(ESP/ENG)VIBES Web3 music competition week 11, Auto Consejo(Original Song)

in Vibes5 months ago

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Hola a todo el ecosistema de Hive, especial mente a la comunidad de vibes, mi nombre es Giovanny Gonzalez, conocido como Vanny Thomas, soy cantante de Musica Rap y e sido invitado a participar en la competencia musical Vibes Web 3 semana 11 por mi colega y amigo @fonestreet soy nuevo en la comunidad e decidido hacer mi entrada con una canción de autoría propia titulada Auto consejo espero y seda de su agrado

Hello to the entire Hive ecosystem, especially the vibes community, my name is Giovanny Gonzalez, known as Vanny Thomas, I am a Rap Music singer and I have been invited to participate in the Vibes Web 3 music contest week 11 by my colleague and friend @fonestreet I'm new to the community and I decided to make my entry with a song of my own authorship titled Self-Advice, I hope you like it.



Aveces vemos lo que queremos no lo que necesitamos
y eso importante es lo que mucho menos observamos
vamos por la vida dando tumbos y trompe sones
y esa dama vestida de concreto nos da las lecciones

Aveces en conversaciones se aprende se razona
hace que tu madures se levante de ese coma
se del que escucha el buen consejo y el buen consejo lo toma
porque si aplicas lo escuchado seras mejor como persona

Razona despierta de ese mundo de mentiras
observate a ti mismo con los ojos que a otros miras
y mira de que notas todo lo malo que te hacen
pero lo malo que tu haces con facilidad lo olvidas

Enfrenta tus temores basta ya de esas huidas
si te sientes encerrado en ti busca la salida
no la busques entre otros que no la conseguirás
porque tu eres el único que puede mejorar tu vida

Que si algún día te caes sencillamente respiras
te vuelves a levantar te limpias y otra vez camina
lucha por todo lo que quieras que nada te lo impida
con la frente en alto pero mas alto tu autoestima

Esquiva todos esos malos comentarios
derriba todas esas murallas mentales
aplica todo lo que aprendes a diario
y no te ahogues en tristeza que eso de nada vale

Que si piensas en perder entonces seras perdedor
que si piensas que te va a doler vas a sentir dolor
mejor piensa que lo vas hacer como un gran luchador
que eres buen en lo que haces y así seras vencedor

No digas que sientes odio que odiar nunca es mejor
si en realidad lo que tu tienes es miedo a sentir amor
que no se marchite tu alma como el color de una flor
y no guardes entre sonrisas mil lagrimas de dolor

Abraza a todo aquel que puedas abrazar
perdona a los que tengas que perdonar
ama cuando tengas la oportunidad de amar
y sobre todo baila que la vida es un carnaval

Baila goza y tripea no pierdas tiempo en pelea
vive feliz y cada día que puedas rumbea
cáete a curda luego un caldo de pollo para quitar la pea
pea pero primero aclara y pon en marcha tus ideas

Se del que demuestra mucho y nunca alardea
que si no lavas entonces prestala batea
valora a todo aquel que te ama y te rodea
y si lo tuyo es rapiar entonces rapea


Sometimes we see what we want, not what we need.
and that important thing is what we observe much less
We go through life stumbling and trumpeting
and that lady dressed in concrete gives us the lessons

Sometimes in conversations you learn, you reason
makes your mature get up from that coma
I know the one who listens to good advice and takes good advice.
because if you apply what you heard you will be better as a person

Reason awake from that world of lies
observe yourself with the eyes that you look at others
and look how you notice all the bad things they do to you
but the bad things you do you easily forget

Face your fears, enough of those escapes
If you feel trapped inside yourself, look for a way out
Don't look for it among others because you won't get it.
because you are the only one who can improve your life

That if one day you fall you simply breathe
you get up again, you clean yourself and walk again
Fight for everything you want, let nothing stop you.
with your head held high but your self-esteem higher

Avoid all those bad comments
break down all those mental walls
apply everything you learn daily
and don't drown in sadness because that's worthless

That if you think about losing then you will be a loser
that if you think it's going to hurt you're going to feel pain
You better think that you are going to do it like a great fighter
that you are good at what you do and thus you will be the winner

Don't say you feel hate, hating is never better
If in reality what you have is afraid of feeling love
May your soul not wither like the color of a flower
and do not keep a thousand tears of pain between smiles

Hug everyone you can hug
forgive those you have to forgive
love when you have the chance to love
and above all dance that life is a carnival

Dance, enjoy and trip, don't waste time fighting
Live happily and party every day you can
Pour into a saucepan then add chicken broth to remove the peas.
but first clarify and put your ideas into action

I know the one who shows a lot and never boasts
If you don't wash then lend it the tub
value everyone who loves you and surrounds you
and if yours is to rap then rap..

Gracias por tomarte el tiempo para leer.
Sin mas nada que decir me despido
Paz y amor sobre todo, mucho, pero mucho amor.

Thanks for taking the time to read.
with nothing more to say goodbye
Peace and love above all, much, much love

▶️ 3Speak


God bless u bruh

amen amen gracias hermano se le agradece

💪🏻🙏🏻Thanks bruh!Blessings

Vayalooo 🔥🔥🔥

siempre haciendo lo que se puede manao

Hello @vanny.thomas, welcome to the Vibes Web3 Music Competition on the Hive Blockchain, thanks to your friend @fonestreet for introducing you here. We are happy to welcome you and have you with us, I am one of the official judges for the Vibes Music Competition. I am also a hiphop emcee/rapper/musician, this was a good first entry, nice flows, solid rhythm and confident delivery, and most of all I love your positive messages and deep knowledge wisdom, that is the most important part about sharing through Hip Hop, thank you for sharing that with us, I hope you have fun sharing more music with us

-@Verbal-D Official Vibes Judge

Thank you really, thank you. You don't know how this comment motivated me and how good it is to meet colleagues who love rap and who know how to appreciate the value and authenticity of writing. I'm still new to hive and I'm learning how to navigate this eco-system. I would love it if you could hear more from me since this type of opinion and from people who know the subject are the ones that help the most and are most valuable.

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