(ENG/ESP) Vibes Web 3 Music Week 19 (Rising Up Cover).

in Vibes26 days ago (edited)

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Hello, my friends, family, and hive! It's another weekend, and it's another day to create a lovely memory, which is why I will be creating a cover of a song that I titled Rising Up. I created this song for my entry for Vibe's music competition week 19, and this song is a very emotional one that you will love. Talking about the song cover, it is cool and yet amazing, and I made use of two sounds to give it a sweet melody. I stated it with a clean tone which I later changed it to a whammy tone which is like a rock sound to embellish what I was playing.

I did a cover of this song because of the way the instrumental beat sounded, and it looks so calm and interesting to listen to. This song is more like a song of motivation to encourage you through your sad times, and I also did this on the of A minor to make it sound so calm and clear to listen to. I hope you find this interesting for the weekend, and I hope you enjoy listening to it. Thanks while you are watching my entry for this week.

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¡Hola, amigos, familia y colmena! Es otro fin de semana, y es otro día para crear un bonito recuerdo, por lo que voy a crear una versión de una canción que titulé Rising Up. Creé esta canción para mi participación en la semana 19 del concurso de música de Vibe, y es una canción muy emotiva que os encantará. Hablando de la portada de la canción, es fresca y a la vez asombrosa, e hice uso de dos sonidos para darle una dulce melodía. La empecé con un tono limpio que luego cambié por un tono whammy que es como un sonido rockero para embellecer lo que estaba tocando.

Hice una versión de esta canción por cómo sonaba el ritmo instrumental, y parece tan tranquila e interesante de escuchar. Esta canción es más como una canción de motivación para animarte a través de tus momentos tristes, y también hice esto en el de La menor para que suene tan tranquilo y claro para escuchar. Espero que os resulte interesante para el fin de semana y que disfrutéis escuchándola. Gracias mientras veis mi entrada de esta semana.

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Me gusto mucho ese instrumental bravo hermano de veras quedo super, un abrazo y mucho éxito para ti

I really liked that instrumental bravo brother I really was super, a hug and a lot of success for you

Thanks my friend and thanks for checking out my post..

Gracias mi amigo y gracias por revisar mi post

You are very good

Thanks very much my friend

Another week seeing talent in you brother, this is a job welldone, you are amazing

Thanks so much for your kind words brother, thanks for checking my post

Wao, I love this, you are indeed an amazing and a talented players. You really made me had fun watching you play. Kudos brother.

Thanks so much brother for the nice words, I really appreciate you checking this out.

You are welcome brother and I hope to see you do more

Thanks bro, I will surely try my best to do more better. Thanks for the encouragement

You are welcome bro


Nice play with your guitar. That's a cool cover you did. I wish you good luck in the competition.

Thanks very much. And thanks for watching also.