Digimon World Next Order is a Digital Pet simulator game where you take care of your Digimon needs while recruiting Digimon to the City and building it along the way.
Digimon World Next Order is a modern sequel to the beloved first entry of the Digimon World series. This time, you manage two Digimon at a time instead of one! The scope of the world is also bigger, and there more recruitable and obtainable Digimon. The sound track is very nostalgic with many tracks being remasters of Digimon World 1 OST. Still, the original had more charm in the moment-to-moment experience.
Watch My Playthrough on Youtube:
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This is my 2nd session of the game. Just after the tutorial, I had to start training my Digimon from Zero. Their first (baby) level. I choose YukiBotamon, and Punimon whom I digivolved to Nyaromon and Tsunimon, then to SnowAgumon and Psychemon respectively. Afer that I went out of the city, found a Patamon, and made him my first recruit.
This wasn't bad a start for Next Order. I can see it's a bit rough game, and the animations aren't always great. I didn't like Patamon's talking animation. I guess, Digimon Story Cyberslueth Duology, are still the best games I played after all. Still, this has the DMW1's File City theme for Floatia, which gives it extra points. Don't you agree?
Thanks for Watching/Reading!
Posted Using InLeo Alpha
Reminds me a lot of the PS1 Digimon Game, one of the best of all time for me
Yup, it's a sequel to the PS1 game. The main character of the first game is in this one too. Though I don't know yet if he's on "our" side.
I automatically fell into PS1 nostalgia when I didn't know about this Digimon game. I wasn't a big fan of the anime, but I did enjoy the game on PS1 quite a bit. It looks good, is it tied to the history of the PS1?
I'm not sure what you're asking, but if you're asking if this Digimon game I'm playing tied to the PS1 game, then yes. Next Order is a sequel that has similar gameplay and structure to the first Digimon game on PS1. But has no relation to any other Digimon World game other than the first one.
@llamathreads, give the guy above me a comparison between Digimon Word 1 and Digimon World Next Order!
Comparison Time!
Digimon World 1 (PS1) vs Digimon World: Next Order:
Source: Bandai Namco for more info!
Yes, that was exactly what I was asking, oh I see! I understand, how interesting, I didn't know that!