[ESP][ENG] Mew and its curious origin in the Pokémon saga / Mew y su curioso origen en la saga Pokémon

in Hive Gaming4 years ago (edited)

Español / English

Pokémon es una de las franquicias más reconocidas por la mayoría de jugadores en todo el mundo, la cual abarca diferentes industrias como la de juguetes, cómics, ropa, entre otras, pero donde ha tenido más relevancia es en los videojuegos. Desde que fueron lanzados los primeros títulos llamados Red y Blue nacieron un sinfín de especulaciones referentes a los Pokémon, una de ellas era la aparición de Mew.

Pokémon is one of the most recognized franchises by most players around the world, which covers different industries such as toys, comics, clothing, among others, but where it has had more relevance is in video games. Since the first titles called Red and Blue were released, there have been a lot of speculations about Pokémon, one of them was the appearance of Mew.

En el momento que fueron desarrollados los juegos Pokémon Red y Blue no se tenía planificado la introducción de este monstruo, ya que el juego cuando estaba totalmente finalizado ocupaba toda la memoria de los cartuchos de la época, sin embargo, cuando al código se le pasó un depurador para reducir un poco su tamaño, quedando apenas unos 300 bytes libres, algo que el programador Shigeki Morimoto aprovecharía.

At the time the Pokémon Red and Blue games were developed, the introduction of this monster was not planned, since the game when it was completely finished took up all the memory of the cartridges of the time, however, when the code was debugged to reduce its size a little, leaving only about 300 bytes free, something that the programmer Shigeki Morimoto would take advantage of.

Morimoto conjuntamente con la participación de otros programadores decidieron incluir a Mew como un Pokémon secreto, el cual se podía usar en cualquier momento. Este no afectaría la historia ni la jugabilidad dentro del juego, ya que no estaba destinado a aparecer de forma oficial, sin embargo, ciertos hechos cambiaron el rumbo de la historia de este pequeño Pokémon, convirtiéndose en unos de los más populares.

Morimoto together with the participation of other programmers decided to include Mew as a secret Pokémon, which could be used at any time. This would not affect the story or gameplay within the game, as it was not destined to appear officially, however, certain events changed the course of the story of this little Pokémon, becoming one of the most popular.

Satoshi Tajiri (presidente de Game Freak) decide usar un manga muy famoso llamado CoroCoro Comic presentando a Mew, con la finalidad de realizar un experimento y ver la reacción de las personas, para esto se diseñó de forma limitada cartas de colección de dicho Pokémon las cuales serían repartidas en varios tomos. Para sorpresa de Tajiri esto daría comienzo a una bola de nieve indetenible.

Satoshi Tajiri (president of Game Freak) decided to use a very famous manga called CoroCoro Comic featuring Mew, in order to conduct an experiment and see the reaction of people, for this was designed in a limited way collection cards of this Pokémon which would be distributed in several volumes. To Tajiri's surprise, this would start an unstoppable snowball.

Todos hablaban de este Pokémon misterioso, especulando la posibilidad de poder conseguirlo en los cartuchos, esto era la intención de Tajiri, que los jugadores llegaran a formular rumores e historias sobre Mew. Fue así como el 15 de abril de ese mismo año se anunció el primer evento especial para obtener a este Pokémon, el cual consistía en una competición entre entrenadores. Aquí repartieron dicho monstruo a los 151 mejores participantes.

Everyone was talking about this mysterious Pokémon, speculating the possibility of being able to get it in the cartridges, this was Tajiri's intention, that players would formulate rumors and stories about Mew. Thus, on April 15 of the same year, the first special event to obtain this Pokémon was announced, which consisted of a competition between trainers. Here, the 151 best participants were awarded the monster.

En aquellos tiempos para poder activar a Mew se debía entregar el cartucho del juego a un representante oficial de Nintendo, él introducía el juego en un kit de desarrollo y a través de ciertos códigos activaba a Mew, de esta forma lo tendrías en tu inventario Pokémon. Muchas personas al ver que Mew era una realidad dentro del juego empezaron una travesía para conseguirlo, consiguiendo formas muy curiosas para poder adquirirlo.

In those days, in order to activate Mew, you had to give the game cartridge to an official Nintendo representative, he would introduce the game in a development kit and through certain codes he would activate Mew, in this way you would have it in your Pokémon inventory. Many people saw that Mew was a reality in the game and began a journey to get it, getting very curious ways to acquire it.

Uno de los métodos más famosos de conseguir a Mew en Pokémon era a través de un glitch, el cual consistía en hacer ciertos pasos de manera exacta, si el jugador lograba hacerlos podía conseguir a Mew sin la necesidad de un evento oficial por parte de Nintendo, la única desventaja de conseguirlo de esta forma era que no se podía transferir de un cartucho a otro. También por medio de cartuchos de códigos como el Action Replay te permitían desbloquear a este monstruo.

One of the most famous methods to get Mew in Pokémon was through a glitch, which consisted in doing certain steps in an exact way, if the player managed to do them he could get Mew without the need of an official event by Nintendo, the only disadvantage of getting it this way was that it could not be transferred from one cartridge to another. Also by means of code cartridges like the Action Replay allowed you to unlock this monster.

Es increíble como un pequeño código de 300 bytes puede hacer que una multitud de personas se unan entre sí para dar origen a diversas cosas, en este caso encontrar un pequeño Pokémon el cual fue muy relevante en la historia de los videojuegos. Actualmente existen personas que siguen buscando la forma de obtenerlo en versiones más recientes del juego, esto da a entender que Mew ha sido unos de los Pokémon más deseados por muchos de los jugadores de esta franquicia.

It is incredible how a small code of 300 bytes can make a multitude of people join together to give rise to various things, in this case to find a small Pokémon which was very relevant in the history of video games. Currently there are people who are still looking for the way to get it in more recent versions of the game, this suggests that Mew has been one of the most desired Pokémon by many players of this franchise.

¿Sabías el origen de este Pokémon? Dime tu opinión en la sección de comentarios

Did you know the origin of this Pokémon? Tell me your opinion in the comments section

See You!!!

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Awesome! I didn’t know about this. I always thought Mew was planned to be in the game from the get go. Mew is something special. I’ve been so excited to get him in every Pokémon game since that first.

Hi @pusen, as you say Mew is very special since before the video game was released, at the beginning its developers never thought it would become one of the most popular Pokémon, all because of rumors that were spreading by the players themselves. Thank you very much for being in this little gamer corner.

Oh wow, I didn't know how Mew was first introduced in the original games. An event Pokémon from far before consoles would support internet connection - so cool!
This was definetly one of the most interesting articles I have read recently, thank for sharing!

Hi @goodguymate, excellent that you liked the post. These events were held regularly in Japan, but the interesting thing is how they put the extra content on the cartridge, that is, since the games were released they had this hidden content, you only needed to unlock it, something that was achieved with the development kits of that time.

Nowadays it is much easier, just by downloading a few patches from the internet you get the prize. How things change over the years.

its a platypus

wow this hit me hard


i made my own NFT Pokemon cards using my own physical cards



ackzacharizardsandiego90s - Copy.gif

One of my favorite games. I use to be a gym league trainer at toys r us when they have the Pokemon league. I played with the kids and gave them mew cards if they beat me. We were required to not win. The funny thing is I choose Sabrina the psychic Pokemon gym leader. I still got the shirt from over 20 ago.



mew = platypus

Gods genetic Eastern egg


mew = platypus

Gods genetic Eastern egg


haha wow 69$ after i reblogged nice

 4 years ago  Reveal Comment

Woa! Pokémon Yellow, is one of my favorite games of the franchise, I remember that it was launched motivated by the T.V. series of those years, however, the one that I dedicated more hours to it at the time was Pokémon Red. All of them are excellent videogames for me.