Ending the Nightmare of Castlevania: Dracula X [ENG/ESP]

in Hive Gaminglast year



I did the crazy thing I thought I wasn't going to do because I lost my patience after an hour of trying back then, to now going through 3 hours to get away with it:

Finish Castlevania: Dracula X without savestates, with the best ending.

And until that fateful October 24 arrived, the only thing in between was dealing with the sixth level consistently to fight the deadly enemy that is Death himself, and being prepared to fight the infamous Dracula of this game.

A fight against the clock

In the first (and last) time I talked about this game, I talked about how frustrating level 6 was for me as it requires quite a bit of concentration and some creativity to not get tripped up by the countless enemies, mainly counting on grabbing the clock that is hidden here-


Not forgetting that in this section you don't need to go right through the platforms and back as it makes you think, since you can get on the platforms above just by normal jumping-


And in this section use the watch with the spear knight here to prevent him from approaching the edge if he hasn't already, because if he does, you'll have to lure him underneath to get him away and activate the watch to run while he's not there.


If you're wondering why you couldn't just kill the knight from the stairs, the joke is that besides the fact that bats will come to attack you if you try, you would have to do these things in perfect order:

  • Space yourself in the right place so you don't get hit by his spear with an attack or just by being too close.
  • Jump and attack quickly with the whip without pressing Up to avoid wasting the sub-weapon, whatever you have. The cross is not useful with this enemy because it can block him.
  • Hold Up to fall on the stairs instead of going through them.
  • ...And let it go after you already have your feet on the stairs or you're going to climb them for a moment and ruin the exact distance you want (most likely by approaching and colliding with the knight).

Not to mention thinking about how to attack at the same time the bats that could appear from the right (with ample time to stop it)...or from the left almost next to you.

Past that, what comes next is jumping over gears to reach Death, and the first section is possible knowing that you must drop from this large gear to the small gear without jumping, since if you jump from there, the distance of the fall will cause Richter to stick to the ground for a moment...and be rolled into the bottomless pit because of it.


To hang on to the small wheel while you wait for the platform to come down, you can do a neutral jump and hit it to the left so that it grabs that little boost to the left in the air.

In the second geared section, you'll have to climb up dealing with Medusa heads along the way, but here you get the axe, a chicken to partially heal you, and while it's tedious, you're past the worst of it if you've made it this far.

The worst that comes right after the level, because now comes the real worst.

The deadly problem with Death


Yes, I know that if you choose to ignore Annette (either by not saving Maria, losing the key to enter level 5', or not finding her on said level) you will fight her like a monster, a fight that is considered much easier than fighting Death.

But imagine my face if I hadn't saved her and still have to go through everything Dracula did to me- although I'll get to that in a moment.

This reaper first attacks by hovering and throwing little scythes at you, which can be easy to dodge if they come out slow (and you paid attention to them), or they can catch you off guard by either falling at your jump angle or coming out fast. The most dangerous part of it is touching it, because unlike Rondo and DXC, this here causes poisoning, and you become slow for a few seconds.

It's very possible that you'll end up missing opportunities to attack him as well as end up getting combo'd by his scythes if you happen to trip him and end up slowed down, so I'd say you're going to have to rely heavily on sub-weapons to attack him from afar if you don't get there with the whip.

If you survive that, which is still possible, then comes the worst part.


Once again, the reaper gets on his feet to fight, but here it is VERY important to measure your distance: Stay very close if he does the scything attack and it will hurt (stay away from the first one and attack him on the second one). Stay too far away and not only will you have to attack with the sub-weapon, which sometimes causes him to block and return it with spheres of light, but also you won't be able to escape his spinning jump with the scythe,

That last attack is what makes it hell: It's only dodgeable if you're close enough for it to aim at the floor where you were and run immediately, or if you jump as soon as it does so it aims higher and you have a better chance of dodging it. But if you didn't have that luck (or strategy; I didn't have that strategy), then ***you must use the Item Crash to make you invulnerable or it will hurt you *** And with the knives, each one spends 10 hearts, so you have to use them at the right time and that they also do damage to increase your chances.

If it sounds like something you wouldn't believe, then it might do you some good to watch for yourself.

After over 30 deaths, I finally gave Death death, at the brink of my own death.

...And I thought that would be the worst of it, even knowing what the next battle would be like, but I underestimated it quite a bit....

A battle with Dracula not to forget

Level 7 may seem just as annoying as 6 at first glance, but it's possible to go through every trick it throws at you with preparation, and the level feels less long because of it.

But the one who's going to give you the traumas with this game is going to be Dracula himself, lord of the night, who you once again face as a Belmont. Only this time, Dracula got a little creative.

It's similar to the fight in Rondo, in which he first throws fireballs at you while transporting himself from side to side...except this time, ***there are bottomless pits that you have to jump through while fighting him.


This is what makes this fight that could very well be trivial with practice into something that rather than being frustrating because of the immediate difficulty as in the case of Death, is instead something that can be annoying because you make a jump at the wrong time, get hit in the wrong place and die instantly.

It is possible to give him his comeuppance in the first phase if you stand in the middle with your axes and attack him while he appears nearby, jumping to dodge if he throws fireballs at you from below, which only happens on occasion if he goes to the edges of the map instead of one of the pillars from which you can attack him with the axe.


When you get to the second phase, he'll try to throw fireballs at you from his hands, which can be destroyed if you're in the right place with the axes or risk breaking them with the whip, but from here on it's much riskier to be jumping or not crouching as you can immediately fall down from one of those attacks. Oh, and he has a beam that goes straight, which is easy to dodge if Dracula stands on a high pillar and you can attack him with axes...but if he stands on a low one, you'll have to manage to jump at the right time to avoid damage or certain death.

And you'll probably die many, many times just to have that one game where you have enough health to hang on by the skin of your teeth and finish him off, but....





This game has several justifiable reasons why it's been so divisive in the community, mainly that...

  • Being a game that came out after Super Castlevania IV, those who may have enjoyed having more control with jumping and the whip playing with Simon were left unhappy with how Richter is again controlled in a classic NES-like fashion, without much control over the air and a frontal whip.
  • The levels from the fifth onwards are a real test of patience due to how they're designed; in particular I've heard things about the fifth level you get to if you don't save Annette, which I didn't play since I made a point of doing so, that you get bad moves from knights with spears before level 6. The bosses from that point onwards are also going to be a huge wall for anyone who doesn't come prepared or willing to spend time figuring them out by trial and error.
  • And since everyone now knows about the original Rondo of Blood, this has been correctly labeled as an inferior game to that. While there's a difference between emphasizing that and dismissing this game for that detail alone, going from Rondo's more appropriately telegraphed and diverse adventure to this much more -hardcore- game is like a bucket of ice in the face.

But for those used to the classic style, the game feels like it should, and for those looking for a challenge, especially those who think Rondo was too easy for them, this game may suit them well as an extra level expansion. I would only recommend it if you have a lot of patience if you decide to play it without savestates, and if you're looking for something akin to the challenge of the NES Castlevania with Rondo's mechanics.

Though no one's going to deny that putting pits in Dracula's fight is ridiculous.

While it gave me some satisfaction to finish this game cleanly and maybe the levels don't seem so bad after I got the hang of them, I couldn't forget how I was this far from returning to the game after about 3 days of trying to complete nothing but level 6 with Death, that October 24 where I sat for 3 hours, spending half of that retrying until I finished Death, and the rest fighting the infamous Dracula.

And for anyone who doesn't have the patience or the time (or the desire) to go through something like that, there are far more accessible games than this one to recommend.

But still, I can put this game to rest in peace as for saving Maria and Annette, surviving Death because of it, and ending this infamous Dracula fight, I got the best ending, with a sweet victory tune as icing on the cake.


But for those of you who have played this particular game, what did you think of it?


English translation with DeepL. All screenshots were captured by myself.



Hice la locura que pensaba que no iba a hacer por perder la paciencia después de una hora de intentarlo, pasando por 3 horas para salirme con la mía:

Terminar Castlevania: Dracula X sin savestates, con el mejor final.

Y hasta que aquel fatídico 24 de Octubre llegó, lo único que estaba en medio era lidiar con el sexto nivel de forma consistente para luchar con el enemigo mortal que es la mismísima Muerte, y estar preparado para luchar con el infamoso Drácula de este juego.

Una pelea contra el reloj

En la primera (y última) vez que hablé de este juego, hablé de la frustración que me causaba el nivel 6 ya que exige bastante concentración y algo de creatividad para no tropezarte con los innumerables enemigos, principalmente contar con agarrar el reloj que está escondido aquí-


Sin olvidar que en esta sección no es necesario ir a la derecha por las plataformas y de vuelta como te hace pensar, ya que puedes llegar en las plataformas de arriba con solo saltar normal-


Y en esta sección usar el reloj con el caballero con lanza que esta aquí para evitar que se acerque al borde si aún no lo ha hecho, ya que si lo hace, tendrás que atraerlo por debajo para que se aleje y activar el reloj para correr mientras que no esté ahí.


Si te preguntas porque no podrías simplemente matar al caballero desde las escaleras, el chiste es que además de que vendrán murciélagos a atacarte si lo intentas, tendrías que hacer estas cosas en perfecto orden:

  • Espaciarte en el lugar correcto para que no te pegue su lanza con un ataque o solo por estar muy cerca
  • Saltar y atacar rápidamente con el látigo sin presionar Arriba para no gastar el sub-arma, cual sea que tengas. La cruz no sirve con este enemigo ya que lo puede bloquear.
  • Tener Arriba presionado para caer en las escaleras en vez de atravesarlas
  • ...Y no tenerlo presionado después de que ya estés con los pies en las escaleras o vas a subirlas por un momento y arruinar la distancia exacta que deseas (muy probable acercándote y chocando con el caballero).

Eso sin contar el pensar en como atacar al mismo tiempo a los murciélagos que podrían aparecer desde la derecha (con amplio tiempo para detenerlo)...o desde la izquierda casi al lado tuyo.

Pasando eso, lo que viene es saltar sobre engranajes para llegar a la muerte, y la primera sección es posible sabiendo que debes bajar de este engranaje grande al pequeño sin saltar, ya que si saltas de ahí, la distancia de la caída hará que Richter se pegue al suelo por un momento...y sea rodado hasta el pozo sin fondo por ello.


Para aguantarte en la rueda pequeña mientras esperas a que baje la plataforma, puedes dar un salto neutral y darle a la izquierda para que agarre ese pequeño impulso a la izquierda en el aire.

En la segunda sección con engranajes, tendrás que subir lidiando con cabezas de Medusa en el camino, pero aquí consigues el hacha, un pollo para curarte parcialmente, y mientras que es tedioso, ya has pasado lo peor si has llegado hasta aquí.

Lo peor que viene nada más del nivel, porque ahora si viene lo verdadero peor.

El problema mortal con la muerte


Si, se que si decides ignorar a Annette (sea por no salvar a María, perder la llave para entrar al nivel 5', o no encontrarla en dicho nivel) pelearás con ella como un monstruo, una pelea que es considerada mucho más fácil que pelear con la Muerte.

Pero imagina mi cara si no la hubiera salvado y aún así tener que pasar por todo lo que me hizo Drácula- aunque llegaré a eso en un momento.

Esta parca primero ataca flotando y lanzando pequeñas guadañas hacia ti, las cuales pueden ser fáciles de esquivar si salen lentas (y les prestaste atención), o pueden agarrarte desprevenidos sea por caer en tu ángulo de salto o por salir rápidos. La parte más peligrosa de el es tocarlo, porque a diferencia de Rondo y DXC, esto aquí te causa envenenamiento, y te vuelves lento por unos segundos.

Es muy posible que termines perdiendo oportunidades de atacarlo así como terminar combeado por sus guadañas si te llegas a tropezar con el y terminar ralentizado, por lo cual diría que vas a tener que depender mucho de las sub-armas para atacarlo desde lejos si no llegas con el látigo.

Si sobrevives eso, lo cual a pesar de todo es posible, entonces viene la peor peor parte.


Una vez más, la parca se pone en sus pies para pelear, pero aquí es MUY importante medir tu distancia: Quédate muy cerca si hace el ataque de guadañas y te va a doler (aléjate del primero y atacale en el segundo). Quédate muy lejos y no solo tendrás que atacar con el sub-arma, lo cual a veces causa que lo bloquee y devuelva con esferas de luz, sino que también no podrás escapar de su salto giratorio con la guadaña,

Ese último ataque es lo que lo hace un infierno: Solo es esquivable si estás cerca para que apunte al piso en donde estabas y corres de inmediato, o si saltas apenas lo haga para que apunte más arriba y tengas mas chance de esquivarlo. Pero si no tuviste esa suerte (o estrategia; yo si que no tenía esa estrategia), entonces debes usar el Item Crash para hacerte invulnerable o te va a doler. Y con los cuchillos, cada uno gasta 10 corazones, así que tienes que usarlos en el momento correcto y que también le hagan daño para aumentar tus posibilidades.

Si suena como algo que no te creerías, entonces podría servir que lo veas.

Después de más de 30 muertes, finalmente le di muerte a la Muerte al borde de mi propia muerte.

...Y pensaba que eso sería lo peor, aún sabiendo como sería la próxima batalla, pero lo subestimé bastante...

Una batalla con Drácula para no olvidar

El nivel 7 puede parecer igual de fastidioso que el 6 a primeras vistas, pero es posible pasar por cada travesura que te tira con preparación, y el nivel se siente menos largo por ello.

Pero quien te va a dar los traumas con este juego va a ser el mismísimo Drácula, señor de la noche, a quien vuelves a enfrentar como un Belmont. Solo que esta vez, Drácula se puso un poco creativo.

Es similar a la pelea en Rondo, en el que primero te lanza bolas de fuego mientras se transporta de lado a lado...excepto que en esta ocasión, hay pozos sin fondo por los cuales tienes que saltar mientras peleas con el.


Esto es lo que hace a esta pelea que bien podría ser trivial con práctica en algo que más que ser frustrante por la dificultad inmediata como en el caso de la muerte, en algo que puede ser fastidioso por hacer un salto en el momento incorrecto, ser golpeado en el lugar incorrecto y morir instantáneamente.

Es posible darle su merecido en la primera fase si te quedas en el medio con tus hachas y le atacas mientras aparezca cerca, saltando para esquivar si te tira bolas de fuego por abajo, lo cual solo pasa en ocasiones si se va a los bordes del mapa en vez de uno de los pilares de los cuales puedas atacarlo con el hacha.


Cuando llegues a la segunda fase, intentará lanzarte bolas de fuego desde sus manos, los cuales pueden destruirse si estas en el lugar correcto con las hachas o te arriesgues a romperlos con el látigo, pero a partir de aquí es mucho más riesgoso estar saltando o no estar agachado ya que puedes caerte de inmediato por uno de esos ataques. Ah, y tiene un rayo que va recto, el cual es fácil de esquivar si Dracula se para en un pilar alto y puedes atacarle con hachas...pero si se para en uno bajo, tendrás que arreglártelas para saltar en el momento correcto para evitar daño o la muerte certera.

Y es probable que mueras muchas, muchas veces solo para tener esa partida en la que tengas suficiente vida para aguantar por los pelos y acabar con el, pero...





Este juego tiene varios motivos justificados por el cual ha sido tan divisivo en la comunidad, principalmente que...

  • Siendo un juego que salió después de Super Castlevania IV, los que hayan disfrutado de tener más control con saltar y el latigo jugando con Simon se quedaron inconformes con como Richter se controla de nuevo de forma clásica similar a los juegos de NES, sin mucho control sobre el aire y un látigo frontal.
  • Los niveles a partir del quinto son una verdadera prueba de paciencia debido a como están diseñados; en particular he escuchado cosas del quinto nivel al que llegas si no salvas a Annette, el cual no jugué ya que me empeñé en hacerlo, que te hacen malas jugadas con caballeros con lanzas antes del nivel 6. Los jefes a partir de ese punto también van a ser una muralla enorme para cualquiera que no venga preparado o dispuesto a gastar tiempo en entenderlos por ensayo y error.
  • Y ya que ahora todo el mundo conoce del Rondo of Blood original, este ha sido correctamente catalogado como un juego inferior a ese. Mientras que hay una diferencia entre recalcar eso y descartar este juego por solo ese detalle, ir de la aventura más apropiadamente telegrafiada y diversa de Rondo a este juego mucho más -hardcore- es como un balde de hielo en la cara.

Pero para los que estén acostumbrados al estilo clásico, el juego se siente como debería, y para aquellos que busquen un reto, especialmente aquellos que piensen que Rondo fue demasiado fácil para ellos, este juego les puede venir bien como una expansión de niveles extra. Solo lo recomendaría si tienes mucha paciencia si es que decides jugarlo sin savestates, y si buscas algo parecido al reto de los Castlevania de NES con las mecánicas de Rondo.

Aunque nadie va a negar que poner pozos en la pelea de Drácula es ridículo.

Mientras que me dio algo de satisfacción darle fin a este juego de forma limpia y quizás no parezcan tan malos los niveles después de que les agarré el truco, no podría olvidar como estuve así de no volver al juego después de aproximadamente 3 dias intentando completar nada más el nivel 6 con la muerte, ese 24 de Octubre en el que me senté por 3 horas, pasando la mitad de eso reintentando hasta acabar con la Muerte, y el resto luchando contra el infame Drácula.

Y para cualquiera que no tenga la paciencia ni el tiempo (ni las ganas) de pasar por algo como eso., hay juegos mucho más accesibles que este como para recomendarlo.

Pero aun así, puedo poner este juego a descansar en paz ya que por haber salvado a María y Annette, sobrevivido a la Muerte debido a eso, y acabar con esta infame pelea de Drácula, conseguí el mejor final, con una dulce tonada de victoria como cereza del pastel.


Pero para aquellos que hayan jugado este juego en particular, que les pareció a ustedes?


Traducción al inglés hecha con DeepL. Todas las fotos capturadas por mí.


Wow, reading your experience in this level, and I think in some others, I can deduce that it's a pretty complicated game, plus that dracula is gigantic. I know they are different titles, but this level reminds me of the ending of Double Dragon 3, with the Egyptian woman turning into a cobra. Dracula seems more difficult, you have to have quite a bit of skill, apparently, to destroy it. Castlevania is a good video game saga. Congratulations for those achievements!

 last year  

The Double Dragon games are some that I have heard of but still gotta play...since if the Streets of Rage trilogy, which has much better designed beat-em-ups thanks to the technology upgrades from the Genesis, can already get me at the edge of running out of lives and continues by the time I'm reaching the final stages, I'm unsure if I'll make it alive through the NES games 😅

Thanks for your comment! It has been a ride to go through 4 classic Castlevania games so far, let alone the rest I still have to play 😆

The battle against Dracula in this game is ridiculously hard, because you can fall into the void and die very easy. Konami's people were crazy when they made this Castlevania haha. I do not think I will have the patience to play a game like this either.

 last year  

I do wonder if Chronicles will be as hard or even harder than this when I get to it, at least from what I heard about it's Original Mode, but I think the one I might be most afraid of is American Castlevania III... which is why I'm likely just playing the Japanese version lol

Thanks for your comment!

That was a long post, man. Yes, there may be people who like this game and people who don't like this game, that's true for every game, but for sequels I think it's much more difficult to achieve more people to like the game.

 last year  

Knowing how this one can force you to go through more trial-and-error than telegraphing enemies, its not hard to tell why it is a tough game to accept for other players, specially when its sandwiched between its older brothers, one that is better designed (Rondo) and one that gave players far more control than before (IV).

And yes, its kinda funny to think that while the two-game collection with Rondo and SOTN is exclusive to PS4, this game was available in Castlevania Advance Collection, which did get released in Xbox and Steam as well...so even decades later, Rondo keeps being the more "exclusive" game while everyone else got to take Dracula X instead 😂

At least it is not a game that feels terrible to play though, and if you got used to Rondo, this game fits as a "Lost Levels" expansion for it.

Thanks for your comment! 😁