Who Will Win VIBES Next? Honourable Mentions List (Artist Radar Post!) From Week 14!

in Vibes9 months ago (edited)

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After much consideration, I wanted to highlight all of the talented artists who I think could potentially win in the future because of their various skillsets, creative expressions, their ability to perform live consistently at a high level with minor or little mistakes, their attention to detail and following the rules and being an inspirational performer in our community and the musical knowledge that they have which they apply and showcase throughout their entries. The aim of this special list is to help artists know where they (generally stand) in terms of if they are being recognized for their talents and if they are on the right track to being mentioned in the top 10 list, or at least somewhat being considered for the top 10 list, So long as, their continual entries are of a high quality and caliber, and worthy of such recognition.

This list includes participants who did not win in Week 14, and also includes participants who have won previously in other weeks. Some may be deserving to win again, especially if it has been a little while since they last won, considering our competition is growing and we have to juggle and decide through more than a few hundred people, we are doing this as fairly as possible. Some are consistently amazing, and others who are nearly as good, also deserve a chance to shine and be rewarded with big cash prizes in HBD.
This Honourable Mentions List is in no particular order other than an alphabetical order in so that people can find themselves, their friends and family easily. This list can be used in Transparency with my Vibes All Time Winner's Post to show who hasn't won at all yet, and gives a gauge of who we could expect to be considered for the next week's top 10, (again, I stress and emphasize, As Long As their new week entry is done at a high level, hits all the marks we are looking for for a winning entry and maybe they get extra points for originality, risk taking and or following the week's theme (if there is one, and for this week 15, there is No Theme).

Congratulations to everyone who has made it on this list so far, you are on the right path to potentially winning or winning again for those of you who have won already. It's okay to have a bad performance here and there, it happens, we are only human, but we are capable of greatness and creating music that impacts and changes lives. You never know who is watching and listening to your entry/song/performance and how it affects them, or has uplifted, rescued, or saved them in some way. That is the power of music and emotion packaged effectively together in harmony, symphony, euphony and melody. Four of my favorite words, two of them being the names of my daughters, Harmony & Symphony, and Euphony being the name of an album I made about 10 years ago. Without further ado, I give you, in alphabetical order, our commendable, respectable, admirable, inspirational and motivational... Honourable Mentions' list from Week 14:

Quick Note: This list will be renewed each Week, and you may be removed from This List depending on your last performance. So keep your entries at a high quality standard to stay on this list! Also, those who are not on the list, are the ones who actually won week 14, so eventually, every once in awhile, you want to be Off this list for the best reason possible, and that would be because you actually won for that week! So of course you wouldn't need to be on this Honourable Mentions' list at all. Best of Skill, luck is never needed!

@adrianalara @alejandrorigo @bobbydones @blessie31 @caramiasg @cenakeys @charliegarcia @clairemobey @creativepearl @danield2s @david.dicotomia @ddsb @dimejihive1 @dinaaczib @digitalopus @dubeh-playz @edenmichelle @eloobaro @emyekanem @encuentro @etorobong @eugelys @eyesbk222 @ezemann @favvs-xo @fondew @godaddict @hienco @hopestylist @iambarnaby @ikehjudah @jasperdick @javedkhan1989 @kmichaelson @krpmusic @lyon-89 @mariolisrnaranjo @meyateingi @nellynohemi @obaro @ovey10 @oyifioda @patienceugo @randolpheel1 @ricardopercusion @sethadeyi @sleemfit @stefanovah @suanetmusic @sunsethunter @superjavi @udygold @veronicamartinc @vessymink @vlead @vocal-journey1 @yusaymon


Consider this new post update as my apology for accidentally missing out on a big Vibes Special Week 14 with the special guest, life is crazy and sometimes these human mistakes happen. I WILL DEFINITELY see you all in the next Vibes Spaces with @silentscreamer aka Marica!

@verbal-d hope you are doing great, I honestly missed your presence in the space yesterday but @silentscreamer did a wonderful job hosting the space as always (she is always full of vibes😁) with Vessymink, it was fun. Shoutout to them and all the artists who made top 10, a special shoutout to @jessicaossom, it was a well-deserved win, @polotronic you rock bro.

I did look out for you, but Marica definitely did a great job hosting along side Vessymink 🥰. I hope everything gets sorted out and I hope the girls are doing well?

Also , I’m Looking forward to this weeks winners, hehe

Thanks for looking out for me, I was disappointed that I completely missed it, I wanted to chat it up and give my commentary but no worries, there will be next time and more opportunities. Marica and @Vessymink did great job covering my absence while Sam Feldt gave his valued feedback on the winning entries.

Week 15 is going to be amazing, I already know it..,

Hehehe, don’t beat yourself up too much VerbalD, we all know you wanted to be there 🥰.

Oh yeah, look forward to it 💃🥳

Thanks again, yes I def did.
Werk 15 here we come.

Thank you for your witness vote!
Have a !BEER on me!
To Opt-Out of my witness beer program just comment STOP below

These things happen, you can't beat yourself much. I missed seeing you in the space and I guess others did too, but I was sharp to spot you at the end of the space, hahaha.

Week 15 will be another amazing space and we will be glad to have our judges (You and Marica) with us.

You were missed

It’s totally encouraging to see my name on this list and I’m definitely going to keep giving my best and keep growing 🥰.

I’m always so proud of having you as part of the vibes judges because it has been a privilege so far getting to know you and how you always try to carry everyone alone is just beautiful, much love from this end VerbalD ❤️.

I appreciate this comment very much, I look forward to your growth journey, God bless and much love indeed

Thank you, God bless you more 🥰


thanks too

It is really nice of you @verbal-d! I am quite sure these honorable mentions are encouraging to everyone here, thanks for including me, it is something that touched my heart. Once again thanks a lot for your great job 🙏 We miss you today🎶

You are very welcome and deserving of the recognition and acknowledgement @eugelys, I really enjoy your singing voice and your playing, you are a wonderful member of our community. Glad to have impacted you positively. I missed you all today too. But next time for sure! Have fun making your next entry, I look forward to it.

I'm glad to have found myself on this list... it's a motivation for me so as to do more with my saxophone...

Thanks sire for the recognition @verbal-d

Yeah we gotta have our talented sax players on the list, you play so great man, let's keep it going!


Oh!!! Thanks a lot @verbal-d for taking time out of your busy schedule to do this. I really appreciate.

You're very very welcome, it is well deserved.

Greeting bro, Thanks for the good vibes (no pun intended).

You are very welcome, good vibes all the way around

Thank you very much for having me present!!

You are very welcome bro

Thank you very much for making me part of this honorary list of week 14, I really appreciate your support, this gives me a lot of strength to put my best effort to do well and improve every day, a special greeting and happy day.

You are so welcome. Happy day to you too

Grateful for being in these honorable mentions friend @verbal-d it is so motivating to see that the work that one does with love and respect for everyone is taken into account. Thank you for your suggestions that help me improve my publications. Extraordinary work they do here in this Vives Web 3 community.

You are a wonderful singer, you are welcome indeed

It is an honour for me to find my name on the list.
I will try to improve my singing and will try to come up with something special in week 15.
Thank you so much for mentioning me.
I will give my 100% and will not compromise on quality singing.
Thanks again.

It is an honour to hear you sing in your language. Looking forward to it, you're welcome.

To be recognized by you is something I am so happy of🙏🙏
I must say this is a great push to do more and to be at my best.
You have a good and large heart😀😀
God bless you
Much love 💓💓
Greetings to your beautiful family
Tell them their Nigerian friend sends greetings 😉😉This means a whole lot to me @Verbal-d

You are very much welcome, thank you for your kind words, I definitely will tell my family hello. Maybe one day my children will also join the contest and share their musical talents lol

I'm expecting them
Thanks once again 🙏

You're welcome :) I hope I can record them lol

It's a grat pleasure to be in this list with very good artists. Thanks for the mentinon🙏🙌

The pleasure is ours also, you are welcome, keep up the great music.


I'm truly honored to have found my name on the list, this means a lot to everyone whose name is up there. Thank you for being amazing 🤗.
Looking forward to all the beautiful entries for week 15 ☺️

You deserve your accolades as a top performer and singer for sure, thank you as well. Me too

I'm really honored to find myself on this list and I do not take such recognition for granted 🙏

Thank you very much sir for constantly believing in me @verbal-d And thank you my dear friend @starstrings01 for bringing me on here

You are very welcome, definitely don't take it lightly when God is telling you how great you can become with the gifts he gave you. I had to learn this lesson over time. Now with the opportunities He has blessed me with, it is nice to bless others as well.

I'd always keep your encouragements in mind...thank you once again sir

That's great to know, I look forward to it, you're welcome.


Get Inspired Don't Be Tired
Get Waked up don't be Wearied
Get the best of urself & be the First
Get ur purpose going we'll see ur topmost Doings

We Go Again This Week
We'll Turn A Big House To A Bigger House

You're very welcome, appreciate these positive words
We should all aim to be the best versions of ourselves as God intends
Bless up indeed

oh wow! Thank you so much for the honorable mention!

You are so welcome, we are watching and listening to you and your talents :)


I sent 1.0 HUG
(1/3)Dear @verbal-d, you just got hugged. on behalf of @clairemobey.

Any topic this week 15 ??

No theme for this week. We usually do themes every two weeks or three weeks depending, but you can post any genre any style

I'm super grateful to have made it that far in week 14, it means so much to me and I do not take this love of recognition for granted. Cheers to better entries and bigger cheers to the community a large. Love love.

Oh yes, you are quite the contender @bobbydones and your voice is truly your own, so soulful and smooth and well controlled, looking forward to what you share and perform for us next, glad you are in our community

Thank you😁🤗

Thank you for the mention. 🙂

You are very welcome, even rebels deserve recognition, when they rebel at such a high level haha

Me siento muy orgulloso y alegre, por ser mencionado en esta publicación, muchas gracias

De nada, I need to learn more spanish, I forgot everything when I learned German haha, God bless you

Jejeje, dicen que el español es algo complejo pues una palabra puede significar muchas cosas, y de vez en cuando los que somos pueblerinos inventamos nuestras palabras 🤗😃

I'm honored to be mentioned here.... I'm so encouraged.. Watch out for me 😁.. Vibes Week 15.. Thank you @verbal-d

You are wonderful, I will be watching out for you for sure, please bring your very best and don't settle for less when you know you can surpass the test and in the end naturally impress with what God has gifted you, you 're blessed. You're welcome

We certainly missed you - and thanks for your statistics - always interesting @verbal-d

I missed you all too, thank you so much, glad to help encourage everyone to keep aiming for higher heights in their musicality. God bless you and dear @edenmichelle

Thank you very much for that my brother. It was very kind of you to mention me here. Always grateful for the support and always trying to do the best...vibes has given me a lot since I started (week 8) you were just being chosen as a jury, and from the beginning you have supported me which served as motivation and for which I am always grateful. Greetings and God bless you

You're very welcome, you are earning all the praise and recognition with your talents and high quality musicianship, and your voice... man you have a great voice, I can't wait to hear more classics from you, your voice is underrated for sure. God bless you indeed

How nice it is to see you here, I am so grateful for the love and appreciation for my humble work, I hope to continue to grow and one day be blessed.

Yeah you deserve recognition as well, I have always admired your passion for good music with purpose, control and great care for the performance, your best has yet to come.. and I look forward to your growth

Glory to Jesus..🥹

Glory glory hallelujah until the end

Amen sir @verbal-d forever He is glorified 🥹😇

❤️❤️❤️...God bless everyone 🙏

God bless you as well, clearly He has with the voice you use :)

This is a rich list of talented artists in the Vibes community to guide us in our future entries. This will also help me improve in the areas I need to work on. Thanks so much, Verbal D for putting this together.

Week 15 is here and I look forward to all the amazing entries, including yours. 😃

You are so welcome dear @winanda, I always look forward to seeing your entries, feeling your positive vibes and your uplifting lovely smile, week 15 has been amazing so far, and it is only getting better.

Thanks so much @verbal-d, I'm glad and cherish how you always look forward to my entries and fun personality.

Week 15 has finally come to an end and I have enjoyed some amazing entries from other artists and still checking others. I'm looking forward to another fun and interesting space on X.

I appreciate you. 🙏❤️

This is totally encouraging. I imagine a lot of people may feel unnoticed with the ratio of entries to winners every week. This is a wonderful initiative @verbal-d, you’ve successfully beat a limitation and blessed a lot more people with smiles. Kudos for a job well done!

Congratulations to my friends and everyone, the effort is truly worth it, both on and off vibes. I’ve been a bit under the weather myself, medications and all. Hopefully I’ll be able to join in this week. Cheers!

Thank you so much @sekani, that means alot coming from you, I hope you get better soon and that you feel better now in Jesus Christ's name, I ask of it and it shall be done, amen.

you are welcome back bruhh

Thanks for this post with the stats again @verbal-d you are amazing

You are equally, if not triple as amazing and inspiring. You're always welcome, you know that

Thank you !!

So glad to be noticed 😊... everyone here is pulling their weight, it's a competition and there's always gotta be winners, sadly not everyone can. I hope I can win pretty soon, and I will keep doing my best at all times. This post really means a lot to me, thank you so much @verbal-d .

That's beautiful to learn and read man, keep up your best performances, you're very welcome God bless

I've been away from this space throughout last week as a result of the hitch I had with my phone.

God bless you indeed😊Logging back in today, to see my name on this list, has made my day already. I read this piece smiling. Thank you so much for this recognition Mr @verbal-d sir😊🙏.

I love this verbal-d. This will greatly motivate people to keep putting out their best and let them know that they are being noticed in the community. Thanks for all you do.

Not been able to partake in vibes entry due to health reason though I am good now. Wanted to participate last week but my week was pretty occupied.

Hope you are healthy now and can jump back in on the fun. I know how life can get busy, make sure to take a break and set out some time for a good Vibes entry :)Thanks for the love and recognition @starstrings01, the community definitely needs this to strengthen their confidence and their courageousness to keep performing before everyone as our audience and the participants grow in number.

Yeah, I am doing great! I hope to make a good entry for vibes soon. Thanks for the love.
