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RE: Week 5 Vibes Web 3 Music Competition Nathalia Vals Venezolano del Maestro Antonio Lauro by @danielde

in Vibeslast year

Hey daniel,
Just like back in the original Steemit Open Mic days, you still consistently impress us with masterful playing on the guitar
I was also hoping that you would have sung, you and your wife, you both are such a great duo together, send her my greetings
This was a great and enjoyable entry


Hermano como me duele informarte que mi bella esposa el 12 de junio de este año cumple dos años de fallecida... Estoy seguro de que ella cantaría con gusto para todo en este mundo maravilloso. Ella está en un plano mayor, junto a nuestro Dios cantando en el coro celestial... Igual gracias por tu sentido comentario. Bendiciones para ti...

Oh my goodness, brother I am so sorry for your loss, she was such a beautiful soul and a wonderful singer, I know you miss her dearly, this news makes me sad, but yes hopeful and happy knowing she is with our Lord indeed singing with the angels in heaven, I give you and your children and family a warm big hug from Germany. God bless you Daniel, for keeping her memories alive and continuing to share the love of music, much respect!

Gracias amigo