Greetings to all fellow video game lovers, welcome once again to another gaming content of my authorship. Today I will be sharing with you all a little bit of my experience in one of my many Teamfight Tactics games.

The game from the beginning was given to me for a “Fast 8”, that is to say, to play an expensive composition with tiles of cost four and 5.
Everything started with the first increase, I chose “Party”, this increase allowed me to level up quickly, since it gave me +2 experience after each combat, but only if there were no items in my item bank, so what I did was to place all my items in the champions I had on the board at that moment, that way I would start taking advantage of that experience bonus from the beginning.

When considering a late game I had to try to set up a good board in early game, all with the idea of not losing a lot and also to be able to get a good amount of victories. Fortunately for me I had a good start with “Rebel” champions. At that time I was a little undecided, the composition of Rebels works very well for late game but I also had in mind the composition of “Dominators”, as it was still early in the game I preferred to wait and then decide what to play depending on what I got in the second increase.

With the arrival of the second increase, I decided my line of play, with this increase I determined what I would play in my final composition. In this second increase I chose “Rebel Crown”, this increase gave me an emblem of “Rebels” and an item which was “Dazzling Glove”, with this I already had quite clear what I would play and the truth came quite well at that time, since my board was made up at that time by several champions with the synergy of “Rebels”.

As the game went on I was getting stronger and stronger, and I even had a good winning streak, but I lost it in the transition part of the composition. Normally this is something normal because I was taking champions out of my board to put others of cost 4 that were in my composition, in this process it is usually normal to lose some fights. That is why it is of utmost importance to arrive with a good amount of life at these moments of the game, to avoid getting into trouble of being eliminated in the process of the transition of the composition.
It would be the turn of the third increase and I ended up choosing the “Unexpected Duo”. What this augmentation does, is that it gives me the champion “Sevika” and the champion “Jinx”, these two champions as a Dynamic Duo when being on the board together gain 10% attack damage and 100 life, also between them they had a synergy in duo which is that when one of them casts her ability, the other receives 10 mana.
I must say that for this type of augmentation, another type of composition has to be considered, since the idea is that the two champions have active synergies. In this case, the only one that was going to have active synergy was Jinx, since she had “Rebel” synergy, while Sevika didn't, but she still gained stats for the augmentation. To tell the truth, I ended up choosing the augmentation mostly because Jinx was the carry champion of my final composition and being 5 cost it was going to cost me to find her in the store, so that way I had her ready on the board.

By the beginning of Stage 5 I already had a pretty solid base, I only had to look for the champions cost 4 and 5 to 2 stars for the composition to be complete. Everything seemed to indicate that I had more than won the game, I was way ahead of the rest, but I knew that everything could not be rosy. When there were only three players left in the Lobby, one who was about to die in the next round was able to get the champion “Elise” from cost 4 to 3 stars. It was something that frustrated me a lot and even though I tried to get a 4 to 3 star tile, I couldn't achieve it, in the end I ended up getting a TOP 2. The truth is not bad, but I ended up annoyed with the luck that my opponents sometimes have, it ruined a perfect game, but that's Teamfight Tactics.

And this is the end of today's content. I hope you have enjoyed reading it and that you have enjoyed it. In the following links that you will find below you can see the link path of the images I used to make the cover. Also making clear that all these images are free to use, thank you for visiting and reading my content, see you next time... See you soon!

I never played it so most of the things went over my head but the way you explain things are commendable. Even, I, who knowns nothing about it could get a few things. Btw, what do you get as a reward for winning these matches? And what are those used for?
Hi bro! Nice to see you here. I understand you but the important thing is that you at least understand a little of what I am saying about the game.
Teamfight Tactics is a strategic game based on a board, you can say it's something like a magic chess so to speak. You just place champions on your board for them to fight against other opponents. Obviously it has a bit more complexity in terms of synergies and items, but the basics are what I just told you.
As for what you earn in the TFT, at least I always play the ranked mode and I always try to get as far as possible in the ranks, right now I'm about to reach the rank of Diamond, this is the rank that is before the “Master” rank. And that's what it is, always try to be in the first 4 places to add points and go up in rank.
Also with the experience you unlock some things in the battle pass that are free of charge. There are also missions that have to do with compositions, if you achieve these missions they give you much more experience to unlock more things in the battle pass.
Look that today I played a game and I got this increase of sevika + Jinx, but I already had a composition that I was deaths at that time, I did not win the first place but the second XD, I will have to try it well the next time.
This composition is a bit complex, you have to know how to transcend to be able to play it properly, in the end I chose it just for the Jinx, I could still get a comfortable result.
You have to stay tuned, just now they made a new update and the META has changed again.