Duke Nukem: A Time to Kill (PlayStation)

in Hive Gaming11 months ago (edited)

Duke Nukem 3D was a, for lack of a better descriptive term, "Doom-a-like" on the PC. It was a first person shooter and one of the earliest inspired by the success of Doom. Duke Nukem added a lot of humor to the game play making it have quite a different feel from Doom. There were a few spin-offs and only one true sequel that got mostly negative reviews. It really needs another sequel.

"Duke Nukem: Time to Kill" was released by GT Interactive for the PlayStation in 1998. It has all the Duke Nukem characteristics you would expect from a Duke Nukem game, mainly action and humor. However, this iteration of Duke Nukem adds time travel mix. Aliens are still involved of course.

Duke Nukem games have had an uneven history in terms of quality but overall this one is pretty good. The game's graphics, at least for the time, were pretty solid. The environments are diverse and detailed making for a good amount of variety. They span different time periods including Ancient Rome, the Wild West, as well as cities with a futuristic theme. Each environment comes with its own unique set of enemies and challenges. Duke Nukem: A Time to Kill also has plenty of what Duke Nukem is known for the most. A sense of humor.

The game play which is the most important aspect of any game is also pretty solid with Time to Kill. There is a decent amount of exploration mixed in with all of the action which is always nice. There are also a wide variety of unique weapons available including things like the shrink ray and freeze thrower as well as more common weapons like the shotgun and RPG. Most importantly the controls are responsive, making things like timing and aiming easier.

Level design is another plus for this game. Every level has secrets to find, multiple paths to completion, and various interactive elements. As mentioned above, there is quite a bit of variety. There are also puzzles to solve in order to make it from one level to the next.

This game also has a two player mode. You can face off in a deathmatch or play in co-op mode. I've never really been a big fan of deathmatch on a split screen but co-op can be a lot of fun in this game.

If you have never played a Duke Nukem game, then I highly recommend the original Duke Nukem 3D game on the PC. The best/easiest way to play this is to get a hold of Duke Nukem 3D: 20th Anniversary World Tour which was released on the PS4, Xbox One and Nintendo Switch and is also available for the PC via Steam. It has updated graphics and an extra episode over the original. However, Time to Kill isn't a bad spin-off and it can be a lot of fun as well. There are a few other spin-off games that are all mostly 3rd person and of varying quality. There are also several mobile games in the Duke Nukem universe. One of the more interesting ones to me is Duke Nuke Advance on the Game Boy Advance. It's really the only true first person console Duke Nukem game (other than more recent remakes) and it was largely ported from the orginal Duke Nukem 3D.

Read more: https://www.megalextoria.com/wordpress/index.php/2024/04/30/duke-nukem-a-time-to-kill-playstation/

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How I can forget this awesome gem? "Remember the Alamo" is One of the best and more violent games of his era. Love the soundtrack, the character's attitude, the story, and kill pigs! i grow with this concept in the mind cop = pig hahahaha love that game!

The Duke Nukem saga has been present in my life for as long as I can remember. It was one of the first video games I played on PC, I used to play it with my father and brother, that's why I'm surprised I never heard of this game. I remember the ones that were in first person, but I don't think I had ever seen this spin off.

For that time, it doesn't look bad, although like Doom, they are games that I associate a lot to the first person and it's weird to see the character in full body haha.

Was Duke Nukem the one that had you running around pyramids and screaming bomb-men would run towards you? I am pretty sure that I played at least a bit of this because just like everyone else that was into gaming, the DOOM / Quake / anything else that fell into this category genre was all the rage back then.