Some Hidden Unique Blocks In Minecraft - Bedrock Edition

in Hive Gaming3 years ago

Hey yo, guys! What's up? I hope u have fun today.

Have u ever played Minecraft? I'm sure most of u will answer "yes". Or at least, there might be people who've only heard of this game, but they've never played it. Oh come on, this sandbox game is so much fun! U should try it. But take it ez, i'm not gonna force u, just telling u. Hehe.

For those who love to play Minecraft, ooh... i'm sure u guys are pro players! U must already know very well about mobs, blocks, and items. But, did u know? There are some hidden blocks in Minecraft. And only some players know about the existence of these blocks, because they can only be obtained using commands. So, we can only access these blocks in creative mode, or in survival mode with cheats enabled. And these blocks are very unique and have various features. What're those blocks? Let's find out!

1. Command Blocks

U could say these blocks are hidden. But i'm sure most of Minecraft players already know alot about them. Yep, these are command blocks, the most famous hidden blocks among Minecraft pro players. Wait a minute... hidden but famous?

As the name, the function of these blocks is to execute commands, which are set by the player. I was confused once, do players really use commands to get command blocks? It seems so weird. Why not just type what u want into the command directly? Why use command blocks, isn't it the same? Well... it's not like that.
If we just type the command directly, then if we want the same command again, we have to retype it again. But if we use the command block, we just need to type the command once and the command can be used many times.

Command block has 4 variations, such as :

Impulse Command Block (Original)
Chain Command Block (Green)
Repeating Command Block (Purple)
Command Block with Minecart

And here are the commands u have to type to get them :

/give @s command_block

/give @s chain_command_block

/give @s repeating_command_block

/give @s command_block_minecart

For how it works, take the impulse command block. The interface will look like this.

Enter the command into the Command Input. For example, i wanna summon a cat, so i type /summon cat. Then close the interface. To activate a command block, we can use a button, lever, pressure plate, or another redstone item.

2. Allow & Deny Block

These two blocks look similar, but have opposite types. Yeah, it's obvious from their names. And their names that describe their function. In survival or adventure mode, u can place any block on top of the allow block. But otherwise, u can't place any block on top of the deny block.

And here are the commands u have to type to get them :

/give @s allow

/give @s deny

3. Structure Block

Do u wanna make a city? I'm sure there must be several similar buildings in the city. Or maybe u wanna move but want the same house in a new place? Don't worry, it'll be so ez! All u need is this block.

Structure block is a block used to copy a building or structure. So we can rebuild a building in just an instant. I think this is a good reason to hide this block because of its great feature. I'm sure you're gonna like it very much.

I'd like to tell u about how to use structure block. For example, i'm gonna copy this small building.

Place the structure block outside the corner of the building. The interface will look like this. Select the "Save" mode. Then enter structure name. For this building, i named it WoolyRoom. Size and offset must also be adjusted according to the size of the building. Click "Detect" and then click "Save", so the building is ready to be copied.

To paste the building, put the structure block in another place. After that, switch the mode to "Load". Then enter the name of the building. Adjust the offset if needed, and then click "Load".

Look! Now we have 2 of the same building! That's ez, right?

Well, here's the command to get a structure block.
/give @s structure_block

4. Jigsaw Block

At first glance it looks like a structure block, but it has a jigsaw puzzle shape on its side. I just accidentally found this block while typing the command to request a block with the initial letter J. But i saw there's a block called jigsaw on the top of the list. I was very curious, so i took this block.

At first, i have no idea about this block. But after knowing from my friend, it's actually a block that functions similarly to a structure block. He said this block can generate all kinds of structures. For example, we can generate a village with this block. But unluckily, it only works in Java Edition, not Bedrock. The reason is that there's no "Generate" button in the jigsaw block of the Bedrock edition. It makes this block useless. I hope in the next update the generate jigsaw block feature is added to the Bedrock Edition.

By the way, here's the command if u wanna get this block.
/give @s jigsaw

5. Border Block

This is a wall, but not just an ordinary wall. Do u know? If this wall placed, it would block anything from top to bottom. That's the border block. When this block is placed, all mobs and players can't cross it. Except you, in creative mode. So this is very useful if there's an important area that u wanna keep safe.

You see those red particles above the block, right? That's a sign that everything can't pass through this border block. Even the wither can't pass through it. Lmao.

Here's the command if u wanna get a border block.
/give @s border_block

6. Barrier

Whoa, what is this? Forbidden block? Haha, it's not like that. Just look at the name, it's obvious right? It's a barrier. Maybe u can see this block if i hold it. But if i don't hold it, this block becomes invisible!

You'll definitely be confused if u feel blocked even though there's nothing in front of you. It must because of this block. Apart from this block being a barrier, I think this block can be used to make various things.

See? Now you can make invisible cages for animals.

Look! The floating gravel and sand! Are those illegal?

And we can even make a real flying fox. LoL XD.

That's what it's for. And here's the command to get it.
/give @s barrier

7. Structure Void

Actually this block is similar to a barrier, both can be invisible. But all mobs and players can pass through this block. Wait... is this a ghost block? Hahaha, it looks like that but it won't haunt u. That's the unique characteristic of this block.

Oh come on, don't think this block is useless. Because in fact, structure void is very useful for various building hacks!

We can make a magic carpet!

Ooh, floaty stairs!

This is also useful to make an umbrella!

Wanna try this block?
/give @s structure_void

8. Light Block

Have you ever thought about lighting up an area without torches or lanterns? Do u think it's impossible? No, if you use light block. Light block is a block that is used to give a light effect. This block is also invisible when not held. The light intensity ranges from 0 to 15. So it's a great way to light up a room without wasting space.

Here's the command to get the light block.
/give @s light_block

Alright guys, That's all i can tell u about the hidden blocks in Minecraft Bedrock Edition. I hope u like them. I'm sorry if i made some mistakes in this post. And thanks a lot for your visit!

See ya soon!

 3 years ago  

I love Minecraft and I've been playing it for years. I already knew most blocks because I used to play a lot with commands before, but I see that there is a big difference between bedrock and java. There are a lot of blocks that are not in the java version (the one I play the most). I found the structure block amazing, I wish I had something like that in the java version.

I hope so. Thanks for ur feedback :)

Congratulations my daughter @frianz13 👍🤩🥳 meskipun mamah kurang paham tentang game Minecraft, tetap semangat menulis ya☺️

Good luck 🥰

Iya mah. Makasih ya mah 🙏🏻😇

It would be cool to be able to use some of these in survival and not be considered a "cheater". I always felt a bit frustrated that there are no renewable item sources (expect villagers, yes, but they don't trade a huge variety of items and blocks). With a command block, there could be, an infinite magma geyser, for example. Right? Or an infinite gold source. Would spare me a ton of time scavenging caves!

Yeah, you're right.

Btw, i often wonder why villagers trade the common items with emeralds, the rare item in Minecraft. And why not just use copper, gold, or diamonds? Is it because of their green eyes? Lol. I always think about that 😅

Hah, I never buy anything with emeralds I actually mined - I always first sell something (usually crops or veggies), acquire emeralds, and then spend them. Almost impossible to find enough of them! And that's just one of the many weird features about MC 🤷‍