Trying out Destiny 2!

in Hive Gaming3 years ago


I haven't been gaming for a few months now, but I found this cool free to play MMORPG-esque shooter game that I've been playing for the past couple of weeks, and I've been having a ton of fun!! The points that drew me to the game were the open world exploration, the mindless pew pew gameplay and diverse weapon choices. They have everything from Machine Guns, SMGs, Shotguns to Rocket Launchers and even melee weapons like Glaives and Swords


Theres no level system like in most MMORPG games, instead you have a power score. This is determined by the strength of your Weapons and Armor


^The number on the top left is the Power score of this weapon, you can also see its stats (such as Range, Damage, Reload speed etc)


^Similarly, the top left number is the Power score of this Chest Armor. It has a stat total of 73 (with mods), which is pretty high. The lines of text at the bottom (stat increase, melee damage resistance etc.) are equipable mods.

The same piece of armor/Weapon can have different Power scores and different stats, thats why this game is notorious for being grindy xD


This is a map of the entire Destiny 2 locations. Each 'planet' represents a semi open world to explore. There are different NPCs, quests, etc at each location. The latest expansion of Destiny 2 is 'The Witch Queen", whose quests are mostly focused on the green planet, Savathun's Throne World. The base game of Destiny 2 is free to play, but new expansions are paid content. If you wait long enough, they do release some past expansion content for free, but it takes years lol

Heres some screenshots of me doing my quest on Savathu's Throne World ( my new pc cant handle screen recordings 😭)


Look at how pretty the lands look

And the castles too!!
Ok maybe it doesnt look as good on the inside...

After completing some good ol missions, its time to organise and sell your loot. You can do this at the tower. Its a separate map with no enemies, so you can rest easy here.


Commander Zavala in the Tower can give you bounties, which are essentially weekly quests with good rewards. They are all PvE quests, such as killing x amount of enemies with a submachine gun, etc


Lord Shaxx is the PvP equivalent of Commander Zavala. He provides quests for you to do in Pvp matches. Yes, there is PvP in this game! The power scores of players are adjusted such that even new players can enjoy themselves. I'm not able to screenshot PvP content, unfortunately, and DirectX 12 doesn't support screen recordings so you guys cant see my get rekt by 5 different people :(


Theres always something for you in Destiny 2, no matter if you prefer PvP or PvE. It's the game I'm addicted to these past couple of weeks, and I'm having a great time!! The only downside is that it's pretty grindy, so if you're just looking to unwind after a long day at work or school, this may not be the game for you, unless you're willing to spend some time learning the ropes in the beginning.

Thats all the content for today, folks! Thanks for reading, I've gotta get back to grinding now xD Theres a solstice event thats ending soon, and I wanna get as many rewards as I can

 3 years ago  

Destiny 2 is fantastic! 🙂 I've been wanting to play again, but I'm waiting for the next season to start so I can grab the season pass and get goin' right from the start of the season. I think that's around the 23rd of this month. Can't wait!

Nice! I joined halfway through this season so i havent completed this season's pass lol 😆
I heard there'll be a revamp for the Arc subclass in the new season too!

 3 years ago  

I love my Void Hunter so much, and I couldn't really get into the other subclasses. 😅 Though I did try when the strikes rewarded you for using a particular class. Hopefully the 2.0 versions of them make them a bit better to try!