicional.

In general terms, I really liked the game, it is very entertaining, they have an interesting story and I find the art in general excellent, keeping almost everything in pixel art, but knowing how to mix it very well with traditional 2D animation.


Aún me faltan jugar algunas modalidades del juego, asi como desbloquear definitivamente a Eloine, por lo que mas adelante espero compartirles más modalidades de juego. Otra cosa muy buena, es que se puede jugar offline, algo que ya muchos juegos en la actualidad no permiten.

I still have to play some game modes, as well as definitively unlock Eloine, so later I hope to share more game modes with you. Another very good thing is that you can play offline, something that many games today do not allow.




Image Sources:

All images are screenshots while I played this game on my phone.


Pixel art games have always caught my attention, but for some reason I haven't found it important to play any of them. I know there are several Android titles that are quite good with this type of graphics.
Your review is very well reasoned, accurate and detailed. Endless Wander, as you have described it here, is a title that deserves a chance to be played.
Thanks for sharing it with us, Greetings!

this kind of games are very good, you could find some of then in the Android Store and they are really interesting, I like this type of art!
Thank you for your words, I hope you try this game! Greetings!

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It looks very good this game friend, have the difficulty of starting denuevo when you die in the masmorras has to be a challenge, and I want to see the new modes that you say, and that you can play Offline is a great detail

As you said, that you can play offline is something I like, the game is really good, and you have to play smart, if you don´t, you would have to pass everything again. Greetings and I hope you can try this game!