How I Ended Up With Mass Effect Andromeda

in Hive Gaming9 months ago


So funny story, I thought I was buying a game that I finished part 1,2 and three off only to realise that I bought an entirely different game that I never played before I mean i’ve heard of Mads Effect, but i’ve never played the previous versions of the game. I confused Mass Effect with Dead Space which is a game that i’ve finished the trilogy of and I thought this was the fourth part. (You Can Read About My Time Playing The Dead Space Trilogy Towards The End Of This Post)

Okay, So I now have an entirely new game that I have no clue about to play for the week which is Mass Effect Andromeda from the Mass Effect Universe. Quick search on Google and I found out that you didn’t necessarily need to play the previous parts to get to know this game as this is a standalone version, which was a relief for me.

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The gist of it is that the game is set in the 29th Century in the Andromeda Galaxy where humanity is looking towards finding new worlds to populate as part of a strategy called the Andromeda Initiative. When you begin, you have an option to choose between Scott or Sara Ryder and I decide to play as Sara.

The game has really good story for a action RPG but you also have a lot of QnA choices that you make in the game which I found exhausting and I would mostly skip over those parts, this was a really tedious game with a lot of buggy movements and OMG the amount of utter useless side missions in this game is ridiculous and pair this with lengthy narrative, this side missions just got time consuming and I just dropped them all together to focus on the Main ones to just get done with the game.

Here’s the types of enemies that you will come across in the game:



Kett Troopers: Basic infantry units armed with standard firearms. They are the most common kett enemies and are relatively easy to defeat.


Kett Destined: These enemies can cloak themselves and other kett, making them invisible until they attack.


Kett Anointed: Heavily armored soldiers equipped with powerful weapons like the plasma cannon.


Kett Ascendant: Elite units that can generate a protective orb, which must be destroyed to make them vulnerable.


Kett Fiends: Large, beast like creatures with powerful melee attacks and significant health.



Remnant Assemblers: Small robotic units that can repair other Remnant and deploy defensive turrets.


Remnant Observers: Flying drones that attack with energy beams and can phase in and out of visibility.


Remnant Nullifiers: Heavily shielded robots with powerful energy cannons. They require strategic targeting to defeat.


Remnant Destroyers: Large, heavily armed robots with multiple weapon systems and significant durability.


Remnant Architects: Massive, boss-like enemies encountered in specific missions. They have multiple phases and require coordinated attacks to defeat.



Human Outlaws: Various human enemies including raiders, sharpshooters, and biotic users. They use a mix of conventional weapons and tactics.


Exiles: Former Nexus settlers turned hostile. They include a range of combatants similar to human outlaws but are often better equipped.


Angaran Outlaws: Disaffected Angara who have turned to crime. They use a mix of Angaran technology and conventional weapons.


Roekaar: A militant Angaran faction opposed to alien presence. They are well-organized and use advanced tactics and weaponry.

Well, these are most of the NPC’s that you will come across in your time playing this game, and it took me about 22 hours in total gameplay to finish this one including a couple of side missions.

Also I honestly found it super weird when I found out that you have people that played this title over 5+ times!!! AM I THE ONLY ONE THAT THINKS THIS 🥲

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Mass Effect Andromeda is complete trash xD Don't leave it taint your view of the OG trilogy. You don't need to play the previous games to know what's going on as the game is set 100 years after the main trilogy and there's very few call backs.

For the game itself you might enjoy it more if you haven't played the others as the big twist in the game is just a recycled idea from ME2. I hope you can find some enjoyment in the game!

Oh I see will try the Trilogy then someday down the line!

Trilogy is the bomb! Hands down it is one of my top 5 game series!