Rabona, I am in

in Hive Gaming4 years ago

Paid to play

I used @crazy-andy's referral link although I logged-in before. Hope it shows and reflects somehow.

Cookie tells me it worked.

Am I in?

No, not yet. How long does it take for the app to recognize the transaction and let me see my starter pack?

After I-don't-know-how-many minutes I am in!

Do I understand correctly that I have 5 days to get acquainted with the game?

What should I do first' What are my initial steps?

Thank you!

My team should be called Absolute Beginners :)

Now it's time to start learning about the game and how to play it.

Not tonight, not tomorrow. I have many other things with higher priority to do first. Maybe on Wednesday evening ...

Until then, good luck with playing Rabona. Yes, that's my brand new referral link :)

The last thing for the first post, my club's name.

Strong, inspiring, poetic, isn't it?

I couldn't help myself so I started clicking.

Upgraded stadium and catering, scouted one player yet I didn't like him, contracted a goalie. He's from Brasil. They are supposed to be good, aren't they?

Now, my new player is worth more than the rest of the team. I better go to sleep before I make more stupid moves :)

Better and better


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What should I do first' What are my initial steps?

You could read the guide: https://rabona.io/guide.php (:

That I am doing right now. I was looking for the suggestions of the experienced players. Thank you.

At first let me thank you for using my referral link. It worked, so we both received a little reward and hopefully we will turn it out to a good player or something...

Well looking at your team, I would say you have a nice talented striker in Mr. Roth. He will score many goals for you.
@jelly13 already gave you few tips and he is a pro, so I don't have much to add. Watch out on salaries. You will be able to maintain only few player with 1000 per match or even that will be too much. I would focus on scouting at first, but I know that might be sometimes frustrating getting nothing for your money...
Stadium is very important, so upgrade it to at least lvl. 4 as soon as possible. Train, train, train every day. Your players will eventually get better and finances will grow as well if you will play it smart.

Take it slow and enjoy. I wish you good luck and hope we will see each other in the stadium soon!

Thanks for the tips.

I have both stadium and catering up to level 4 and upgrading to level 5.

I made a premature move with contracting a goalkeeper which is too expensive right now.

If I won't be able to sell him, which doesn't look likely, I'll freeze him. Hibernation works wonders :)

Yes, I am training each day.

Four more days to the start of my first season.

So freezing costs too? Excellent :)

Canceling his contract will cost me 128K RBN. Eh, I tried to copy-paste the label on the cancel button yet it got clicked. These buttons are too responsive for my taste.

Anyways, easy come easy go. I've thrown away half my bonus RBN on a rookie mistake. Something to learn from :)

No problem, it's OK. It's a game after all .)

cMy stadium and Catering are at level 5 now. With bonuses from these tasks, I have 183K RBN to play with and three days to find some players as you suggested.

The next training session is in an hour. The first two days I went for 442 and passing. Tonight? I don't know. Maybe some defending ...

Good luck, c u on the pitch

Hey, thanks a lot for your suggestion. I knew I made a stupid move :)

Don't do strategic planning on Sundays late in the evening is the lesson here.

So, low five digits salaries to burn my bonus/starter pack RBN on?

Thanks again!


Hey @jelly13, here is a little bit of BEER from @ervin-lemark for you. Enjoy it!

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To clarify this:

spending low five digits on reasonable-salary players

Does this mean on a season-long basis?

For example, low five digits is less than 50K per season divided by 30 => less than 1,667 per match?

Thanks again, I will check it out.

I went through your tutorials and they are excellent.

Hey @jelly13, here is a little bit of BEER from @ervin-lemark for you. Enjoy it!

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