Sky Fighters: An epic phone game - review [ENG/ESP]

in Hive Gaming3 years ago

Hello to all friends of the community of gamers in the blockchain, in today's publication I want to share with you the review of a game that gives the size and above all is very entertaining, this is "Sky Fighters" an incredible game that you can find in the play store trend and the best thing is that it does not take up much storage space, since it only weighs 23MB, but no doubt that it will leave a good impression.

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As I have already let you know on other occasions, my favorite games are the simulation games, since they present you a world where you can make real what you have always liked, be it driving a truck, flying a plane, or destroying enemies in the top gun style.

Sky fighters is a simulation game that makes possible your dream of being an airplane pilot because you have to destroy your enemies with a modern fighter plane, you also have to improve it to get better results or be more lethal, faster, or more accurate.

Capture taken from my phone

Capture taken from my phone

The game consists of missions that you have to complete such as destroying fleets of planes, fleets of ships and enemy buildings, missions that will give you diamonds, coins, and aircraft parts which you will use to upgrade your fighter plane to the maximum.

In addition, the missions will raise u rank, so far I am a sergeant major, also secondary missions and an extreme challenge of survival where you have to last the set time and destroy all enemies but stay with at least 40% of life, it's all very extreme because when you just start the mission you shoot a hail of missiles.

Capture taken from my phone

Capture taken from my phone

Capture taken from my phone

Another thing that I find very interesting about this game are the controls, as they are relatively easy to handle, because I have played other games that have controls that make your head hurt because of how sensitive they are, so sky fighters is perfect in terms of handling.

Capture taken from my phone

Also, the improvements that you have to make to your plane make it superior, since the recharge time is longer and you have more firing capacity, since when you start you only have 40 bullets per round and the missiles recharge very slowly, but it is also advisable to finish the missions quickly to have more money and buy the last ships that you unlock because you will have superiority in the battlefield.

Capture taken from my phone

Capture taken from my phone

Capture taken from my phone

What I don't like about the game, is how overpriced some of the planes are, as they force you to buy the premium packs that are made up of diamonds, energy, and almost infinite money and the cost is between $2 and $12, I know that this is to pay the creators of this incredible game and thus reward all the hours of hard work, so looking at it this way it is worth buying the packs or the ads. But if you want to do it the old-fashioned way and want to get the planes but without buying any packs, it will take you many and many hours of play and a lot of advertising.

Anyway, if you want to enjoy an incredible air combat simulation game, I highly recommend Sky Fighters, because it is the best option and it only weighs 23 Mb being perfect for those who have storage problems. Later on, I will continue sharing the progress I'm making, I hope you liked this recommendation and if you want to download this game, I know you won't regret it.

Thank you very much for reading my review, all photos are of my authorship captured from the app on my cell phone.

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Hola a todos los amigos de la comunidad de gamers en el blockchain, en la publicacion de hoy quiero compartirles el review de un juego que da la talla y sobre todo es muy entretenido, se trata de "Sky Fighters" un increible juego que puedes encontrar en la tendencia de play store y lo mejor es que no ocupara mucho espacio de almacenamiento, ya que solo pesa 23MB, pero sin duda de que te dejara una buena impresion.

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Como ya lo he hecho saber en otras ocaciones, mis juegos favoritos son los de simulacion, ya que te prsentan un mundo donde pudes hacer realidad lo que siempre te ha gustado ya sea conducir un camion, volar un avion o destruir enemigos al estilo top gun.

Sky fighters es un juego de simulacion que hace posible tu sueño de ser un piloto de avion, ya que tienes que destruir a tus enemigos con un avion de combate moderno, ademas tienes que mejorarlo para conseguir mejores resultados o ser mas letal, mas rapido o mas certero.

Capture taken from my phone

Capture taken from my phone

El juego consiste de misiones que tienes que ir completando como destruir flotas de aviones, flotas de barcos y edificios enemigos, misiones las cuales te daran diamantes, monedas y partes de aviones las cuales usaras para mejorar al maximo tu avion de combate.

Ademas las misione subiran u rango, hasta los momentos yo soy sargento mayor, tambien misiones secundarias y un reto extremo de supervivencia donde tienes que durar el tiempo fijado y destruir a todos los enemigos pero quedar con al menos el 40% de vida, es todo muy extremo porque cuando recien comienzas la mision te disparan una lluvia de misiles.

Capture taken from my phone

Capture taken from my phone

Capture taken from my phone

Otra cosa que encuentro muy interesante de este juego son los controles, ya que son relativamente faciles de manejar, porque he jugar otros juego que tienen unos controles que te hacen doler la cabeza por lo sensible que son, asi que sky fighters es perfecto en cuanto a manejo.

Capture taken from my phone

Ademas las mejoras que le tienes que hacer a tu avion lo hacen superior, ya que el tiempo de recarga es mayor y tienes mas capacidad de disparo, ya que cuando comienzas solo posees 40 balas por ronda y los misiles se recargan muy lento, pero tambien es recomendable concluir las misiones rapidamente para asi tener mas dinero y comprar las ultimas naves que vayas desbloqueando porque asi tendras superioridad en el campo de batalla.

Capture taken from my phone

Capture taken from my phone

Capture taken from my phone

Lo que no me gusta del juego, es lo excesivamente costoso que son algunos aviones, ya que te obligan a comprar los paquetes premiun que se componen de diamantes, energia y dinero casi infinitos y el costo ronda entre los $2 y los $12, yo obiamente se que esto es para pagar a los creadores de este increible juego y asi recompensar todas las horas de arduo trabajo, asi que viendolo asi vale la pena la compra de los paquetes o los anuncios. pero si quieres hacerlo a la antigua y quieres obtener los aviones pero sin comprar ningun paquete, pues te tomara muchas y muchas horas de juego y mucha publicidad.

En fin, si quieres disfrutar de un increible juego de simulacion de combate aereo pues te recomiendo si o si Sky Fighters, ya que es la mejor opcion y solo pesa 23 mb siendo perfecto para los que tengan problemas de almacenamiento. Mas adelante seguire compartiendo el progreso que vaya teniendo, espero que esta recomendacion te haya gustado y que si quieres descargar este juego, se que no te arrepentiras.

Muchas gracias por leer mi resña, todas las fotos son de mi autoria capturadas desde la app en mi celular.

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