Last night, I added another game to the beaten list over on RetroAchievements:

This one was high on my list because of the Gamecube launch event challenge they're running. I played this game a ton back in the day, but never beat it. So this seemed like a great time to do that. I had a ton of fun exploring the map as a whole, but then the ending was...

In the final area, there's this long slog to get up this giant tower to get to the Metroid Prime, the final boss. You're jumping off of platforms like this:

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The platforming isn't a challenge, it's the mother f&$#ing Fission Metroids knocking you off! I had forgotten how much I hated those things...

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If you've never seen these guys...consider yourself lucky. They fly all over the place, when you shoot them, they split into two metroids that can only be damaged by one specific damage type! By the time you kill those two, another one shows up! And they infinitely respawn!
But it doesn't end there...
If one of them bumps into you while you're jumping from one platform to another, you're stopped midair and dropped ALL THE WAY DOWN! So now you get to do it again! And god forbid they latch on and start draining your health! Your move speed slows to a crawl and you're completely blinded. So you have to go down to morph ball and drop a bomb to get them off. But if you move too much, you'll fall off!
Sorry, I needed to rant. That one scene damn near killed this run for me. But once I got past it, then I stepped into the Metroid Prime's lair.
I had never beaten the first phase of this fight, so this was a change. You had to keep changing your damage type with this one, as it would change its weakness. This fight was...not as difficult as I remember it being. That was odd!
After destroying the shell, then it was time to take out the brain. I almost didn't make it, I took a ton of damage, but I just barely eked out the win in time to finish the fight and get the win! It was a satisfying ending to a great game. I just wish that impact crater wasn't so gnarly...
Nice! It's always nice to take a trip down nostalgia lane!
Right? I'm loving what RetroAchievements has done to revitalize the retro scene. It's actually enough to get me to switch over to emulators instead of original hardware. Hell, I can even use my disc based games (PS1, PS2, etc) and earn achievements in emulators that way!
This is the first time I'm hearing of that, but I do love cheevos! I might have to give it a check out!
I'll get a guide up and going on here...
Guide is done!