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RE: "DON'T SLEEP TONIGHT!" Original Sam Feldt Gospel EDM Beat/Hip Hop Song - Vibes Web3 Music Competition Week 14

in Vibes9 months ago

It's great to see your feedback on my most recent dong idea, because I know once me and you collaborate on something, it is going to be heavy and impactful for sure. Thanks always for showing love and support, let us produce good fruit for God's kingdom. God bless


Absolutely my brother, it sure will be impactful! I am looking forwards to it for sure man :) we sure will produce good fruit for God's kingdom and continue to do so whilst spreading our message. Funny, I woke up in the middle of the night and just immediately thought "it is all about the message" which is great. I was getting hung up on a few things but just need to remember it is all about the music and our message man :)

Yes exactly, that can be the theme focus of our collab.
For we were made in His image, and Jesus Christ is known as The Word that became flesh, and His Word is the sword, and His message is our own, and equips us for the spiritual battle. It is truly deep, I think we should fellowship onetime over Telegram before we collab, search me up there, username is @VerbalD