Beyond the Light and the Darkness, there's a very nice game called Animal Well

in Hive Gaming4 months ago

The calm atmosphere, the unique designs in each room we enter, a secret to discover in each one of them and a feeling of constant exploration, the two games I have published this week follow those characteristics


Just because I started with Hollow Knight doesn't mean I'm going to leave Animal Well aside because to a large extent both games are very similar to each other, although at the moment I like this one more because of its graphic simplicity and the beauty of certain hieroglyphic designs that make it seem like we're passing through ruins while the animals are watching us. accompany


I've strangely noticed that this game is even less explanatory than the previous one, at least in HK they taught you some basic movements as well as there was a town that served as a home every time you needed to go back for clues


That doesn't happen here, instead you have to advance and pray that in front of you there is a phone (yes, there are phones in this game) where you can save the game and thus not risk going around without shelter


The levels are limited to being all easy to pass to a large extent although with many passages that make you think if there is something higher up that you are not seeing due to the darkness that is very well applied in this game, the corridors are dark and we have some objects that we can store and they shoot a burst of light at the stage affecting everything in the area


That also includes the animals that are there, because I have reached several areas where we need certain animals to move in order to recover a key and it is necessary to calculate the right moment to launch one of the flares that we have

scare them a little or clear the path of dangerous animals, and then get to the key and wonder what the hell it opens, again a total lack of explanations

Well, it turns out that by trying these keys you can open any of the many locked doors in the game, it seems that it is our decision to choose which one to open at what time, but even so the game never stops becoming interesting


I've become obsessed with looking for new routes in each new room I come across, it helps to arouse curiosity that the game plays so much with the lights and the dark paths, so much so that I've already come across several entire rooms completely in the dark that we have to explore further. background


This theme of exploration is very present, even more so without any kind of clue about what to do or where the game is going, a small crescendo of music in some specific places but little else, the presence of the save I think is merely a resource so that the player does not get stressed and abandons the game because he gets lost and does not know what to do

Because I am curious, I do not give up easily with this, I have tried some mechanisms in certain rooms and in truth the game is designed very well so that if you are curious you will find the solutions sooner or later


In the matter of keys, for example, you understand that the keys can open anything and it is subject to what the player decides, but also because there are only a handful of keys and many doors, it makes us prioritize the ones we open and explore all the corners of those new areas

The intriguing thing about this game is that it seems like the secrets never end, you can give up exploring a room only for another one to come up higher up that connects to a dark part of that room you abandoned and where there was still a chest


It all seems very strange and believe me when I tell you that I don't do this game justice with a couple of words and even the reviews I've read can't describe the experience that this game builds for you based on pure curiosity

It's tedious, sometimes you feel like you're not going anywhere and suddenly the shock of curiosity hits you and you start exploring EVERYTHING, you find bosses, dark rooms that are more interesting than they seem, animals by the ton and a light show and a sea of ​​possibilities that I still don't know if I'm explaining everything that this game has, but I'll keep finding out.


  • All content is mine unless I state the source

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 4 months ago  

The graphics and the atmosphere remind me of Rain World. It is a shame I didn't play any of those. Are the developers the same for these two games? The resemblance is quite striking. I liked the review.

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