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RE: VIBES ALL TIME WINNER'S LIST WEEKS #1 Through 11! By @Verbal-D Official Vibes Judge

in Vibes9 months ago

Yes! We have accomplished a lot in 3 months of the Vibes Music Competition's initial week start and there are indeed so many amazing and talented musicians.

Anything is possible as long as you don't give up. I always tell people who give me good feedback on my music, that I wasn't always good or skilled. When I was younger my older sister used to tell me to stop doing music and stop playing piano, or others would say stop singing, or stop rapping, but I didn't listen to them, I focused on my craft, I got serious about it, stayed passionate and experimented with the sound and my style until I found myself and what I wanted to do with music, and identifying my purpose in it.

Don't give up, and keep testing yourself and elevating your limits. I believe I will make some posts on Pointers and Tips on what to do differently, I have been pondering and contemplating on this kind of post for over a month now.
Leave the doubts behind and focus on enjoying the music, and singing and playing it skillfully.
Like in Psalms 33:3, one of my favorite verses from the King James Version Bible.
"Sing unto him a new song, play skillfully with a loud noise"

Key words from this small but powerful bible verse are, - "new song"- which means to me to always challenge yourself and praise God Jesus Christ with new creations and not the same ol same ol hymns and worship songs

"play skillfully" - God doesn't want to hear just mediocre or subpar music, or a mess of notes and music that is not pleasing to the ear or rhythmically responsible



"with a loud noise" - which means to be bold in your worship and praise, be confident and strong in your performance
be sure and show your skillfulness and control of the music you are sharing and displaying to others

I hope this gives you some insight of what it means to make a great entry...
God bless