[GamerGeek Plays] Star Wars: Outlaws | Episode 2: More Bullcrap!

in Hive Gaming5 months ago


Star Wars Outlaws still ceases to impress me. In Let's Play number 2 I get to explore some more of the games mechanics and they are just bad. From flaws in the AI to just crappy gameplay mechanics!

My plan for this episode was to tackle some more of the Story but I got wrapped up doing a side quest which I kept dying at. It was partly due to my own fault and partly because of the crappy AI. Somehow the AI is able to see through obstacles which makes it hard to be stealthy.

During the side quest we had to go and blow up a place to free some animals because the person who was collecting them was a rival to Jabba the Hutt or something like that. We end up meeting with a contact who gives us some explosives and sends us on our way.

Getting in was tricky because of the problem I mentioned above. The one time I was able to get close to the end I got stuck because an NPC was standing on the middle of a set of stairs staring directly into the building I needed to go into.


Ironically, when I did trigger the alarm, despite some of the NPCs being able to see through solid structures, they were easy enough to lose. I have got no clue how Ubisoft could design an AI as bad as what is in Outlaws.

After getting the costumer list which contained the names of the people who the animals are being sold too we are double crossed by our contact. She is really working for The Crimson Dawn and wants the list. We can choose to give it to her or kill her and complete our job. I chose the former.

Now this choice isn't really surprising. The first two choices we faced in the game was to screw over who we were working for. And from what I read this is what all the choices in the game consists of.


On top of all of this headache I was also tired as hell while recording this so I was more prone to "rage" which I did a few times in the video!

Note: I used OBS to record the gameplay and still getting use to the set up for the ps5 which is why there is an echo. I'm unsure if I will do another recorded lets play or not I may just make a post about my next adventures!


I am glad that I am not really a star wars fan. Otherwise I may have spent money on this...

Ya it's not a good game, not in the least.

The game that keeps on giving.

What are the issues you're having with OBS? Are you using a capture card to your PC?

Ya I'm using a capture card. I think what it was is that I had audio recording on both track 1 and track 2 as when I deleted the second track I could still hear my voice but it was almost impossible to hear over the gameplay.

Track 2 is what I usually use for my audio only, track 1 for gameplay audio.

That should be it then. I run the same setup for my PS5 in OBS and I haven't had any issues. First rule of recording: always do a test run.

Am not really into star wars been hearing about it though for years now never got to the to try it out. The gaming looks pretty awsome though