Videogames of my childhood [ENG-ESP]

in Hive Gaming2 years ago


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Hello to all video game lovers at hive gaming! This time I will talk a little about some of the video games that made me love them when I was little and that formed me in terms of tastes about video games and styles of them in addition to remember a little of the video games that were important to me. I hope you like it and I invite you to play it!

Hola a todos los amantes de los videojuegos en hive gaming! En esta ocasión les hablaré un poco sobre algunos de los videojuegos que me hicieron amante de ellos cuando estaba pequeña y que me formaron en cuanto a gustos sobre videojuegos y estilos de los mismos además de recordar un poco algunos de los videojuegos que fueron importantes para mi. Espero les guste y los invito a jugarlo!


Spyro (PS1)



This could be one of the first games I got to play as a child and is quite old, the truth is I do not remember much of the story or what to do exactly but what I do remember is how much I liked that purple dragon and loved to run and go collecting things for him, the other thing I remember was that the Playstation 1 was a complete sensation at the time and I played it on one, which was my brothers, even so I remember a lot about butterflies, colors and rainbows to go collecting things, I think that besides it was one of the games that pushed me to know more about video games but at that time I did not venture to know more about them because it was my time of something I like and then I get interested in something else hahaha still I think it is clear that I did not need a great animation or a great character or exterior design, I was simply attracted by the colors, our peculiar protagonist and the amount of fantastic things that were in the game.

Este podría ser uno de los primeros juegos que llegue a jugar de niña y es bastante viejo, la verdad no recuerdo mucho de la historia o de lo que debía hacer exactamente pero lo que si recuerdo es lo mucho que me gustaba aquel dragón morado y amaba correr e ir recolectando cosas para el, lo otro que recuerdo era que la Playstation 1 era una completa sensación en el momento y yo lo jugué en una, la cuál era de mis hermanos, aún así recuerdo mucho sobre las mariposas, los colores y arcoiris al ir recolectando cosas, creo que además de ello fue uno de los juegos que me impulso a conocer más sobre los videojuegos pero que en aquella época no me aventuraba a conocer más de ellos porque era mi tiempo de algo me gusta y luego me intereso por otra cosa jajaja aún así creo que queda claro que no necesité de una gran animación ni un gran diseño de personajes o exteriores, simplemente me atrajo los colores, nuestro protagonista tan peculiar y la cantidad de cosas fantásticas que había en el juego.



Kirby Super Star Ultra (NINTENDO DS LITE)



About this game I can say that it was the one that made me have Kirby as one of my favorite characters in the world of video games, when my brothers could finally leave aside the stage of playing with the Nintendo DS console I took this opportunity to go deeper into the world of video games and one of the games I remember most was this, this Kirby game is a remake of its first version the Kirby Super Star and play it was spectacular, not only the story with so many fantastic scenarios and full of creativity but for everything else, the design of the characters, the music, the dances, the incredible exteriors, without a doubt this game made me fall in love with adventure and platform video games, a quite simple genre compared to the video games I like now but I think the simplicity gave it its exciting touch, seeing how Kirby has the ability to obtain different skills through eating his enemies fascinates me and besides that its simple form and how it changed when acquiring new skills. It is one of the video games that I remember the most and that I even played more than once because of how incredible it is and how much I like it.

Sobre este juego puedo decir que fue el que me hizo tener a Kirby como uno de mis personajes favoritos en el mundo de los videojuegos, cuando por fin mis hermanos pudieron como dejar de lado la etapa de jugar con la consola de Nintendo DS yo tome está oportunidad para adentrarme más en el mundo de los videojuegos y uno de los juegos que más recuerdo fue este, este juego de Kirby es un remake de su primera versión el Kirby Super Star y jugarlo fue espectacular, no solo la historia con tantos escenarios fantásticos y llenos de creatividad sino por todo lo demás, el diseño de los personajes, la música, los bailes, los increíbles exteriores, sin duda este juego hizo que me enamorara de los videojuegos de aventura y de plataformas, un género bastante simple comparado a los videojuegos que me gustan ahora pero creo que la simpleza le daba su toque emocionante, el ver como kirby tiene la capacidad de obtener distintas habilidades a través de comerse a sus enemigos me fascina y además de ello su forma simple y como cambiaba al adquirir las nuevas habilidades. Es uno de los videojuegos que más recuerdo y que incluso llegué a jugar más de una vez de lo increíble que es y lo mucho que me gusta.



Epic Mickey (WII)



Already a little closer to the present, actually this console is already 17 years since its launch hahaha, we have this Wii console game which was a great success because of its history and good also for the beautiful cinematics that guide us little by little as we complete the story, this action-adventure platform game adventures us into the life of Mickey mouse that accidentally makes the world of forgotten characters and must find a way to repair it. What I liked most about this game and sadly I could not get to finish was the amount of mini-games it has, it feels like the game has no end and sometimes although the mini-games or extra missions may seem somewhat tedious of a game in my opinion make the player enjoy more content by the game through small stories. The Wii and the Nintendo DS were the consoles that I used the most in my childhood and adolescence and without a doubt great games like this one left a mark on me.

Ya un poco más cerca de la actualidad, en realidad ya está consola está cumpliendo 17 años desde su lanzamiento jajaja, tenemos este juego de la consola Wii el cual fue un gran éxito debido a su historia y bueno también por las bonitas cinemáticas que nos van guiando poco a poco al ir completando la historia, este juego de plataformas acción-aventura nos aventura a la vida de Mickey mouse que por accidente hace que el mundo de los personajes olvidados y debe buscar la manera de repararlo. Lo que más me gustaba de este juego y que tristemente no pude llegar a terminar fue la cantidad de minijuegos que tiene, se siente como si el juego no tuviera fin y es que a veces aunque los minijuegos o misiones extras pueden parecer algo tediosas de un juego en mi opinión hacen que el jugador disfrute de más contenido por parte del juego a través de pequeñas historias. El Wii y el nintendo DS fueron de las consolas que más usé en gran parte de mi niñez y adolescencia y sin duda grandes juegos como éste dejaron una marca en mi.



Alone in the dark (WII)



Alone in the dark was one of the first horror games I tried and although the graphics were not at all nice and sometimes you could not distinguish anything around you because the game was quite dark and the shapes were not very defined I definitely took several scares with it, this game was not played alone not only because I was afraid of some of the monsters that came out in it but I was still trying to get used to that level of tension and speed that demanded this type of game, part of it was completed by my brother until he was unable to advance in a scene where it was very difficult to advance even so I loved it and I think it was one of the first horror games that encouraged me to learn more about this genre in video games then having as favorite games resident evil, until dawn and others.

Alone in the dark fue uno de los primeros juegos de terror que probé y aunque las gráficas no eran para nada agradables y a veces no podías distinguir nada de tu alrededor debido a que el juego era bastante oscuro y las formas no eran muy definidas definitivamente me lleve varios sustos con el, este juego no lo jugaba sola no solo porque me daba miedo algunos de los monstruos que salían en el sino que aún estaba intentando acostumbrarme a ese nivel de tensión y de rapidez que exigía este tipo de juego, parte de el lo completó mi hermano hasta que el se quedó sin poder avanzar en una escena donde era muy difícil avanzar aún así me encantó y creo que fue uno de los primeros juegos de terror que me incentivaron a conocer más sobre este género dentro de los videojuegos luego teniendo como juegos favoritos resident evil, until dawn y otros más.



These are some of the first games I played during my childhood and part of my adolescence which made me love video games and made me start and investigate much more about this incredible world, some of them forged what would be some of my tastes in genres of video games today and not only that but helped me to venture and learn more genres and more great video games. Some of the things we know in our childhood or adolescence may come to mark us in the sense that something specific will last for many years in our tastes and thanks to my brothers and many youtubers that even today I still see I can say that video games is something that will never leave my being.

I recommend you to play some of these games, nostalgia will be present at all times and fun will be found in every corner as well as monsters and villains.

Estos son algunos de los primeros juegos que juegue durante mi infancia y parte de mi adolescencia los cuales me hicieron amar a los videojuegos y me hicieron iniciar e indagar mucho más sobre este increíble mundo, algunos de ellos forjaron los que serían algunos de mis gustos en géneros de videojuegos de la actualidad y no solo eso sino que me ayudaron a aventurarme y conocer más géneros y más videojuegos grandioso. Parte de las cosas que conocemos en nuestra infancia o adolescencia puede que lleguen a marcarnos en el sentido de que algo en específico durará muchísimos años en nuestros gustos y ya que gracias a mis hermanos y muchos youtubers que incluso al día de hoy sigo viendo puedo decir que los videojuegos es algo que nunca va a abandonar mi ser.

Les recomiendo jugar algunos de estos juegos, la nostalgia estará presente en todo momento y la diversión se encontrará en cada esquina así como los monstruos y los villanos.



 "Once you believe, the truth and a lie are quite the same thing. Let your heart decide. It's in your heart you must confide... - Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days."

"Una vez que crees, la verdad y la mentira son la misma cosa. Deja que tu corazón decida. Es en tu corazón en quien debes confiar... - Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days."


I hope you liked this post, even if it's not about a new game it's great to remember those games that have been created that have marked their way through history. Thank you very much for reading and for joining me here. See you soon!

Espero que les haya gustado este post, aunque no sea de un juego nuevo es buenísimo recordar aquellos juegos que se han creado que han marcado su paso por la historia. Muchas gracias por leerme y por acompañarme hasta aquí. Nos vemos pronto!

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All the photos are my property/Todas las imágenes son de mi autoría

Divisores, imagen de bienvenida y imagen final de mi propiedad editadas en PicsArt | Dividers, welcome image and final image of my property edited in PicsArt



Out of all of these Spyro was the only one I have played. I remeber playing for hours trying to save the dragons. From memory Spyro was the only dragon not to get incased in crystal and your role in the game was to collect gems to unlock each Crystal Statue which would release the dragon within. This game was so much fun.
Thanks for sharing, have a great day!\

Yes, that's exactly how the game was, I was recently reading more about the history of Spyro games and I found out that it's already 24 years old and although I don't remember much about it I just know that it was totally awesome, a game that is the perfect description of less is more and that with its simplicity attracted many players of different ages. Thanks for reading me ^^

 2 years ago  

Spyro the dragon. I haven’t heard that name in a while. That was a fun game. I remember freeing the other bigger dragons who were all trapped in statues and I think your sidekick was a magic dragonfly? I can’t remember the villains of the game—I want to say they were trolls and one of them was defeated by heating up their armor with your dragon fire-breath, and that most of them made really funny noises. I’ll have to look it up but it’s nice stroll down memory-lane remembering that PS1 game. Great post.

Totally, today after so many years I would like to play it again and be able to pass the story, I think it was a great start with video games as it helped me not only to try consoles but it generated me more desire to know about more video games, a great game that we will all remember with the mythical purple dragon. Thanks for reading me ^^

Games during childhood seem to represent so much more than the average person thinks. There is a certain feeling of nostalgia playing it again later in life and a sense of understanding of how the game helped shape the player into what they are today. Thanks for sharing your story.

Yes, totally. I always like to give importance to all those things that once made me happy and well video games have always been an important part of my life because sometimes I get to relate to them and yes, I think something that is not said enough is the amount of people who are what they are today thanks to an important event in their lives, in my case not only have been video games but these ahn helped me in many aspects of my life and I'm glad to talk a little about them here, giving them the importance they deserve. Thanks for reading me and leave me your opinion ^^

Este post es nostalgia de principio a fin amigo. Gracias por recordarme los hermosos Epic Mickey y Kirby Super Star Ultra ❤️

Totalmente, recordar es vivir. Gracias por leerme ^^

Sobre este juego puedo decir que fue el que me hizo tener a Kirby como uno de mis personajes favoritos en el mundo de los videojuegos

Me ocurrió prácticamente igual, aunque en mi caso jugué a la versión original con un emulador años después de que salió. Recuerdo que conocí a Kirby gracias a uno de los primeros Smash, luego supe que tenia sus propios juego y quedé encantado. Esa mecánica de absorber y obtener habilidades variadas en función al tipo de monstruo, siempre me pareció de las más divertidas, por eso también era mi favorito en Smash 😁.

A mi igual, siento que todo en la historia de Kirby es tan increíble y atrayente, su forma física y sus habilidades lo hacen un pequeño ser que muchos subestiman pero que es alguien realmente poderoso. Gracias por leerme ^^

 2 years ago  

Nice list. Alone in the dark wasn't that great for me though. I thought it was a Silent Hill clone.

Thank you! Yes, the truth is a pretty bland game in terms of story but it seems more like a combination of many games in one and well not only this but adding the design of this one, many of us will remember it like this and maybe it could have been something more. Thanks for reading ^^

I've never even heard of this first game but it looks great. Of course I wouldn't play it now, but running around with a purple dragon when I was 6 or 7 years old would have been awesome. I've seen the other games before and they look fun.

By the way, I see that your posts are very good but your activity on Hive is low. If you want other people to visit and comment on your posts, you should visit some people's posts too. In short, engagement is one of the keys in Hive. Please consider this advice ^^

Totally, in those days it was something completely innovative and different hahahaha still I will treasure it in my memory for being a very nice and creative game.
And thanks for the recommendation! I will be a bit more active on that side of hive and seeing more post from my colleagues, thanks for reading me c:

Me encantó de principio a fin! Que gran post! La verdad leer todo esto me hizo recordar y pensar en los juegos que marcaron mi infancia y los cuales moldearon los gustos que tengo ahora...Me gustaría hacer un post al respecto si no te molesta!

Muchas gracias por leerme y me alegro que te gustara! Siempre es bonito recordar todas aquellas cosas que nos hicieron felices en nuestros días más preciados como lo son los de nuestra infancia. Y claro! No hay problema, me parece genial que quieras hablar de ellos, eso sí mencioname para poder leerte también c:

Lo haré no te preocupes!

Yes I agree with you when it comes to Alone in the Dark, some things were badly rendered and ended up scaring me just for the tension and fear of the game even though the badly rendered figures were not as scary as recent games, however it is as they say of Resident Evil 2, you are more scared without knowing what is happening than what is actually going to happen.

It's so interesting to see how different games can have such an impact on our lives and shape our interests. I have fond memories of playing some games when I was growing up, and those games are still some of my all-time favorites.

Yes, I think the things we saw or heard in our childhood will always shape us into the person we are now in terms of tastes, in general most of the things I liked as a child I still like and video games is an aspect that has only been escalating because I always liked them a lot. Thanks for reading me ^^