Wild Rift: Good Plays With MORGANA (ARAM) / Buenas Jugadas Con MORGANA (ARAM)

in Hive Gaming2 years ago


Morgana is a champion that I had played once before (this would be the second time) and I remember that that first time did not go well, I do not remember if we won that game, but what I do remember is that my performance in that game was not outstanding. But this time and after a few months after that first game, I was able to play again with Morgana and my performance with this champion, despite not being spectacular, I think I did a good game. Really in this game my team did quite well and we had a wide margin of advantage during almost all the game, although there were some moments of mistakes and miscommunication, in the end we gave an excellent victory.

Morgana is a character that is considered as support and although I personally liked to use this champion in a more active and attacking role. Her abilities are simple to use and in general I don't think she is a champion with a very high difficulty of use. His abilities are:


SOUL SIPHON This is her passive ability and consists of Morgana being able to recover her health points by hitting enemy units and champions with her abilities.


DARK BINDING His first active ability consists of a dark magic attack that is able to paralyze an enemy champion and also cause magic damage.


TORMENTED SHADOW This ability consists of an area of damage with which the enemies that are within this area will receive damage, in addition, this damage increases the less life points the enemy units and champions have.


BLACK SHIELD This ability allows her to grant herself (Morgana) or an allied champion a shield that is capable of absorbing magic damage.


SOUL SHACKLES Morgana's ultimate ability consists of an attack that throws chains at enemy champions, which in addition to causing magic damage, slows them down, while giving Morgana movement speed. Finally, those champions who fail to break the chains will be stunned.

Morgana en un campeón que ya había jugado una vez anteriormente (esta sería la segunda) y recuerdo que aquella primera vez no me fue del todo bien, no recuerdo si ganamos esa partida, pero lo que si recuerdo es que mi desempeño en esa partida no fue sobresaliente. Pero esta vez y luego de unos meses de aquella primera partida, pude jugar nuevamente con Morgana y mi desempeño con este campeón a pesar no de ser espectacular, creo que hice una buena partida. Realmente en esta partida mi equipo lo hizo bastante bien y teníamos un amplio margen de ventaja durante casi todo lo que duró esta partida, aunque hubo algunos momentos de equivocaciones y mala comunicación, al final dimos una excelente victoria.

Morgana es un personaje que es considerado como soporte y aunque a mí en lo personal me gusto más usar a este campeón en un rol un poco más activo y de atacante. Sus habilidades son simples de usar y en general no creo que sea un campeón con una dificultad de uso muy elevada. Sus habilidades son:


SIFÓN DEL ALMA Esta es su habilidad pasiva y consiste en que Morgana podrá recuperar sus puntos de vida al impactar sus habilidades en unidades y campeones enemigos.


HECHIZO OSCURO Su primera habilidad activa consiste en un ataque de magia oscura que es capaz de paralizar a un campeón enemigo y además causarle daño mágico.


SOMBRA MALDITA Esta habilidad consiste en un área de daño con la cual los enemigos que se encuentren dentro de dicha área recibirán daño, además, dicho daño aumenta mientras menos puntos de vida tengan las unidades y campeones enemigos.


ESCUDO NEGRO Esta habilidad le permite otorgarse a ella misma (a Morgana) o a un campeón aliado un escudo que es capaz de absorber daño mágico.


GRILLETES DEL ALMA La habilidad definitiva de Morgana consiste en un ataque que lanza a los campeones enemigos unas cadenas, las cuales además de causarles daño mágico, los ralentiza, mientras que a Morgana le otorga velocidad de movimiento. Y para finalizar, aquellos campeones que no logren romper las cadenas, serán aturdidos.


This Yasuo is an example of what they say about both versions: It's no use thinking you will make great moves just by playing the Hurricane and using the Ultimate, the guy has a character that can stop almost any enemy attack but prefers to play one against all, unfortunate to see this scene as a Main Yasuo, you play well as Morgana if you want to play a composition later send me an invitation in Wild Rift.

The few times I've played with Yasuo I've done terrible, I don't know how to use that champion, it's, at least for me, quite difficult to control. But it's like you say, if a person who knew how to play it had used it, I would have lost that game.