Official Cut Off Time Post For VIBES Week 23 Entries CEST 10 AM NOVEMBER 8TH 2024 (Includes Entry Guidelines For New Participants)

in Vibes5 months ago


Any further entries posted Beyond This Post will not be considered for the Top 6 Winning Prize Rewards.

Please remember to get your entries on time within the allotted time slots for each VIBES Week and Remember to...

1) Double check the quality of your video entry, and PLEASE REMEMBER, ONLY ONE ENTRY Per Participant/Contestant/Person Per Each Vibes Week, unless it is a legitimate Collaboration, for example @username1A enters once by themselves Solo and then, @username1A enters again with a friend or family member on that other person’s account in Collaboration for a different song performance, which counts towards @username2B’s account. (Although abuse of this gray area rule, Or multiple entries posted within a single Vibes Week, Will result in either very reduced Post Reward Upvotes, no support at all, or at the very extreme, disqualification from all future Vibes Competition Weeks)

2) That you didn't forget the very important Intro Stating/Saying the actual Current Vibes Week Number LOUDLY and clearly enough, and your Intro is the same recording as your actual entry with preferably no cuts (keep your intros effectively short) and you didn’t just edit in a new intro into an old video (which is against the rules). Unless otherwise cleared and clarified with an Official Judge.

3) That your video actually plays, is not set to Private, but actually viewable with Unlisted Link or Public, and the video actually plays with Sound with at least 2 minutes of play/performance time with music (or acapella), and that the Sound matches the Visuals in real time perfectly...( avoid latency, lagging sounds or bad editing when matching up vocals to visuals, which is why live performance is the best and preferred to avoid these issues)
Some entries have singing before their mouths are actually open and moving, or instruments played without any hand movements, etc...

4) That the sound quality is good, no distortions or high frequency feedback noise (listen to your own entry with headphones before you post it, get a second or third opinion from someone non biased who will tell you the truth if it's good enough to post or not)
Also, make sure that if you are using a wired or wireless microphone that's attached to your t-shirt or other clothing item, that the microphone is not picking up all the sounds of ruffled movements from your body language and you moving around the mic as you perform.

5) That you performed live and we can visually see your face with decent lighting (if you're playing an instrument, please show your face, hands and instrument) Unfortunately some people pretend and fake their playing...
Also Please Keep in Mind of the Camera Angle that it is Not directed too closely to your face and or angled Up to your nostrils/nose. PRESENTATION IS KEY!

6) That you recorded in a relatively quiet place without wind or distracting loud noises

7) That your backing track instrumental is loud enough for us to hear it, but low enough that it doesn't overpower or block out your singing/rapping voice and or the instrument you are playing

8) Provide lyrics for your listeners whether it is a Cover or an Original and especially if it is in another language, also, translations are a nice consideration too for the community to enjoy

9) Remember that this is a competition with opportunities and prizes and hundreds of participants involved and that you should always give it your very best effort, continue to improve, experiment, grow and not give up

10) That you performed with Passion and No Fear, and didn't hold back anything

11) That this is a welcoming, caring music community to connect with others, collaborate, and to have fun! And while you're having fun, don't forget to tell other talented musician family members and friends to join.


Community Voting Poll will begin soon, us Judges are preparing the Top 10 list now. Thank you for your support, participation, respect for the guidelines and understanding.

Judge‘s Thoughts for Week 23:

I waited quite awhile to post this Cutoff Time Post this week in particular. I really hope we can increase the number of participants over the next coming weeks, even with the holidays approaching I know a lot of people are getting stressed out with work and exams and with personal/private matters but hopefully you can still find time to release that stress in a healthy way by performing and participating in the Vibes Competition.

So for this week we had no theme and I always enjoy the weeks with no theme a little bit more. Why is that? Because often timed when we have no set suggested theme in place, we tend to receive more original music. And I personally am am all about original music, I think it is something highly creative and takes a lot of time and skill, depending on the source and level of someone‘s inspiration as well as the level of experience from which they are composing and creating from. I came across some entries this week that I simply cannot get out of my mind and I even stumbled across another song that I would love to collaborate on if the person is open and willing to it. You never know who you will inspire with your own original music, and nobody will create Your Music that is awaiting inside of you, besides you! Please never forget this and always keep it in mind. What kind of wonderful song is residing within your heart, mind and soul and is waiting to be created and performed by you? You will never know unless you try… so try… and remember to have fun.

@Verbal-D Gospel Musician/Rapper/Singer/Songwriter & Official Vibes Judge


Good luck 🍀 everyone

There is no luck my friend lol only skill, only skill, delivery and technique
You are a great example of this.

You're right, you know a person once told me luck doesn't exist only hard and constant work in what you want will lead you to success

Bruh, I literally was cross checking all week long to see if there’s any new announcements about week24 before I made my vid. Just finished editing and uploading for week23 again and just saw this post😪 long story short I have uploaded more than one vids for week23🤧🚶🏾‍♂️

No worries man, you will be able to submit a new video for week 24 when it starts tonight at midnight

All I’m saying it’s kinda stressful trying to make sure all is well before uploading and I kept waiting and waiting, day I decide to say f it and make another video anyway I come and see this post, the frustration 😪
Anyways will wait on week24 update and work on that too but kindly bear wit me I now have more than one video for week23 and I saw many others still uploading for week23.

Thanks for the info sir🔥🎯

You're very welcome bro

I already managed to fix the problem with the sound console, however I must soon change, although my current situation is not possible, I trusted that God would send the provision, for the rest I have loved participating and I know that good musicians will continue to arrive and this competition will continue. will make you feel!

God bless your situation and may it continue to improve as well as you and your music. Looking forward to your entries

Thanks friend, Amen! Yes, now my wife is confined to the maternity hospital, and I have to go back and forth because I have my 3 children with their school activities. This week with the Favor of God we have the baby at home.

God bless your family wife and children. May the baby be delivered healthy and come quickly safely home.

Hello! Thank you very much @verbal-d ... we arrived home, it was a week of madness, tiredness and suffering, but it was worth the effort, today we arrived with the baby and I am super exhausted.


Beautiful baby, congrats again

I wish everyone good luck 👍

there is no "Good Luck" bro, there is only "God's Love" :)

Luck means that it just happens by chance, for no real reason
but we all know God is in control of everything, and everything is connected
even spiritually
There are no coincidences and God has given you a purpose and a true gift of music to share the gospel and change lives and bring them to Christ

Thank you so much for taking out time to write us this info. It’s very important to take note of all this❤️🫡

You're very welcome, God bless you