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RE: Official Cut Off Time Post For VIBES Week 22 Entries CEST 10 AM OCTOBER 25th 2024 (This Post Includes Entry Guidelines/Tips For New Participants)

in Vibes5 months ago (edited)

Hello @Hivewatchers,

Normally I would agree with you. I’ve been creating original content on the Blockchain for over 8 years with no issues but this time, this is an exception to the rule because this is how I am getting paid in order to do all of the judging, curation and progressive structuring of the contest.

It is a lot of work and I will respectfully not decline the rewards on this contest post type specifically. This post is essential for the structuring of the contest and I am already strapped for time but, whenever possible, I will try and add something new to the future cutoff time posts, but this is how I am being compensated for my position and my efforts. Please be understanding.