English version below the Spanish version
El dia de ayer yo y un amigo nos decidimos en finalmente completar el juego borderlands 2 de principio a fin en las 3 dificultades y todos los dlc hasta llevar los personajes al nivel maximo del juego asi que ese mismo dia comenzamos y creamos nuestros personajes en el cual yo jugare como Maya y el como Zer0 tambien mandare algunas capturas en comparacion de lo que haciamos desde su perspectiva
Comenzamos a tomar capturas a la hora de terminar una de las misiones secundarias del comienzo del juego mientras me mostraba como quedaba el suelo del mapa luego de que yo usara mi habilidad con el nvidia physX en alto, habiamos llegado a un punto en donde habia tantas entidades en el mapa que le estaba llendo a unos 10fps segun lo que me dijo por lo que mejor tenerlas en bajo
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Despues de terminar las secundarias de la primera zona derrotamos con mucha facilidad al primer jefe de la zona, pero como estaba cansado de recibir disparos se fue a dormir con su amigo (la verdad es que no, solo me causo bastante gracia su pose de muerto)
Mientras escalabamos hasta el ultimo jefe de la zona el Capitan Flint mi compañero de capacidad cerebral dudosa se callo unas 7 veces en el mismo lugar mientras yo me burlaba de el por no poder subir
Una vez terminamos la escalada nos enfrentamos a Flint el lider de los bandidos de Southern Shelf para poder salir de ahi e ir a la ciudad sanctuary
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Ya luego de derrotar a flint llegamos a Three Horns - Divide en donde lo primero que hicimos no fue seguir la mision, no no, lo primero que hicimos fue buscar escalar cosas que se supone no se han de escalar por que podemos
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Minutos mas tarde luego de dar vueltas por el mapa en un carro completando misiones finalmente llegamos a sanctuary para entregar un nucleo de energia que mantiene un escudo alrededor de la ciudad. Despues de eso fuimos a ver al mecanico de la ciudad quien nos dio la siguiente misiendo siendo esta el plan B que consiste en reparar la nave minera sobre la que esta construida la ciudad... El plan B fallo
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Al terminar la mision decidimos dejar la partida hasta este punto ya teniamos bastante rato jugando borderlands asi que nos tomamos un descanso de borderlands para seguirlo otro dia. Este juego es simplemente demaciado bueno y mas aun si lo juegas con amigos a mi parecer es algo que todos deberian probar como minimo una ves
Yesterday me and a friend decided to finally complete the borderlands 2 game from start to finish in the 3 difficulties and all the dlc until we took the characters to the maximum level of the game so that same day we started and created our characters in it which I will play as Maya and him as Zer0 I will also send some captures in comparison of what we did from his perspective
We started taking screenshots at the end of one of the side missions at the beginning of the game while he showed me how the floor of the map looked after I used my skill y with the nvidia physX on high, we had reached a point where there were so many entities on the map that was going at about 10fps according to what he told me, so it is better to have them on low
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After finishing the secondaries of the first zone, we defeated the first boss of the zone very easily, but since he was tired of being shot, he went to sleep with his friend (the truth is that no, I was just quite amused by his dead pose )
As we climbed to the last boss of the area, Captain Flynt, my colleague of dubious brain power fell down exactly 7 times at the same place, and I mocked him for not being able to climb.
Once we finish the climb we face Flint the leader of the bandits of Southern Shelf to get out of there and go to the sanctuary city
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After defeating flint we arrived at Three Horns - Divide where the first thing we did was not follow the mission, no no, the first thing we did was look to climb things that are not supposed to be climbed because we can
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Minutes later after driving around the map in a car completing missions we finally arrive at sanctuary to deliver a power core that maintains a shield around the city. After that we went to see the mechanic of the city who gave us the following mission, this being plan B, which consists of repairing the mining ship on which the city is built... Plan B failed.
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At the end of the mission we decided to leave the game until this point we already had enough time playing borderlands so we took a break from borderlands to follow it another day. This game is simply too good and even more so if you play it with friends, in my opinion it is something that everyone should try at least once
Gracias por leer/Thank you for reading
Gracias por leer/Thank you for reading
Borderlands 2... I play this game so much back then but i always played alone, playing with friends make it way better.
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