The PS5 Pro FEELS like a SCAM! | - | ¡La PS5 Pro parece una ESTAFA! | Eng - Esp

in Hive Gaming6 months ago


The newest Playstation console has been announced! And that is the PS5 Pro. This announcement came two weeks ago, so I’m a bit behind the ball, but I do have some things that I want to say about it. And if you’re a Sony fanboy, this is a post that you probably will not like.

When I first saw the PS5 Pros announcement, my first thought was, “Do we really need this?”. The answer is no. It’s been a very common practice for consoles to have multiple models launched during their console generation. We’ve seen multiple versions of the 360, and PS3. The previous gen had the Xbox X, S, and the base model, and the PS4 had a similar lineup. So seeing that the PS5 got a pro version of the console doesn’t surprise me in the least. But it is just nothing more than a money grab.

But before we get into that, let’s tell you what the PS5 pro is offering. According to Sony’s Playstation website, the PS5 pro will offer “advanced” Ray Tracing, 60 or 120 fps, depending on your display, and apparently something called Playstation Spectral Super Resolution which uses AI to enhance your resolution. All of this comes at the cost of $946 CAD. That’s $700 USD.


¡Se ha anunciado la nueva consola Playstation! Y esa es la PS5 Pro. Este anuncio se produjo hace dos semanas, así que estoy un poco retrasado, pero tengo algunas cosas que quiero decir al respecto. Y si eres fanático de Sony, este es un post que probablemente no te gustará.
Cuando vi por primera vez el anuncio de PS5 Pros, mi primer pensamiento fue: "¿Realmente necesitamos esto?". La respuesta es no. Ha sido una práctica muy común que las consolas tengan varios modelos lanzados durante su generación de consola. Hemos visto varias versiones de 360 ​​y PS3. La generación anterior tenía la Xbox X, S y el modelo base, y la PS4 tenía una línea similar. Entonces, ver que la PS5 tiene una versión pro de la consola no me sorprende en lo más mínimo. Pero no es más que una apropiación de dinero.
Pero antes de entrar en eso, te contamos qué ofrece la PS5 pro. Según el sitio web de Playstation de Sony, la PS5 pro ofrecerá Ray Tracing “avanzado”, 60 o 120 fps, dependiendo de su pantalla, y aparentemente algo llamado Playstation Spectral Super Resolution que utiliza IA para mejorar su resolución. Todo esto tiene un costo de $946 CAD. Eso son $700 USD.

ps5 pro.png




That is just nuts, for what is being offered with the Pro. You’re getting 120 FPS, if you have a display that can handle that. But I’m a person who believes FPS ain’t all that important if you’re not in a competitive scene. And at the end of the day, that’s all you’d be paying for the increase of FPS. Because other than the Ray Tracing on the PS5 Pro being “advanced”, there’s no other information about it.

We also see Sony pushing for the digital-only future that I am dreading. Because this PS5 Pro does NOT come with a disc drive. But don’t worry, because you can spend $100 to get one and attach it to the system.


Eso es una locura, para lo que se ofrece con el Pro. Obtendrás 120 FPS, si tienes una pantalla que pueda manejar eso. Pero soy una persona que cree que los FPS no son tan importantes si no estás en una escena competitiva. Y al final del día, eso es todo lo que pagarías por el aumento de FPS. Porque aparte de que Ray Tracing en la PS5 Pro es “avanzado”, no hay otra información al respecto.
También vemos a Sony impulsando el futuro exclusivamente digital que temo. Porque esta PS5 Pro NO viene con unidad de disco. Pero no te preocupes, porque puedes gastar $100 para conseguir uno y conectarlo al sistema.

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When the PS4 Pro came out, it actually made sense. We saw that the Pro would allow people to play games in 4K UHD for those that had 4K tvs. At the time 4K tvs were becoming more common. So the price point for a PS4 Pro was more understandable, especially since it was only $400 USD. $300 dollars CHEAPER than the PS5 PRO (assuming you’re not buying a disk drive).

But I guess if you want to spend $1000 dollars just to get 60 more FPS and “advanced” ray tracing. Have at er. After all, who I’m I to tell you what to do with your money? I just think this is the prime example of greed.


Cuando salió la PS4 Pro, realmente tenía sentido. Vimos que el Pro permitiría a las personas jugar juegos en 4K UHD para aquellos que tuvieran televisores 4K. En ese momento, los televisores 4K eran cada vez más comunes. Así que el precio de una PS4 Pro era más comprensible, especialmente porque costaba sólo 400 dólares. $300 dólares MÁS BARATO que la PS5 PRO (suponiendo que no compres una unidad de disco).
Pero supongo que si quieres gastar $1000 dólares solo para obtener 60 FPS más y trazado de rayos “avanzado”. Tener en er. Después de todo, ¿quién soy yo para decirte qué hacer con tu dinero? Simplemente creo que este es el principal ejemplo de codicia.


All of this comes at the cost of $946

My PC costed around 1300(?) eur. My last pc served me maybe 8-10 years. So I hope that this one will serve long as well. So I just don't understand why someone would buy console for similar price...every few years. I also don't understand why some people change phones so often.I paid for mine ~100 eur and I intend to use it for another decade. At least.

I just think its the "I need the new thing" trend thats been around for a while. Gaming wise someones money would be put to better use on buying a prebuild.

It's been around 2 years since I've done any upgrades to my PC and I still can play current titles at max settings. I actually plan on starting to upgrade it again in prep of getting a rtx 50 series when they come out.

But on the same note I sunk a lot of money into my PC build ( around 3k for just the pc, and around another 1500 or so on "accessories"). This of course was just as the GPU market was dipping back downwards so I paid more than I really should have.

But with 1k ( Lets say 1200 with taxes) you can get a decent prebuild. I mean just searching on amazon I saw this one for 1300

 6 months ago (edited) 

It is a scam. Hardware prices might come down, making this look stupid everywhere. Should have included the disc drive, and no one would be complaining.

I think if they did what they done with the PS5 it might be looked on more favorably. Have a cheaper version without the disc drive.

Honestly I do not see much difference between the original PS5 and the pro, if it is as you mention, what it offers is not so much, if it is true that you get 120fps, but as you say it serves more for competitive and I do not consider myself a very competitive person except in FIFA.

The disk drive thing already seems to me to be a no shame haha, it is fatal that the unit is outside connected by a cable, a carelessness and you break that. The digital era is coming and it scares me too.

Good post of the PS5 Pro, this information is very useful.

Look I have always been to have a PC, I will not make a comparison of PC and PS5, I have seen several videos of the comparison in PS5 and PS5 Pro, and unfortunately I do not see the slightest difference, if anything, it would be that they raised a little more brightness and contrast, no matter the scale, resolution, or anything like that or the line drawing, it is still the same, you will pay almost the same price of that console you bought years ago, hopefully some people have some perception and see that this new version of console is not worth it, and save the money for something better later such as the next console. Companies always want to take money out of you believing that they will improve on something, it's the opposite!
Greetings from Venezuela

Mira yo he sido siempre de tener una PC, no voy hacer una comparacion de PC y PS5, he visto varios videos de la comparativa en PS5 y PS5 Pro, y lastimosamente no veo la minima diferencia, si acaso, seria que le subieron un poco mas de brillo y contrastes, no importa la escala, la resolucion, ni nada por el estilo o el trazado de raya, sigue siendo igual, pagaras casi el mismo precio de esa consola que comprastes hace años atras, ojala a algunos tenga algo de percepcion y vean que esta nueva version de consola no vale la pena, y ahorrense el dinero para algo mejor mas adelante como por ejemplo la siguiente consola. Siempre las empresas quieren sacar dinero de uno y creyendo que mejoraran en el algo, es todo lo contrario!
Saludos desde Venezuela

It would be a little bit different if the PS5 was offering something like 8k but it isnt. I say, especially around the christmas season, that they will sell though because little kids are usually the biggest offender of wanting the new thing just because it is new!

Even if it was 8k I wouldn't buy it anyway it's something absurd for me I say... but well that's true with most kids, they want that thing because it's something new and in reality it's the same. No offense!

A lot of weird decisions in the making and selling of this console.

I think too a lot of people are failing to realize that just because it says it can output to 4k at 120fps doesnt mean that it can keep up that framerate.