ThrowBack Thursday - MY Best Video Game Memories 2

in Hive Gaming4 years ago

So many awesome memories came pouring in during the Hive Gaming Community's Best Video Game Memories contest. There were a bunch of great entries and shared experiences. It was quite an amazing initiative that bonded the Hive community and not just in the gaming category either. Here, as promised, i will share my follow-up to that contest post, which i was fortunate enough to win with.

Video Game Nostalgia

For me, one of the best things about video games and the memories that go with them are the places and times that come back to mind when reminiscing. I almost get transported in time and space when i think enough of wonderful memories of my youth surrounding video games.


There is an Italian restaurant that was just down the street from the house i grew up in called Angelo's. It's still there and if you are ever in Irving, Texas you should stop by and try the Lasagna!

I remember going there as a kid and in the waiting area, where you hang out until a table opens up be seated at, they had a Ms. Pac-Man sit down table arcade game (that looks just like the one in the image below) that we use to love to play. I haven't been there in years but the last time i was they still had the same Ms. Pac-Man game in the same spot.

Ms. Pac-Man Cocktail Table Video Arcade Game for Sale

We used to try and play every chance we got. After we ordered our food we would sneak away and try to get some game time in before the food arrived at the table. Of course, we would also speed eat to get some more gaming in before time to go home.

Later, when i got older and used to walk home after soccer practice from school, i would stop by and play a little every now and again. Some great memories were made on that sit-down arcade game!

Mid-Cities Skateland

Another place with great memories was Mid-Cities Skateland which apparently closed down just last year. It was a roller skating rink that many birthday parties were had at. It was between my city and the next one over, hence the name! While most dudes were trying to check out the chicks... i was playing the arcade games!

One of my favorite games to play there in between skating was Rampage.

Rampage Arcade Game Flyer

In this game, you could be a giant ape that was like King Kong, or a giant Lizard that was like Godzilla, or a giant Werewolf. This arcade game had 3 spots with joysticks and buttons. You were limited to the character that was associated with the spot. Unfortunately, my favorite character had it's buttons stuck from too many people just smashing the buttons.

All you did in that game was pretty much smash up city-scapes. You would climb buildings and punch holes in things and eat people. Try not to get shot to death by the helicopters or eat the wrong things. It was a fun game anytime you played it. I used to play with the broken buttons from time to time just to keep my character loyalty!

Nintendo came out with a version that was very true to the Arcade version and it was fun too... it just didn't have the same experience that being at that Arcade game had, stuck buttons or not!


Of course, some of my best memories are playing games on home consoles with my brother and sisters! Some of my worst game memories were at home with them too! hahahaha Putting the NES games in at a certain angle or blowing the dust out of the cartridge to get it to work better was at the time a pain but now something i kind of miss.

One game that always stuck out to me that i played with my brother was Skate or Die! He was a skateboarder and i always wanted to skateboard too. Skating was growing to be very popular at this time with movies like Gleaming the Cube with Christian Slater and cameo appearances from Tony Hawk and other pros promoting the sport.

Skate or Die NES Game Cartridge

Skate or Die had a few different games within the game. I preferred joust because it was one that i could compete with my brother in and actually win. They also had a freestyle half-pipe competition where you could do tricks. A lot of good memories associated with that game... and no, i never did get good at skateboarding, in the game or in real life!

Skate or Die Gameplay

Another one of the early games that has a lot of great memories associated with it would be Mike Tyson's Punch-Out! Mike Tyson was super popular in boxing at the time and he was one of the first people i recall having a video game. Rocky was one of our favorite movie franchises and Little Mac sure was a lot like Rocky.

I can still here the music in the training sequence with Mac jogging behind his Mick/Trainer!

Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!! - Rocky Training Sequence

This game was super tough. Mike Tyson was challenged to play against himself in the video game and it was no surprise that he couldn't win like the rest of us. I remember we used to have the code to get straight to Mike and it never helped me beat the game. I thought we had solved one of the world's greatest problems when we discovered you could hit the select button in between rounds to get an increase in health!

Collecting the stars to perform the special uppercuts was quite rewarding. It was always interesting that Mac had to jump to get that uppercut to connect! Figuring out each opponent's weakness was a fun challenge.

Little Mac with the Eye of the Tiger

There are many games that i will probably share in future posts associated with the NES games and system. For now we will move on to a game that i am disappointed in myself for not remembering until after i posted for the contest.

I mentioned that we got a Sega Genesis for Christmas one year and how rad that was!

Sega Genesis Console

One game that really stood out to me on that console was Earthworm Jim! They made a version for SNES that was good too but the graphics seems to look nicer on Genesis in my humble opinion. To simply put it... this game was weird! You can read about the game in detail in the link below.

Earthworm Jim Fandom Wiki Character Page Gallery

An Earthworm named Jim gets a suit that makes him have the ability to do human-like activities. He had a gun and could slip out of his suit to be used as a whip or lasso! It was super strange and i would still recommend this game for your playing pleasures! The art was pretty amazing and the idea was so extremely unique and creative that the game won many awards.

Earthworm Jim's Lasso Action

One last game, for now, worth mentioning was Super Mario Kart! We enjoyed the levels and the competitive nature of the game in general. My siblings and i would often play after school and on the weekends. Our favorite thing to do was the battle mode.

Original Super Mario Kart SNES

Not all of us were good on the racing aspect but we enjoyed killing each other with red and green turtle shells. I personally enjoyed leaving banana peels behind strategically that would get them by surprise.

BeltLine Station

Probably the most special place to go in my formative years was BeltLine Station. It was a place that was the standard when a birthday party would take place. They had a mini put-put golf course, batting cages, and go-carts. But my favorite thing to do was play the arcade games, of course!

Shinobi was one of my favorite games. It was extremely difficult for me but i just wanted to make it to the bonus round where you got to throw the Chinese stars in the first-person point of view.


I liked anything having to do with martial arts and/or ninjas... so Shinobi was a perfect fit. I never beat it or even got that far but i still love this game to this very day! I always thought the special was trippy where the ninja hero duplicated himself and bounced around killing all the enemies. I always tried to save up for this boss... and it was still rarely enough to get me to pass the level!

Shinobi Gameplay

One of my all-time favorite ninja games was Ninja Gaiden! It is pretty good on the console but the arcade was an amazing experience. It didn't matter if it was on console or arcade to have a creepy vibe about it though!

Ninja Gaiden Flyer

This game was an import so it was a difficult arcade game to find. Beltline station had it early on. This was one of the only games that had a button on top of the joystick. You could push that to grab on to poles, signs, and enemies.

You could do this swing kick move like in all the movies or flip over and enemy and toss them into other enemies. It was a very difficult game but extremely fun to play. I didn't know until researching for this post that the continue scene, where you have to scramble to grab another token or quarter to continue while the clock counts down before it's too late, was apparently very controversial.

I guess the pit and the pendulum style saw dropping down was too violent for many of the adults at the time. Video games, especially the violent ones, have always seemed to have an heir of controversy surrounding them.

Ninja Gaiden's famous Continue Screen

One of the games with the most memories associated is Street Fighter 2. I remember at BeltLine Station there being rows of quarters stacked on both sides of the game to indicate who was going to play next. They had the control consoles with the buttons and joystick on a podium and the screen was a giant screen display a few feet in front.

They truly had it set up in a tournament fashion before that became the norm. You had to have some courage just to put your token up on the player board to enter yourself into the queue.

Street Fighter 2 splash screen

I was usually one of the younger ones playing so i was often intimidated watching the big kids play. This game was one of the first that had command-based moves. I could tell all of them had way more knowledge and experience than myself. Every now and then i would end up winning against one of the best dudes that underestimated my ability!

At the time, this game had some of the most variety when it came to playing with different characters. Considering that it cost money to try one out... you better have chosen wisely! Nobody ever enjoyed running out of tokens!

My first favorite character was Dhalsim and i used to call him rubberband man. His unorthodox style was what threw off a lot of my opponents. Then i liked Blanka because of the roller-ball attack and the electricity attack!

Street Fighter 2 Gameplay

I saved a lot of money once the arcade game came to my local grocery store for only a quarter to play rather than the .50 cents or two token charge at most other places. Then they came out with a SNES version and i recall one of my neighbors that all the kids in our neighborhood would flock over to his house in order to play.

Everyone at that point was an expert and the wait time was almost worse than at the store or BeltLine Station. Even though it was free, i never excelled with my peers so i moved on!

Street Fighter 2: The World Warrior for SNES

They did come out with an abomination of a Live-Action movie which we will not speak of, even though Jean-Claude VanDamme was in it. But they did come out with an awesome anime movie that the band Korn did the soundtrack for. I always liked that movie.

Street Fighter 2 Anime Movie

Lastly, one of my favorite games to play at BeltLine Station was the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles game. This was another game where based on your spot at the controls your character was selected.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Opening Sequence

I am a nerd in more ways that one... and i grew up absolutely loving all things Ninja Turtles! This game had all the action of the cartoon. It had all 4 turtles to choose from. It had most of the best villains... and it even had the opening music as the intro.

I didn't even mind hanging around watching this one. It was difficult for it's time because it had so much going on. You really needed a team of buddies to participate to make it far. This was awesome for birthday parties when we would all have our party sack with all our tokens in there. Sometimes we couldn't wait for the cake and presents to get over with just so we could go run and play the games.

While many people would rather do the go-carts or the mini-golf... me and my nerds were gaming out. I even thought April O'Neil on the side of the game was hot. Her hair was a bit overdone but i wasn't picky.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Arcade Game (1989)

This game really had it all. The skateboarding sequence was intense. Even though it was a standard side-scroller it was everything a video game could be! NES came out with a game that was extremely true to the arcade version. Unfortunately, it was only two-player though. They also came out with another Ninja Turtles game that is still impossibly hard even today. I never cared for that game... but the Arcade version is still LEGENDARY!

TMNT Arcade Gameplay

Bob's SNES

I mentioned Bob in my last gaming post. He was the guy with the computer and the FPS games that i mentioned in that post. Well, Bob also had a SNES that we hooked up in my friend's room when i was staying with him in High School. One game that i spent most of my time playing on there besides Die Hard was Final Fantasy.

I had a difficult time figuring out exactly which one it was and for good reason after researching. Technically, it was Final Fantasy 6 but here in North America is was part 3. This was the first Role-Playing Turn-Based game i had ever played. I always rename the characters so that didn't help me track the version down either!

Final Fantasy 6 aka part 3 in North America

At first, i didn't care for the childlike graphics and animations. Eventually, the music and storyline got me hooked though. After getting far enough to understand why the turn-based action made sense for the way they had this game set up i was quite enjoying the graphics.

I couldn't tell you how many hours i spent playing this game. I had gotten stuck on part of the game where i had no idea what i was supposed to do. I guess i shouldn't have smoked so much! I was sad when Bob eventually moved out and took his SNES and Final Fantasy with him. One day, maybe i will find the time to go revisit this old gem.

Final Fantasy 3 for SNES

It wouldn't be long before i bought a Sony Playstation and Final Fantasy 7... but that is a story for another post, another time! I hope some of my favorite gaming memories on this ThrowBack Thursday have jogged your memory as well!

Street Fighter Live Action Movie

Thanks for stopping by and taking the time to read this post. I would be curious to hear which games came to your mind while reading this post. I am sure we all have some awesome memories and experiences to share!

Game Over Man... Game Over!

Bob Ross GoodBye


I had some great times on the Atari 2600 back in the day bro; Not my own, my parents couldn't afford one.

I was shit at everything except Frogger...I was a whiz at that. I'd have that little fucker hopping all over the place and would dazzle my friends with my Frogger-prowess. Of course, invariably, I'd get joystick fatigue and my hand would twitch involuntary and that little green bastard would get splatter by a car or truck.

You may not remember the game, or the console I guess though...Not being a dinosaur like me and all. 🤣

Dude, we had an Atari from way back when... and Frogger was one of my favorites, next to Alien Invaders. Frogger used to give me anxiety about moving up and over and waiting for the perfect time to move up again. I used to , and still do, love that game!

I guess we are dinosaurs together bro! hahahah

See, you don't have to be a gamer to appreciate what memories are associated with the experiences growing up!

If you were here I'd challenge you to Frogger-combat...It's like two gladiators fighting in the Colosseum but with less sweat. The same intensity though. 🤣

To the Death! (of the frog)

Lol... Exactly!

I remember going to the local miniature golf course as a kd. They had a castle that was a arcade inside and we'd eat pizza and play games for hours.

I had a texas instruments instead of atari. I remember some mountain climber game i was aweful at.

You brought up the TMNT arcade game! I played it all the time. I was donatello. I think my buddy and i killed an entire summer playing that game. And youre right the other tmnt game was just too hard. I couldn't get anywhere in that game and the controls were finicky.

I always got stuck then and now in the underwater spot where you couldn't get electrified with the stuff around the edges in that original ninja turtle game. I made it past that point but was so drained it didn't even matter. That arcade game was the bomb! I will probably make a post soon about Ninja Turtles.

That's the same part i couldn't get past! I think that was a level that got most kids and turned them off from the game. Shoulda beta tested it and listened to feedback and made it easier. Did they even do beta testing back then?

Probably not! hahahha

For some reason I can't see some gifs in this post. I have to say it, but every time you say "I'm going to prepare a post" you surprise me. I must admit that this time there are several games that I don't know. I remember I had a great time playing Mike Tyson with several friends. I've always been bad at fighting games and this one was no exception, but it was still a lot of fun. Excellent post dude.

The guy that swallowed the rose was the best guy to get the uppercut stars... Don Flamenco! Thank you for your kind words! I am sure you are great at fighting games now! I hope the gifs come through! If not follow the links bro! That's what they are there for! Love you Perce!

Ah I played only Super Mario as a kid but gosh it was fun, a nice walk through memory lane. I wonder how kids today would react if they were to play these games today🤔😂

Yeah, i bet they wouldn't find them so easy! Hahahaha Mario was one of the best of all time! It's still fun to play in my opinion. Thanks for taking the time to read and comment Miss Mary! =)

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This is pretty cool! Thank you! =)

What a bunch of great games, haha!

Very nice post, @castleberry.

Thanks for taking the time to stop by and read it and comment. Glad that you enjoyed the selections!

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What a great post and congrats for winning the contest btw : ) I´ll be waiting your post about Final Fantasy VII.

Thank you! Yeah, i have a funny story about FF 7 that will be funyn to share! Thanks for taking the time to read the post. I am super glad you enjoyed it.

Wow. Just before reading this @castleberry "The GIF King" , I know that I have been a gamer all of my life even when I was a kid. And when I saw this, oh, was I just a normie kid gamer? You played lots of games dude. When I was a kid, I play games everyday but we are not that financially stable so I am more exposed to outdoor games ahha😂😂.

Not all of us were good on the racing aspect but we enjoyed killing each other with red and green turtle shells. I personally enjoyed leaving banana peels behind strategically that would get them by surprise.
We do this kind of shits with my childhood homies. Trolling is better than winning the game HAHAHAH

I haven't fully appreciated how blessed i have been growing up, in regard to games, until reflecting on the memories and experiences for these posts. Video games weren't easily accessible or available more than likely in many parts of the world. Even if they were, they may have been the last thing worth spending money on.

In my original gaming post i mentioned my dad worked for a movie/game rental company... so we got to try many out for free on the weekends. That is what really gave me most of the opportunity to try them out. Going to the social places and arcades were also helpful. We didn't have much money growing up so owning all the consoles and games was not ever an option.

Believe it or not... we played outside games a lot too! hahaha And the banana peel troll kill was the best for me. Thanks for taking the time to read this post and comment (and now read my long reply! hahaha)!

(And now please do read also my longer reply👌😂)

But yes, you're wealthier than me as a kid so you got to play a lot of arcade. When computer was not that popular in our place, just the joystick kind of thing was popular, and then the gameboy went popular. I really wanted to have one but I am shy to ask for my parents cause I know they have less. But I got some kind friends so I just borrow their gameboy.

(I told this thing in my Best Video Game Memories blog)
When a computer shop was built very near to our place, I really got addicted to computer games. The computer was accesible through a "coin slot"(1 peso coin[0.002$] and whenever my money will all be spent in the computer, I will then went back home and steal some money from my parent's pocket😂😂(not that big, I am not that bad as a kid😂I have some conscience too). And when that stolen money was all spent again, I will went back to our house and find the box that contains old coins - that can not be bought in stores anymore. And then insert that coin to the coin slot. I do this every afternoon so that most of the kids are sleeping and no one could catch what I am doing HAHAHAHAH. Everytime the owner withdraws the money inside, he wonders why there are unusual coins and I was asked one time if I know some kid who did this but I have to act cool and say that I do not know😂😂 I and my friends found this coin who has a hole on top, so to have unlimited access the computer we attched that coin to a thread and pull it back and forth so the "coin sensor" gets activated and the time gets bigger. I am somehow a bad kid (when it comes to that) but I really am kind as a kid when it comes to people.


Before computer had gone rampant, Iam more of an outdoor gamer(is this the term?, lol😂).

*P. S. That was a long one man. So what the fck is this? Comment wars? HAHAHA

Hahahha (comment) War ON Bro!
You should tell that story in your entry for the new contest! That would be a worst memory along with a best one too. I remember your post for the contest and the computer cafe.

I too, although i don't like to admit it, stole some of the more high value coins to play games for the change jars! hahahaha Not too much either since i wasn't that bad... but bad enough to want to feed my gaming addictions. I wasn't richer than you growing up.. and i didn't like to ask my parents either since we had a big family and little money.

The purchasing power is just more with our money comapared to yours. As far as the rich American standard lifestlye.... we were definitely not rich. We weren't in total poverty either. I knew that video games was a waste of money but i played anyways when i could.

I love you man! Thanks for taking the time to share your experiences and i hope in a humorous way you tell this story in your entry into the new Game Community contest. I will be making my entry today or tomorrow!

I don't think outdoor gamer is the term... i think Normal Kid playing is the term. Hide and Seek in the dark was my favorite! hahahahha or Freeze Tag!

Looking forward for your entry man. But I do not think what I said will fit for a worst gaming experience. I find it more like of a best one HAHAHAH. Anyway, I surrender, you won in the COMMENT WARS my dude 😂😂😂 Jason Lost. The GIF King won the war👑👑👑


I hope you win in the contest🤘🤘 Have a good day my dude😁

Thanks Jason! It would still make a good write up! ahhahaha

Beautiful your field brother, God take care of your harvest you have a gift.
A big strong hug !!!

Hugs to you too! Thanks! I pray the harvest is truly is plenteous, but the labourers are few! God Bless & Keep You and Your Family!

amen amen @castleberry, I'll be very aware of your post has a new follower here. thanks to you for sharing your content. I also greet and bless all your family there.

Thank You! Very Much

pleasure is the same friend I hope to see you on my blog I will be aware of your publications. 😁