Hola amigos || Hello friends
Once again welcome to a new journey into the past of video games. As you know many of the video games we know started as Arcade games and followed their way to the home systems we know today. In this case Nintendo brought in 1986 the Nes and with it a dozen of classic video games like Mario Bros, Zelda or Excitebike. In this case we will remember Balloon Fight a typical video game of the 80s when the Arcade was in full fever for young people and the world.
This video game does not have a great story, we only have a little boy holding himself up in the air with some balloons and at the same time this boy is trying to shoot down others who are in the air in the same way as the boy, with balloons. The goal here is to pop the balloons of your opponents in aerial combat. Surely you will find many reviews of Balloon Fight that will say that it is a video game game with a very simple gameplay but let me tell you something, in my opinion, it is quite the opposite. What's more, I'm sure you already noticed it in the gameplay. At least for me it was one of the most complicated videogames I have ever played and even today, after so much time, I still can't overcome its difficulty.

Encontré este videojuego en aquellos cartuchos de videojuego muy famosos. Sí, aquellos 100 in 1. Era raro conseguir algo nuevo dentro de los cartuchos y bastante chistoso sobre todo por los títulos. Podías conseguir Mario Bros 15 y por supuesto cuando esto aún no sé sabía, imagínense la impresión de un niño cuando lee que jugará Mario Bros 15 y resulta que es el mismo Mario Bros solo que empezabas a jugar en nivel superior. O sea no iniciabas desde el mundo 1-1 sino más adelante. Descubrir esa mentira le causó trauma a más de un niño ja ja ja...
I found this video game in those very famous video game cartridges. Yes, those 100 in 1. It was rare to get something new inside the cartridges and quite funny especially because of the titles. You could get Mario Bros 15 and of course when this was not yet known, imagine the impression of a child when he reads that he will play Mario Bros 15 and it turns out that it is the same Mario Bros only that you started playing at a higher level. In other words, you didn't start from world 1-1 but later on. Discovering that lie caused trauma to more than one child ha ha ha ha...
Balloon Fight is the popular 8-bit video game so let's not expect much from the graphics. A fairly characteristic tune of Arcade video games that reflects very well the action on the screen and besides that, you don't get tired of listening to it. In fact, sometimes you miss it when it stops playing. As you can see in the Gameplay I'm pretty bad, I needed three attempts to record a decent Gameplay ha ha ha ha... Still, it was all very bad. I didn't manage to do but nothing in the game ha ha ha ha ha.... But aha, here the important thing is to have fun and I had plenty of fun.

Once again thank you for your company in this new and nostalgic journey. Sorry for my bad decisions while playing but those villains definitely know how to play. A thousand thanks...
All images are screenshots taken while testing the game.
Image source
I made this gameplay with an emulator that I downloaded on my cell phone some time ago and I have been using it to remember and share with you this video game that was part of my childhood and surely of many of you, so I hope you have been able to enjoy Balloon Fight.
me despido, mi querida familia.
▶️ 3Speak

This was one of my favorite games, although now, seeing your gameplay, I realize that they are children and not birds. For a long time I thought you were birds with balloons. It reminds me a lot of Pooyan. They were two titles that I couldn't miss in my time as a gamer kid. The sounds bring me nostalgia. Games like this will never cease to be good classics.
That's right my friend, games like this will never cease to be. Yes, it has a resemblance to Pooyan. Also hahaha... They are kids with bird masks. Thanks for stopping by and I'm sure you enjoyed remembering this classic videogame 🤟🏼
How could I forget this game? Some parts were really hard. I had to start by specifically killing some opponents or else I couldn't successfully complete the level XD Thanks once again for taking me back in time, my man!
The truth as you saw I'm pretty bad hahaha .... I've always been bad at this video game but I still enjoyed it.
That's the idea my friend, to make this trip to the past of videogames nostalgic and special. Glad you liked it 🤟🏼
No man you were not that bad. I watched the video.
Wow, I appended many hours playing this game as a kid. Those levels where you have to collect the green balloons are the most fun in my opinion.
Yes, that one with the green balloons is the easiest 😂😂.
¡Que nostalgia! de esta maravilla, hace tanto que no había visto ni nada de este juegazo, yo pasaba horas jugándolo cuando era niña.
Holaaaa.... Oye que fino que te haya gustado y mejor aún, que te haya traído recuerdos de tantas horas divirtiéndote por los aires...
La idea es despertar nostalgia y por lo que veo funciona 🤣
jaja de todos los juegos este nunca me gusto de verdad lo odio.
Jajajajjaa a mi tampoco es que me guste mucho. Ya viste que soy malísimo jajaja