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RE: ULTRASONHO - The mnemonic tapestry of auditive nostalgia // ULTRASONHO - A tapeçaria mnemônica da nostalgia sonora

in Vibes2 months ago

Welcome to the Vibes Community. We would love for you to enter the vibes contest if you are musically talented and aren’t camera shy to perform live and give an entry. Music videos, playback and prerecordings aren‘t accepted, we prefer live performances only.

We also allow written posts that are all about the Vibes Contest if you want to speak about the artists or the music in our Vibes Competition.

Please only post Vibes Entries or Written Posts about Vibes into the Vibes community, because it makes the judging process easier for me.

This post of yours is unfortunately not a valid entry or written post about Vibes, but we would love you to enter in if you would join us.

We appreciate you following and respecting the rules. Thank you.

GospelMusician/Singer/Songwriter/Rapper/Beat Producer/Pianist/& An Official Vibes Judge

@Verbal-D & The Vibes Team


Hi, thanks for your reply. I'd just like to confirm some information, did you mean that this post is not valid to enter the Vibes "competition", but it can still be tagged vibes and will be seen by the community, or definitely not, and vibes is exclusively for live performance posts? If this is the case, can I reallocate my post to another music community? The idea is to review my own work, which in this case can't be done "live" since it's a musical genre made solely through collages and sound mixes. Thanks for your attention!

You're welcome.

Only written posts about Vibes are allowed in our community. Or about the specific artists and music in the Vibes Contest. Or only live performances of musically talented participants.

Nothing unrelated to the Vibes Contest can be shared here. You can try other music communities like Music Zone or Hive Open Mic. Not sure of their rules but they seem to be more open.

Thanks for understanding

thank you for explain!