Join the Resident Evil Resistance - or crush it!
It was hard to get into a match because players are limited to our own region, leading to queue lines longer than five minutes. But once I was finally playing, it did feel like I was part of the Resident Evil universe.

Game modes
Me and three other survivors were up against a villain mastermind, making it a 4v1 PvP game. Each survivor has a different set of skills, like area heal, item scouting, device hacking, great melee fighting, etc. If we go down, someone has to get us back up just like in Left 4 Dead. I haven't played as a villain yet, but I know choices are also unique.
We had to go through three stages of a map to escape / win, while the mastermind would essentially spawn zombies, boost them and even take direct control of our undead enemies. He could also set traps and turn cameras into machine guns. His job was to delay our escape.
There are no other gamemodes available on the beta version and there is only one map which goes through a slight random generation to make things a little bit different every time we play.

The Resident Evil feel is spot on
Let's talk about the movement. It is sort of slow but it never feels sluggish because levels are kind of cramped. Just like in a regular game from the franchise, you can walk and run, you can't jump, there are buttons to push and items to pick up.
Combat is rightfully clunky for a rpg-ish online game, but still within the RE expectation. Aiming and shooting is actually pretty smooth. You can only blame yourself for not getting those headshots.
Characters have good design. They don't get many situations to show off their charisma, but they are very likeable. Classic monsters like those damn dogs are present. So is Mr. X.

I am not Jill (sadly)
Here is my best experience so far: in the second match, I killed a supply zombie (he has a backpack) and picked up a one-shot bazooka. It was suddenly my job to end Mr. X's rampage soon! I could feel the endgame hype.
My buddies started being attacked, but they were far from me. When I got there, they were already dead. By the time I tried to equip my bazooka, I was swarmed and died before I could shoot. Since it is game over then, it was all that much more intense. I failed but dang was it fun.
Try it for yourself on Steam

Resident Evil is my best of the best game from my childood
lol i played it from PS1
but cant play again (dont have time) after become an adult :D
Yeah, I played resident evil 1 2 and 3 back in the day too. They're awesome. Silent Hill 1 is amazing too. And I'm pretty sure you have time, though! You should play.
haha yes, silent hill too is super fun game
btw, can we do something in hive to earn more hive by playing games? i am looking for it but still cant find it