My base had been sitting mostly untouched for a while. In quite a short amount of time, I'd be returning again and again to upgrade it further. I would even be doing something quite wild with it that left me quite excited about such potential for the future of my base.
Most of the time I was returning to my baes. It was to disassemble all the random junk I had looted on my adventures. I’d then head out and go mine for more copper, trees, and anything else I needed. The copper however while it was still quite needed was becoming a bit outdated.
I was starting to bring back tin from my faraway adventures. Even the need for that would shortly be outlived quicker than I was expecting.

At one point I started to get a lot of deviants. I started to make storage containers for them since a few of them would even go out and gather resources for me while I was away or even offline.
I even had a bunch sitting in my inventory. I would end up finding out there was a limit to how many of these storage containers you could have at once in a base. A little disappointing but it makes sense as I'd later have over a dozen diggers and many other duplicates.
At the very least they helped a little with the resource gathering. If I was gone for quite some time maybe they would have a couple hundred of each ore in the area. Along with a tiny amount of iron since I was not in an area that had any.

Since I was able to bring back in this also meant I could craft bronze ingot. I would end up upgrading many of my crafting stations. These would end up being a bit bigger than the starter ones. So, despite how large of an open floor I have. Things were starting to get a little cramped.
It did not take long before I decided I just needed another floor. I ended up wanting to put in a bunch of storage. I also did not need the deviants on my first floor since if I just interacted with them once a day that seemed good enough.

This left the lower floor not feeling so cramped any longer. I was even more delighted when I realized storage containers for all the loot, I had could be stacked on top of each other. I ended up just making a couple of towers of containers on the right side of the base.
I also ended up relocating my bed to the other corner away from the door and the storage containers under the stairs. I had all this giant space to now put something in.
While I'm not so thrilled with the placement of the stairs. I’d end up later on needing access to the roof later. So, I had more than enough space on the second floor to put down a second flight of stairs for future needs as well.
This place was starting to feel quite industrial. On the inside. I even did a little work on the outside to give my garage some further space. Take out a wall and window I had sitting left as a mess from when I rearranged my base early on.
I have to say I rather loved this starting location. I will also miss it. Now you might be thinking what do you mean miss it? Are you building another base? The short answer is no. The long answer is I don’t need to.

While out exploring in a new region that the main quest sent me on. I found this mountain spot that was covered in ores. Most impotently iron ore. I went to see if I could build a second base. Finding out that you don’t. Instead, you just move your base.
The base was made with the last terrain in mind. As this place is on a steeper slope it was not a perfect fit. I’d need to do things like expand the stairs out. I also ended up losing access to a side door that I'd never be using anyway. Since I had some terrain sticking up into the first floor.
This however was more than worth it for me. Anytime now that I'd head back to my base I'd be within a couple of steps of iron. I would also realize that not everywhere in this new region was iron so abounded.

With all the iron I now had access to. I started to make quite a few further upgrades. I replaced my old furnace for smelting ores down with an electric one. This required having solar panels for energy which I now could craft. I’d later replace the stove and even add a fridge once I had those unlocked and further solar on the roof.
The biggest drawback to this location was the lack of water. So outside where my motorcycle was parked, I added a water collector. I kind of hated its location but I just wanted something for water and easy access to collect from it.
At one point I had unlocked the ability to increase the total claimed space for my base. While a lot of the first floor would now end up being into the mountain for that extra space I'd gain. It gave me some much-needed room on the other sides of the base.

While I loved the motorcycle it was clear I was heading into some deadlier areas. While it took a decent amount of resources, I ended up making myself an off-roading truck of sorts. It’s not as fast as the motorcycle but you can have passages with you.
At one point I had unlocked the ability to increase the total claimed space for my base. While a lot of the first floor would now end up being into the mountain for that extra space I'd gain. It gave me some much-needed room on the other sides of the base.
You might also notice off to the left is some railing. I ended up expanding out that side and putting in a deck area. I wanted to put some planters down and needed some extra space for it. I also ended up moving my rain collection system over as well.
While there is a cooldown after moving a base. I do want to keep an eye out for something flat. I’d love to move the base into a flat area and put up a bunch of walls. Then move it back to this one.

At one point I ended up experimenting with purifying this element I had a lot of. I only put a tiny amount in. It said it would take a few moments to process. It’s a good thing I went around collecting a bunch of iron.
I failed to realize the timer on the left-hand side of the UI was due to me starting an event. My base ended up getting attacked and they even took out my water collector. Other than that, I had a few walls to repair but no other damage was done.
It looks like at some point I'll be installing some defense for this place. Since I don’t have any plans to purify any further elements for the time being. Along with there being no dangers in the area, I'm in I feel I need defense. I’d rather spend resources elsewhere for now.

This did however get me thinking that perhaps having my entire base made out of wood was not the best idea. I started to upgrade the base fountain and the lower walls into stone.
I still need to unlock stone doors and frames. So, I left those as wood for the time being. I also kept the outer foundation being used as decking as wood. As I just like that better.
As far as the second floor. Creatures don’t just go gliding off mountains. If I was in a PvP world I'd have upgraded that as well. For now, I'm just keeping it wood. I had a feeling someday in the five weeks this season lasts I'll be wanting to make some major changes to my base anyway.

At some point came the I want to decorate the inside of my base phase. I ended up unlocking a fish tank and looting some posters. I even put a gun mount on the wall to store guns I no longer use as a display.
I also discovered you could put blank photo frames on the walls. You then could store photos you took with the in-game photo mode in them. I kind of wish I had known that sooner I'd have used it to take some milestone shots along the way.
Instead, I am now on the hunt for just taking some cool photos with the photo tool as I further explore the game. I’d also discover at one point I'd end up having a few days to kill time between waiting for the season phase to advance. Those days I felt would be perfect for making any other major changes to the base in the future.
For now, it had more than everything I needed. It has also come a long way from that crafting platform I had set up by a river. Where I'd get attacked by the local wildlife while trying to craft.
Once Human.Screenshots were taken and content was written by @Enjar about

The fact that this game is a shooting game, gives me the chill to try it out. Wanted to look like pubg though