Which game would you like to be able to forget and play for the first time again?

in Hive Gaming2 years ago (edited)

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What if we could forget❓

Recently, I asked myself a question. If I had to choose one video game to be able to totally have my memory erased about and start all over from the beginning like a brand new game again, which would it be? Of course, I could not narrow it down to just one game. Instead, I've come up with a list of a few games.

I've played so many great games over the years, some of which are still fresh in my mind. For my list today, I decided to include the most recent games, as I am spoiled with the look and feel of modern games and don't like to go back and play older classics too often. Ironically, almost every one of the games on my list today is a game I achieved the platinum trophy for on PlayStation, which means I achieved 100% completion. They were so fun, that I played them until there wasn't anything left to do.

I encourage you to make a post similar to this one and tell me which games you'd like to be able to restart. If you do, be sure to tag me so I don't miss it, and can stop by to upvote and comment. Feel free to put your own spin on it.

The games 🎮

Alright, enough explaining what my idea for this was. It's time to get into the list of games. I have a total of 7 games which I will talk about today. I will also add a bonus game that isn't featured in the video portion of this post since it is not available on PlayStation consoles.

Cyberpunk 2077

This is a game that I forced myself to play right at launch, despite it releasing in horrible condition. This game was pretty broken, but I still powered through nearly 100 hours of content to achieve 100%. I wish I could start it over since now it has been upgraded to a next-gen version and has most of the bugs fixed. Everyone is done hating on Cyberpunk and it is back to being on top again ever since Edgerunners was released on Netflix. I'm looking forward to the DLC next year, but that is still many months off. As messed up as this game was when I played it, I still loved it. One major benefit of playing when I did was the infinite money glitch I was able to take advantage of.



To this day, Control is still one of the best uses of the PS5's DualSense. Plus the game is always just so freaking cool. I love basically everything about this one and even after I finished everything in it, I was still wanting to play more. What makes this even better is that I got the game for free with PS Plus for one month.


Ghost of Tsushima

This very well may be my favorite RPG ever created. I'm obsessed with Japanese culture and this game did the best job ever of putting you in the shoes of a samurai. I played the daylights out of this. Then the multiplayer mode Legends came out and I did it again. I had tons of fun playing this with @raizel. I even came back to the game for a third time once the Director's Cut edition came out with DLC. The Iki Island exspansion was very much worth my time too. I have nothing but love for Ghost of Tsushima and I really hope a sequel comes eventually. I can't wait for the movie that Sony is working on.


God of War

I somehow managed to wait until 2020 to finally play God of War. This might just be the most slept-on game for me. I thought I wouldn't enjoy it for so long. Once I started playing it, I instantly fell in love. It's just as good as most say it is, if not even better. I am absolutely hyped for God of War Ragnarök to come out this November. That is the closest I will get to be able to forget and replay this game.


Horizon Forbidden West

I blazed through Forbidden West earlier this year. I somehow managed to finish everything in under 50 hours. My goodness was it one of the most gorgeous games ever. The whole hunting robotic dinosaurs thing is just so cool. My favorite part of the game was simply exploring and finding all of the different locations. It was an absolute pleasure playing this one and I enjoyed it quite a bit more than the original Zero Dawn game thanks to many quality of life improvements.


Star Wars: Jedi Fallen Order

Another game here that I slept on for quite a while. I assumed this game would either be too hard or just now fun. It has a decent amount of difficulty, but it didn't take long for me to get good at it. I love pretty much anything Star Wars, so I should have known this game would be amazing. It was another title that I just enjoyed exploring the world in. It was made even better by having some of the best combat ever, at least to me. I definitely will be playing the sequel Star Wars: Jedi Survivor, which is slated for 2023.


The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

Oh, The Witcher. This game has become even more popular over the last few years thanks to the Netflix series with Henry Cavill. I love that show so much, but the game was somehow even more enjoyable. I first played it when it originally came out on in 2015. I had never heard of The Witcher, but the trailers made it seem so cool. Indeed it was. I somehow didn't end up finishing it, not sure why. I recently re-purchased the game and got the complete edition. I'm waiting for the PS5 upgrade to come out, which is supposed to be here before 2022 is over, but we shall see. I will probably make an attempt to restart the game at that point, as I'm sure there will be a period where I do not have anything new to play. Still, that isn't going to be the same as totally forgetting everything that I've already experienced in the game. At least it has been a while, so my memory will be pretty foggy.


Gears of War and Call of Duty Multiplayer


Last on this list are my two favorite multiplayer shooter games of all-time. I'm talking about the Gears of War and Call of Duty franchises. Both have been out since I was very young. I've played every single COD game ever and the same can be said about Gears. It's been a bit more difficult for me to play Gears since switching to PlayStation from Xbox when the PS4 launched. I somehow have still managed to get my hands on the latest Gears games, although I haven't been able to put as many hours into it as I used to. COD, well that one just seems to be one of my favorite games every single year. There is something about both of these games that is just so fun to me. It also helps that I'm pretty good at both of them. Oh, what I'd do to go back and re-experience both of these for the first time.

Now it is your turn 🔄

I've given you my list of games which I wish I could forget and restart. Now it is your chance to tell me which games you'd select. You can go the easy route and just comment on this post and tell me. Or, you can elect to create your own post like this one and I'll be sure to stop by and check out what you have to share.

Thanks for reading today's blog and do not forget that there is a video version of this at the top of the post.


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The Witcher 3 would be my top pick, maybe because I haven't tried the others you've mentioned, but The Witcher 3 surely has been holding the number 1 spot on my list from around 2015. It used to be Assassins Creed Black Flag, but then the Witcher 3 put up a good fight and took the number one spot with ease.

So, I'd say Black Flag is on second place now. I've thought about both these games and many others too, how nice it would be to experience the whole game as a new adventure, no recollection of the past playthroughs, just a new game, story and path.

For now I really wanna play RDR 2, God of War and Cyberpunk, but I haven't gotten the chance yet; thanks to my older rig, but now I have access to much better PC, so I guess it's time to make some new memories with some new games.

Even though I knew little to nothing about the game, I still preordered and was playing The Witcher 3 at launch. Of course I fell in love with the game. One of the missions that I remember most vividly was a side quest. Even those were so well done. The particular one in mind tasked me with helping a guy find his wife. Turns out she was a werewolf and was living in a cave beneath his house. Idk why, but I thought that was so cool.

I’ve seen many claim that Black Flag is STILL the best AC game ever. It's funny that the new Skull & Bones Ubisoft game looks like it's going to be even less of a true pirate experience thank Black Flag was.

I have RDR2, but just wasn’t able to get into it. Was too slow for me. Although, I did love the other Red Dead games a lot.
Now that you have the new PC, it’s time to play the latest and greatest.

One of the missions that I remember most vividly was a side quest. Even those were so well done.

I had almost 300 hours in I think, side quests, gear hunting, exploring, you name it. It surely was addictive back then. I think I'll do another playthrough on this new rig, see if the experience is "better" or improved in some way.

The particular one in mind tasked me with helping a guy find his wife. Turns out she was a werewolf and was living in a cave beneath his house

Wasn't it the opposite? Yes, the husband was looking for the wife, but it was actually the husband who was the werewolf, he ended up killing the wife by mistake when he transformed into a werewolf at night. It's either this mission or a different one you've mentioned, because I really can't recall any female werewolf being in the game.

I’ve seen many claim that Black Flag is STILL the best AC game ever

Yup, many would agree, but many say that it's more of a pirate game than an Assassin's Creed game, maybe it is, but I don't see anything wrong with that. And I said the same thing when I first saw Skull & Bones, looks a lot like AC Black Flag, but I really don't know how that game is, never tried it.

I have RDR2, but just wasn’t able to get into it. Was too slow for me.

I call the GTA Cowboy version, and who doesn't love some GTA? 😂 Need to get my hands on it ASAP and put this rig to good use.

I really hope it’s a huge jump forward with this updated next-gen version they are planning on giving away free to owners of the complete edition.

Ahhh you refreshed my memory even better. I see you remember that mission too, a bit better than me. It’s been about 7 or 8 years since I played that, but it stuck out to me. I love how when you dive down into the bottom of a well, it actually leads to the source of the water underground and you can swim out of the caves into a pond or lake.

I have Witcher 3 claimed on GOG, got it for free I guess, even though I bought it back in 2016 on Origin. Will need to check my GOG account. The experience would've great on 1440P I'd say, but that's gonna have to wait for now.

I see you remember that mission too, a bit better than me

It's quite a memorable mission, on top of that, no a lot of werewolves in the game, so it's quite easy to remember.

I love how when you dive down into the bottom of a well, it actually leads to the source of the water underground and you can swim out of the caves into a pond or lake.

Those are spooky man, can't really tell when you're gonna get jumped on by a water hag or some other type of monster. I try my best to avoid those little swimming sessions haha.

Dark Souls, I've played this game so many times and I don't get tired of it, it's a game that I wish I could forget and play again, to forget and play again, I remember that the first time I finished it I cried, I cried because I had finished it, and nothing then, I said new game +

I'm glad to see Ghost of Tsushima, it's one that I have on my list, I bought a PS4 not long ago and I think it will be one of the first ones I try.

 2 years ago (edited) 

I wondered when somebody would mention Dark Souls or Bloodborne. I didn’t love either games, but they are undeniably polished and quite challenging too.

Ghost of Tsushima will be one that sticks with you for a lifetime. It’s truly such a special game.

there are many games i'd like to forget and re-play, but i can nail it down to one because it's the one that blew my mind the most. BUT, to forget and re-play it, i would like to go back in time and re-play when i did, as playng it today, idk if it would have the same impact. other games sure, they where fun and interesting and i'd love to re-play them whenever. Bioshock being the choice for today. and a lot of others, if i where to remember all the game i've played until today.

but the one i'd pick, and only with going back in time condition, would be Command and Conquer.

perhaps because i hadnt played any RTS game until that one; perhaps because i hadn't played many games all together, but Command & Conquer just blew my mind to the stratosphere! the gameplay, the music, the video cutscenes. it was just a fantastic experience!

Bioshock was such a great game, I'm glad that you mentioned it. The environments and characters are just so memorable. I used to get creeped out playing it, but I"ve finished every Bioshock game.

I'm not big for RTS games, but I've definitely heard of Command and Conquer.

oh yeah, Bioshock is the shit! the environment, especially in the first 2 is just top notch. creep fest for sure. but also the story. very interesting and unique for the time (for me at least). and the gameplay...everything about it is good.

im not an RTS fan nowadays either, but Command & Conquer was the first RTS i played, and i read it's one of the first RTS games to exist. maybe that's what blew my mind. akin to something like playing a new genre these days, i guess.

but yeah, i'd choose C&C to forget and replay, granted i could go back in time. to forget and replay today, i would probably choose Bioshock 1.

I also prefer the first two. Infinite was cool, but I missed the dark underwater setting.

yep. that setting was everything, for sure.

the only game that kept me thinking about it for days after I finished it was the mass effect trilogy.

probably is a bit old compared to the others, but man, I really loved that game.

OMG, I loved Mass Effect games so much. I was always a big Dragon Age fan, but I enjoyed those first three Mass Effect games even more. They were similar since they both come from Bioware and let you control multiple characters and have the ability to kind of freeze the game to plan your strategy. I'll never forget my times as a kid roaming the Citadel. As you said, it would be nice to forget and play again for the first time. Especially since they remastered the games and they are nice and recent again.

Ghost of Tsushima is a great shout! I'd add something like Uncharted 4 in there as well as Detroit: Become Human.

Uncharted games are also really great. I want to play that Uncharted: Legacy of Thieves Collection that just re-released as a PS5 version. I just refuse to pay for games that I've already played. Hopefully, they give that away for free eventually.

I don't really like the Detroit: Become Human style of game, although I know many love it.

Yeah, I'm the same mate. Just got a ps5 myself so I managed to get a few of the free upgrades before they stopped doing anymore. They are just milking it for more money at this point!

I’m so glad to hear PS5s are finally starting to become more easily obtainable.

Detroit: Become Human was such a great game. I love games like that that make you think about humanity afterwards.

Agreed. I was a big fan of Heavy Rain too! Hopefully they get another one out soon and keep expanding the genre.

Heavy Rain was so much fun.

Well I think I'm an old school gamer, almost arcade, but I think The Rise of Tomb Raider, of course, then Star Craft II, and WarCraft III The Reign of Chaos and the Frozen Throne.

I have to say, I haven't played Rise of the Tomb Raider. However, Shadow of the Tomb Raider is my favorite TR game ever. I almost added it to this list actually. The setting for that game is amazing. I actually played it so much that I got 100% on it. I also really overused the photo mode in that game 😆

What's cool for me is I just got a PS5 ... For my son but I get to learn all the games ! I have only been into CS on pc for years!

Wow, congrats to you two! He's in for such a treat with that console, it really is great. Astro's Playroom comes pre-installed on the console and it is 100% worth playing all the way through.

Definitely need to check out Overwatch 2, which is dropping today as a free-to-play game. Also, my recent post about Deathverse is worth checking out, another free-to-play game that just came out. So many amazing games worth checking out, especially the ones on the list in this post.

HE LOVES that game! i got the forbidden west bundle. Thank you for the recommendations, I want the suicide squad game that releases this month. Gotham looks cool af and of course madden is a must buy!

 2 years ago (edited) 

Both of those superhero games will be excellent cooperative titles.

One thing to be aware of that is somewhat annoying but understandable… if you wish to play a PS5 version of a game together, you must both be using a PS5 DualSense. You can use a PS4 controller for any PS4 version of a game, it just won’t work with PS5 games.

I learned this trying to play It Takes Two; perhaps the best co-op game ever.

All of these games are very cool. Witcher 3 is definitely one of the games I'd like to forget and play again. But my favorite will be Frostpunk, which is an indie. It was an incredibly enjoyable game and I felt the feeling of survival to the bone, especially when I was playing in the cold of winter hahaha.

Some indie games really are good enough to keep up with bigger games. Sounds like a great game to play when it's snowing outside in real life.

Yeah you can check it. It's not expensive and it's really great to play it in winter

 2 years ago  

So many good games to choose from -- Witcher 3 was a lot of fun to play and God of War was really something else. Haven't played Horizon or that Star Wars one but they look pretty nice. I'll have to add them to my list of must-plays.

Absolutely loved "Control." It was such a beautiful and interesting story -- plus just super strange and I liked the lore and gameplay. Felt like the most fun games have accomplished with psychic abilities. Just the combination of New Weird interdimensional threats combined with the office buiding environment that they made feel so surreal and almost castle-like. The DLC's were great too. If they came out with a sequel I might even wait in line for that.

Control was a huge surprise for me. It was my first Remedy game and I really love them as a studio now.

 2 years ago  

I have yet to play the Alan Wake games but am tempted to try them out. Thought it was really clever how in control they had certain words of the Board’s speech split between two words and how there was an ex-member who was trying to enter the Earth reality through a refrigerator of death. Felt like they really let themselves be super creative and weird and it worked out very well.

I’m holding out on this new Alan Wake that came out fairly recently. I for some reason have a feeling it’ll be given away as a PS Plus game or added to the Extra tier eventually. Maybe I’m crazy, but I’m not paying for it haha.

The weirdness of Control was one of the best part, gameplay too of course.

 2 years ago  

For me, if I could forget any game and have the joy of replaying it "for the first time" all over again, I'd struggle to choose between the Mass Effect trilogy and Dragon Age. When I very first played I fell in love with all the characters, the worlds, the massive dialogue systems, the choices you could make that could make new playthroughs completely different... I spent so many hundreds of hours just lapping it all up.

The best gaming experiences I've ever had. 😊

You just love BioWare. So many great things about their games. I am a big fan of Dragon Age and Mass Effect. I played through Origins like 3 or 4 times. I’ve also played every Mass Effect and the only one I didn’t finish was Andromeda.

If I could go back and experience Elden Ring for the first time again, that would be awesome. Sekiro is another I would want to play again for the first time.

I have a feeling you are not the only one to choose Elden Ring. Lucky for me, I still have the opportunity to experience both of the games you mentioned for the first time at any moment if I'm ever needing a new game during a dry spell.

Sekiro is one of the best Samurai style games out there. The combat is a lot more for those that like offensive style of fighting.

Oooo.. probably The Witcher 3. Some of yours I haven't even looked at. That CyberPunk being one. I'm quite far into 'Ghost of' and the new Horizon game.. haven't touched it. I got a little bored with the first one.

You can find Cyberpunk for $20 or less quite easily these days. It is well worth that price. Easily 100 hours of extremely enjoyable content, that which is actually much more playable almost a year after the original launch. I just wouldn't recommend trying to play it on the older consoles like the PS4 or Xbox One.

If you got bored with the first Horizon, it may the same in this new one. Although I can say I got bored with the first too. Forbidden West was just so freaking good and truly is next-gen.

I just wouldn't recommend trying to play it on the older consoles like the PS4 or Xbox One.

I have a PS5, what a lovely machine that is.

Forbidden West was just so freaking good and truly is next-gen.

The next-gen bit is what attracts me. There are still not many centrepieces for the PS5, even after all this time.

Then you're good to go and can take advantage of the newly released PS5 upgrade of Cyberpunk. You can buy the super cheap PS4 version and it'll let you upgrade for free to play the PS5 version.

Most of the first-party PlayStation games seem to be pushing things the furthest. They defintely are usually the best with DualSense support. Control is the one major outlier for that, damn is it good. This is why I'm so hyped for the next God of War in November, I know it is going to be one of the best games ever. Other games like Returnal, Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart, Forbidden West, and several others really stand out among a herd of games stuck in limbo between PS4 and PS5. 2023 and beyond will be more clearly next-gen I think.

Then you're good to go and can take advantage of the newly released PS5 upgrade of Cyberpunk. You can buy the super cheap PS4 version and it'll let you upgrade for free to play the PS5 version.

Isn't it great when you can do this? Skyrim and AC Valhalla were two I remember.

I didn’t realize how far behind in terms of power I was with my launch PS4. It was running everything at 1080p/30 fps. I’m so spoiled now with gorgeous visuals that run so smooth.

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The choices are endless, Brother.
In fact, you have to give your seven best choices here.

For pro gamers like you, of course, you can't just choose one option. All games have their own character and charm. But of the many things they talk about, 3 criteria, consisting of an attractive appearance, a level of challenge, and a modern feel, are the main choices.

I don't have a lot of free time, so I don't have any options. I occasionally just watch what my friends are playing.
I'm afraid of being addicted. !LOL

I was once addicted to video games to the point where it was unhealthy. I was much younger then and now I have the control to stop whenever. I still enjoy playing, but I also have a life to live and don't want it to take up too much of my day to day.

Self-control that should be owned by those who feel addicted.

Do you intend to make a post that reviews about the control, Bro?

It will definitely be of great use to someone who can't manage time and balance the needs of their game.

That's a good idea. I will add it to my list of future post possibilities. Thanks for the recommendation.

I love everything about God of War which is the game I wish I could forget and start all over again.

If that's the case, then I know you must be excited for the sequel Ragnarök, coming out Nov 9th.

Almost all the games I have tried I enjoyed it a lot, especially Horizon Forbidden, I like fighting in different distant lands with huge machines.
it's nice game I appreciate this experience ☺️

Horizon was such a fun experience. It was one of the most enjoyable open worlds to explore and the machine battles were always challenging.

I love playing God of war, it's enthusiastic and entertaining, but at the same time I don't like its characters, it's a little scary and ugly.

Hmm, that's fair. I liked the characters, especially Mimir also known as the Smartest Man Alive and nicknamed by Kratos as Head.

Adventure games are my favourite, I prefer Control Ultimate edition. It's amazing as if you're playing a real game.

You're lucky to have experienced Control. Did you ever finish the game? If so, did you play the DLC?

is a very diverse list of games. Right now I'm not a big fan of video games due to lack of time, but I would love to be able to play a new "Legend of Zelda" and reminisce a bit about my youth

Lack of time kept me from playing video games for almost a year once. One of the worst years ever, never again.

Zelda games are great. The new Tears of the Kingdom game looks like it’s going to be another special one.

for those Zelda games they are the best. I will read a little about the one you tell me and see how it is

Any Final Fantasy, without doubt.

Have you had the chance to play the FFVII Remake yet? That is the first FF game where I actually spent multiple hours playing it. Most of the other ones just haven't been for me. I guess I'm used to the western style of games and also don't really enjoy the turn-based stuff in the ones that feature that.

I see that you really like fighting and adventures. not so much sports

I used to love sports games a lot more than I do now. FIFA is really the only sports game I ever play these days though.

Of the ones you mention, the Star Wars: Jedi Fallen Order game catches my attention if I have the opportunity I would play it without thinking about it.

De los que mencionas me llama mucha la atención el juego de Star Wars: Jedi Fallen Order si tengo la oportunidad lo jugaría sin pensarlo.

If you have not played it yet and love Star Wars, then you absolutely must give it a try sometime.

Si aún no lo has jugado y te encanta Star Wars, entonces definitivamente debes probarlo en algún momento.


I remember when u reviewed and showed gameplay of ghost of Tsushima and also many posts showing forbidden west. Those stood out as the coolest/prettiest games to me..


You’ve been around for quite a while now. You know some of my obsessions thanks to this.


I think God of war would be that choice to forget and play again.

That's a great choice. It was one of my favorite singleplayer games that I've ever played.

Yeah it really is.

The Witcher 3. for me it is a perfect game.

It really is such a great game.


All the games are really nice and I can't really pick a preferred choice.

It’s not easy to select only one.

Well I don't know which I would even play since I've never played any of these game before 😊😊

Surely you have a favorite game, perhaps one that isn’t on this list.

Certainly true

The games we loved!!

Playing games usually we will lose track of time because of the fun

Indeed, it happens sometimes.

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