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RE: My first steps into Dragon Age Inquisition, a journey of customization, surprises, and deaths.

in Hive Gaming4 months ago

Have you played any other Dragon Age titles? You might be a bit lost with Inquistion if you haven't! I suggest that you play the others ones first. Although gameplay wise they are different their stories are amazing and tie into Inquisition.

Make sure to play The Legacy DLC for DA2 as it introduces the main baddie in Inq!


No, I haven't played any previous Dragon Age games. In fact, this is the first video game of my life, not counting mobile games, haha. A friend recommended it to me, and I really liked it—it unlocked a new passion for me. 😁

Since I've already started this one, I’ll continue with it, but later on, I'll try to get the previous parts. And thank you so much for the advice, here you have another reader. 😊

You can skip the first game if you really wanted to but should play the second as it lays the ground work for the ongoing Mage Vs Templar conflict in Inquisition. Although if you did want the full story on what started the rebellion you'd need to read the book Asunder!