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RE: "Defusing Confusion" Original Hard Rock/Hip Hop Anti-Evil Anti-Illuminati Song by @Verbal-D - VIBES WEEK 9 Entry

in Vibes11 months ago (edited)

Much gratitude bro, there is indeed that war always ongoing, the track may reflect a balance between the two, but in actuality, goodness and hopeful love and comforting light is far stronger, superior and overpowering that the dreadfulness and gruesome sinister darkness, hate, evil and despair. I would like to spread that more through such songs with the gospel of Jesus Christ. I would definitely be open to a collab with him, he can flow crazy as well. Much respect from one emcee to another.


the beautiful thing about that war is that both sides has something to offer to the other, the dense and the subtle flirtes in this reality where evolution show us the duality, right now i see roots and wireless, futuristic and ancestry as light and dark, and i'm curious to see wich painting our current artist will decypher out of it's colors

lol this is a bit too flirty bro haha, evil and good are complete opposites, yes they both have something to offer, but the question is, us as mediators, initiators and perpetrators in this dynamic, will we choose to accept one offer over the other? and how often and consistently with regards to the outcome and the consequences for those decisions. And the most amazing thing that I love is how people don't realize that good and evil are not EQUAL opposites... there is actually a big imbalance of power and presence. Love will always triumph over hate, and Good over evil. Even if evil seems more prevalent at the moment, Hope and Love shine through everytime 100 times stronger.

you right war is something that is part of the noise, beyond that
i'm not talking evil and good, i'm talking music of the cosmic piano wich is just so beautiful perspective to recorgnize that beyond music armony, all the other octaves such as color,texture,smells and flavors has an armony of geometric proportions in relation to music and the cosmos, in that cosmos, light and matter, like stones on earth and the sun, are part of the music of the spheres, wich shows life has happy and sad moments and we have to surf them with the best version in ourselves that is our here and now pressence 🌠