Thanks for the mention @hivegc
I kind of forgot about days gone I should really jump into that game.. As I said before I am dying for a good zombie game with a great story line and that about sums up what Im looking for!!!
Thanks for the mention @hivegc
I kind of forgot about days gone I should really jump into that game.. As I said before I am dying for a good zombie game with a great story line and that about sums up what Im looking for!!!
You should not forget about days gone again. In case you forgot, here I'm reminding you. 🤣
Hahaha I've been real busy this week 😂 and will be next week as well but after next week im gna be free.... Well except for work 🙄😂😂...
So when ive got free time ima give it a look...
I saw you made another post about it... Gna check those out a bit later aswell 😉👍
And man I've found a photo mode in the game that I was not aware about and now I can capture some really dope moments of the game.
Hahaha I cant seem to get the photo's next to each other like you did?
must it be like that?
because I am so confused right now xD
Sorry Ive been away for a while. I think im going to put you on my notifications so that I can be notified when you post something.. because I seem to miss all the posts that I actually enjoy reading xD'
You'r welcome. Keep up the good work!