
You play as Brad the barbarian, who is awoken to the sounds of his town under siege. Today is different though; Brad has grown tired of fighting all the time. The usual grind for XP has grown dull, and he has decided to pursue his dreams of making music instead of shedding blood.
Release date: 14 Apr 2014
Steam Reviews: Very Positive
Steam Price: 7.99€
The description, and specs were taken from the official game's Steam page.
You can get the game on steam from the following page: Bardbarian's steam page
Bardbarian - Official Trailer
Hello, and welcome to your new favorite corner of the internet!
In today's gameplay I am presenting you a game called Bardbarian, if you look throughout the gameplay and screenshots you'll probably ask yourself what the **** is this, but it's a 10 years old game that still stands decently today.
The Gameplay can be watched on my Youtube Channel down below:

The main character of the game is called Bard the bardbarian, he wakes up one day tired of splitting skulls for his XP and decides he will work on his music dreams.

With his new Lute made out of an old Axe he pursues his dream and the action start. You start your journey with Brad singing on his Axe which allows you to call friendlies to assist you in battle (well more like fight for you, because Brad doesn't attack anyone in this game, at least not currently) and/or buff these friendlies.

You start with 3 type of units you can summon/call to aid you in battle at first, later on you unlock a bigger variety of units. As you battle your enemies these units can level up increasing their stats on the battlefield, if a unit dies you can call a new one but this will be again level 1. You can upgrade them with gold in the shop so once you summon them, they will spawn with a higher level and better stats.

As for the powerups, you have 4. First one in the list stuns the enemies around you for a while and doesn't cost anything using it, it just recharges as you fight. The other 3 are using "song points" and can greatly increase your damage, speed or defense. Once you use one of these 3 you can't use the other 2 in combination.

The story of the game progresses in waves/levels, each one bringing new challenges, new types of monsters that spawn, your main mission is to protect the town's crystal from being destroyed by the evil forces.

Every couple of waves there is a Boss that spawns, while you fight him around the town his minions will also spawn to annoy you and if you aren't paying enough attention these small creatures might take out the town's crystal without you noticing until it's too late.

Overall I consider this game a great relaxing one for the weekends, if you are short on time and you want something short and fun you can give it a try, even if you feel like not trying it at the moment, Wishlist it, you never know when you might want to try it. I will try to beat it, probably still need to farm a few more runs to gather enough gold for the main upgrades, I will probably come with a second part one my bardbarian is packed with upgrades.
That was all for the moment. Thank you for stopping by, if you enjoyed the content presented drop a follow for more!
Game over… for now! See you on the next level.
Have a great day!
Note: All the images and GIFs presented were created from my gameplay
Stats for nerds |
Recording Software: nVidia Shadowplay |
Recording Resolution: 1440p 60fps |
CPU: Ryzen 5 5600 |
GPU: RTX 4060 |
RAM: 32GB DDR4 3200Mhz |
Lol, that's a nice idea from brad but I have never heard of a barbarian even thinking about music, haha.
Well, he was ahead of his time :))