Diving into the basics in Taxi Life: A City Driving Simulator (Gameplay Part 1)

in Hive Gaminglast year



Happy Monday everyone! ...If even that was a real wishing as we all hate Mondays, aren't we?!

Anyway, while I kept sharing in the past few Mondays my progress in Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora, I thought about making the things a bit different now and share my first gameplay into Taxi Life: A City Driving Simulator which my boyfriend was looking forward to release and purchased just seconds away, but which we ended up playing together.

Just like its name says, we are talking about a simulator game in this case, and as we both are big fans of simulation in all its forms whether it's driving, fishing, cooking, shopping, etc, there was no chance to not onboard into Taxi Life: A City Driving Simulator.

I was actually more interested in a different taxi simulator game but since that one wasn't released yet, we thought that spending time in Taxi Life is a great start and time spent, especially with so much work lately that got us pretty exhausted. The funny thing is, that along with the challenges of life, even if we felt like there was no time for gaming anymore, we never gave up properly on this passion but rather saved a bit of time every few days to spend on a simulating game that turned out very relaxing and calming in comparison with our daily routines.


The game begins with a bit of scenery and story sharing, then you are taken to the part of customizing your character and business which felt a bit incomplete for us seeing just 4 men to pick from and literally no women, while the icons for the business were obviously a lot more. Personally, I think the character is at least equally as important as the business and would have enjoyed seeing more faces to pick from or even custom design the whole character, including body shape and clothing too.


So after we made this step a lot quicker than we wished, we began our tutorial which you can skip if you want but for us felt just great to get used to the game commands and style of driving. Actually, all the buttons inside the car are working as in real life and you could easily use these without having the tutorial to get through, but we wanted to have a full experience from start to finish.


After we got used to the buttons that were pretty intuitive for us as real drivers too, we began our first exam which came with emotion as a real one, lol. This included parking the car in different ways which was going to be very important later on during our rides since the city is very crowded and comes with plenty of narrow alleys too.

Talking about the city, the map of Taxi Life: A City Driving Simulator is entirely designed after Barcelona, Spain, which was created 1:1 but sadly incomplete. For me as a traveller and visitor of Barcelona felt a lot more exciting even recognizing places I've visited during my trip and the paths I walked down to. But the game currently has just one-third of the whole Barcelona map.


Happily, passing the first exam was a success and we moved on to the more interesting part of the game, namely to deliver clients from one side of Barcelona to a different one. This was also part of the exam but was concluded with another success too.

I remember playing GTA III either as a driver on an Ambulance or on a Taxi and it felt so satisfying! Now I can handle the Taxi part pretty awesome in a game created with this purpose, haha.


As soon as we earn our license as Taxi drivers, we have a quick stop at the gas station but also at the garage where the whole magic happens, from hiring people for your own company to buying cars or vehicle parts, from custom tunning your car to even resting, repairing the car or cleaning it.

But if it has to give an honest opinion over the whole gaming experience, then this game was released way too early and there are a lot of things that need to be fixed, from lots of bugs to AI fails and whatnot. Basically, you drive nicely and wake up in the middle of an accident without even seeing those cars coming, cars stopping into each other in front of you, some other vehicles floating in the sky, and many more. I'm actually working on a video with all the mistakes and glitches we've met so far.

Sadly, the reviews are pretty terrible for the game at the current time, but from the experience of a simulation fan, I don't think this game is that bad. It does have drop frames and glitches but so do most of the games these days. So even if there are things that hopefully will be fixed soon, I still think that it's a playable game and that simulator game fans should give this a try.

Oh, and if it wasn't obvious already, this video includes the full tutorial and beginning into the game while the next few episodes I'll release from Taxi Life: A City Driving Simulator will be a lot more specific and less boring to watch.

Taxi Life: A City Driving Simulator YouTube Playlist

Taxi Life: A City Driving Simulator full gameplay:

more coming soon...

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Gabriela Travels is the FOUNDER of "Festival Mania" who started this community from the passion of attending various festivals and with the purpose of encouraging more people to explore festivals all around the world and share their experiences. At the same time, Gabriela is an independent Graphic Design Freelancer since 2019 completing over 600+ orders in this time and collaborating with various businesses and people from all over the globe. Additionally, Gabriela has her own corner on the internet since 2017 where she writes various articles for her blog, the most popular being the travel ones (260+ articles written on this field), but also abording other topics as well, like game reviews, movie and series reviews, photography posts, cooking recipes and more, boosting the total number of articles written to 550+ blog posts. Gabriela is also a gamer since she was 11 years old and gaming remains one of her biggest passions along with traveling, editing, cooking, and doing various sports activities.

~ @GabrielaTravels ~


 last year  

I am also a fan of simulators but mostly of the management of things like a supermarket, a cafe or some kind of company more than all as the tycoon, I recently played the punch club. this interesting game especially for the theme of driving and pedestrians should one be quite aware I guess. That chimbo that has different bugs but it is normal to leave so early as you say, I think the AI is paramount in this type of game. Good post <3

Respecting driving rules is essential in this game. Not only that you end up getting fees when being noticed by a car police, put even the clients you drive from one place to another often ask to drive more responsible or even threaten that they will call 911 if you don't stop driving risky and so on.

I've got my eyes on a supermarket simulator too, which wasn't released long time ago either. But the problem is... The time. As you might know these simulator games often ask for a lot of time from us and it's usually hard to focus on more than one at the same time. Or at least, it's like that for me. Thank you for taking time to read and stop by 🤗

I like simulator games, wish I had more time for games but I didnt touch one in last 2 years I guess, designing and crafting it takes all my time :D

I feel like that a lot lately too. But taking 2-3 taxi rides quick always makes me feel better lol 😆

I remember similar games in the past. But this one obviously more graphically advanced. I played a few simulator like this too but these days, MMORPG takes a lot of my time 😁

I was the opposite for me, haha. Playing a lot of mmorpgs in my youth and now going totally crazy for simulators. But both mmorpgs and simulator require a lot of time and it's hard to keep playing them both for sure. 🤗

I know it's probably obnoxious, but my first thought on seeing that there was a taxi driving simulator was to wonder, "when do Uber and Lyft come into the game and ruin your income potential?" 😆

A friend shared a supermarket simulator game in Discord the other day, and as someone who worked in a supermarket as a teenager, I didn't want to relive that experience. Hopefully when you get around to trying that game out, it is a lot more fun for you than the reality was for me!

Thank you for sharing. 💜


Lol hahaha. A good one!

I have that Supermarket Simulator on my wishlist steam. I never worked in a simulator but my boyfriend did and I know how stressful and traumatic can be. However the game shows more the satisfying part to me which made me want to get it whenever I'll afford that one.

Thank you for stopping by. It was a pleasure reading your comment 😁

I think driving games are always j interesting though especially something like this that has a taxi feature
It will be a very nice one

I absolutely love it!!

This is science and technology at work. The taxi life is advanced and interesting compare with similar games.

It is! Too bad it has lots of negative reviews but the glitches will be fixed soon for sure.


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