Kingdom New Lands - Adventure continues! Conquering the second island!

in Hive Gaming7 months ago

Hello again!
Today I am going to show you the second part of the Kingdom New Lands adventure. Last time we conquered the first island, that felt more like a tutorial compared to the packed action this part has.

If you didn't see the first part and feel like checking it click here to see it!

Now let's get started.

Thumbnail GIF!

The second island looks similar to the first one, in the end it's another island not far from the first one. Luckily the game allows me to get some troops and workers from the first island to the second one, so I have a small head start, also I kept the gold I had in my pouch, also very helpful.

As the level starts I already started going to the right side of my base and check around. Found the wooden shrine that once activated grants you access to Stone upgrades. I bought it because not far from it there was a chest with gold, so I considered it like the Shrine paid itself for the upgrade.

Wooden Shrine that gives you access to stone upgrades!

If I remember correctly this chest was the only one that I found on this island, compared to 3 chests on the first island.

The chest close to the shrine, that it's being upgraded in the left side of the picture!

After all this I went back to my base, built the fire and started building the base and protection for the coming nights.

The merchant that comes daily to "trade" with me and gives me a couple of coins came since day one, but compared to the first island, he stopped coming after 5-6 days, this meant there needs to be another way to make gold, and the only way could be the farmers. Farmers that didn't work on the first island because I got daily gold from the merchant.

Merchant with the donkey!

First days went well, all I did was get gold upgrade, survive another day, grab some more troops, survive again, get gold, upgrade and so on.

I explored the island on both sides, this time the beasts were spawning on both sides, I couldn't focus only one one side to protect it.

Another good thing that I had near my base was the Archery statue shrine, which can be activated for 5 gold and it increase the damage and accuracy of your archers.

Archery Statue Shrine, fire lit means it was activated! Once activated it stays active for a day, you can activate it for max 3 days in advance!

By the end of day 8 I already upgraded my main building, the castle, to Wood and the 2 far walls on the left and right to the first Stone level.

Wood upgrade for the main building!

Kingdom was prospering, getting attacks bigger and bigger by night, but at this point I already had 4 farmers producing gold almost daily!


Because the attacks were getting bigger and at one point if a red moon comes, I might not have enough force to survive the night, I built two catapults, one for each side. This took place during day 11 to day 12.

The following day it was time for the main building to go stone, this would allow me to build iron shields, two for each side of the island. The shields can be worn by simple villagers and become Knights, and once you have a pack of archers and one or two knights you can send them to their specific side to attack the portal.

Me and my troops going to attack the right side portal!

Troops attacking the portal, it took them like 5mins to take it down, I lost plenty of troops during this battle!

After taking down the right portal I could focus on the left side of the island now, but the game started spawning new monsters there, bigger and stronger, also a new type that was flying and taking my archers down from the towers.

One of the new beasts type, flying, lots of hp, and takes down archers from towers! I got a few attacks with this type of beast but I couldn't kill it a single time.

In the meantime I also started pushing gold coins in to the shipwreck and prepare myself leaving the island because the attacks were getting bigger and bigger.

Second new beast, that giant that smacks the walls, I only managed to kill it when he was close to my main building!

By day 28, my ship was ready, and it started moving to the docks, to the right side of the map where I destroyed the portal. A thing that I understood now is that the ship doesn't sail to the docks but it is being pushed by workers and that's why it takes days to reach the docks, this time I had 2 workers pushing it, for the next Island I will try to send more workers that way, maybe the speed will increase.

While my base was getting destroyed night by night on the left site, I was trying to grab as much gold as possible to bring on the next island, and invest in bows so I can get a couple of troops with me as well.

The weather on the island started changing, winter was coming, it started snowing, I think the game was sending me signs that I should have built faster and do all the possible things to leave as soon as possible, so by day 31 I managed to leave the island with some archers, workers, a Knight and my gold pouch almost full.

The second island took me 31 in game days to finish, it was a different challenge compared to the first one, the total gameplay time it took me to complete it is 2 hours and 6 minutes.

If you got to the end of my second island story I'd like to thank you for stopping by to check my post. Also you can check my encounter with the first island here.

Thank you, and see you on my journey on the third island, let's see if that will be game over or I will survive to see a fourth island!

All the images used in this post were created by me during the gameplay, also the GIFs were created using ShareX
