Seguimos en la jugada - Baseball 9 (Review) [ESP-ENG] by edwardstobia

in Hive Gaming5 months ago

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Para terminar un día de trabajo y sentirse cómodo en casa, nada como un partido de béisbol para distraer un poco la mente. Como ya saben mucho de ustedes he compartido mucho este videojuego y la última vez que lo hice les comentaba que estaba entrando a la liga II lo cual imaginaba que iba a ser un poco más complicada que la primera.

To end a day of work and feel comfortable at home, nothing like a baseball game to distract the mind a little. As many of you already know, I have shared this video game a lot and the last time I did it I told you that I was entering league II, which I imagined was going to be a little more complicated than the first one.

Lo cual, no fue tanto así. Si hubo encuentros que se me puso difícil aun así, en su mayoría salía victorioso. A veces con un marcador mínimo a mi favor. Este es el partido número 35 de los 50 encuentro que debo tener para seguir creciendo en la liga. Y lo increíble es que sigo sin aburrirme de este Baseball 9.

Which was not so much the case. If there were games that were difficult for me, even so, most of the time I was victorious. Sometimes with a minimum score in my favor. This is game number 35 of the 50 games I must have to keep growing in the league. And the amazing thing is that I'm still not bored of this Baseball 9.


He aprovechado mis ganancias para darle a mis jugadores nuevas imágenes y habilidades. De hecho, son más a los pitcher los que les he otorgado esas habilidades. Por ejemplo, cada picheo tiene un valor predeterminado lo cual lo hace más versátil para el lanzador. Entonces, hay una de esas habilidades que es si ponchas a un jugador esos niveles crecen un 5% cada uno. ¿Increíble cierto?

I have used my wins to give my players new looks and skills. In fact, it's more pitchers that I've given those skills to. For example, each pitching has a default value which makes it more versatile for the pitcher. Then, there is one of those abilities which is if you strike out a player those levels grow by 5% each. Unbelievable right?



A mí jugar estrella lo logré llevar a platino. Aunque bueno, en este partido no brilló tanto. Pero su ave y sus 8 jonrones en la temporada lo hace el máximo bateador del equipo. Este encuentro estuvo más o menos como les mencionaba en los que hubo algunos que se me pusieron difíciles. Acá por un momento pensé que me lograrían por lo menos alcanzar. Gracias a Dios eso no ocurrió y mantengo la brecha del invicto en esta nueva liga.

To me playing star I managed to take it to platinum. Although well, in this game he didn't shine so much. But his bird and his 8 home runs on the season make him the top hitter on the team. This game was more or less as I mentioned in which there were some that were difficult for me. Here for a moment I thought they would at least catch up with me. Thank God that didn't happen and I keep the undefeated record in this new league.




Para finalizar sigo pensando que podría de haber algunas actualizaciones que podrían poner el juego mucho más interesante y espero que ese momento pueda llegar. Aunque he buscado información y no he logrado leer nada de lo que desearía. Por ejemplo, poder jugar con amigos en modo online, repeticiones cuando haya buenas jugadas o importantes para el momento. Así que bueno, si eres fanático de la pequeña pelota, prueba Baseball 9

Finally I still think that there could be some updates that could make the game much more interesting and I hope that moment can come. Although I have searched for information and have not managed to read anything I would like to. For example, being able to play with friends in online mode, replays when there are good plays or important for the moment. So well, if you are a fan of the little ball, try Baseball 9.


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Todas de las imágenes tomadas son Originales desde el mismo gameplay.

All of the images taken are Original from the same gameplay.


A bordo de la nave
me despido, mi querida familia.

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I learned about this baseball game through my nephew, but it's still a lot of fun.

I don't know if it still exists, but I remember playing a similar baseball game on Facebook, not sure of the name, but it sounds very similar.

Hi. I think so, I remember that Facebook emulator. It's not the same but it's very similar. Whatever it is, it's always fun ha ha ha.....

Haven't played baseball game before cause am not a fan of it but this one looks tempting i might try it out

I assure you that you will not regret it. It is very entertaining and fun. It's easy to get on Google play my friend. I recommend it

Hmm will check it out then