Sad Blues (Original Song) - Vibes Web3 Music Competition Week 12 - by @nahupuku and @orimusic - 2024
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PukuGreetings to all my pukufriends. I present you this original music video recorded at PukuEstudio titled: Sad Blues (Original Song) - Vibes Web3 Music Competition Week 12 - by @nahupuku and @orimusic - 2024. Which I recorded with my pukudrums and my guitar and Ori at the bass. I hope you like it and it's my new video for this week of the Hive Vibes Web3 Music Contest.
To record this track I make this jamming blues with my guitar and drums at the same time, playing with my foots and hands and meanwhile Ori was playing the bass, its a very intense blues soul with a electric distorted guitar sound, and very sad and painless like the theme of this week.
Nahu Padilla: @nahupuku - Pukudrums and Guitar
Oriana Garcés: @orimusic - Bass

Behind the screen / detrás de cámara:
Daws & apps utilizadas: Reaper / VideoPad.
Vibes by @lordbutterfly and supported by Vibes Comunity:
Vibes Discord:

PukuEdición by me, 2024 - NNR

Bendiciones y gracias por ver mi post
Blessings and thanks for watching my post

▶️ 3Speak
Probably one of my favorite entry submissions of yours
This original song is definitely full of pain, like horror gore
You make that electric guitar scream in agony and wailing
Your passion for free flowing, soul-filled music is never failing
Keep the music alive bro
-@Verbal-D Official Vibes Judge
thanks a lot my brother! yesss Im very happy with this result! I finnaly put a snare drum in my left foot side place for I can play all the rhytms and leave my hands free for play strings, blessings!
yesss the guitar its just like I like it, because I listen a lot that`s kind of music genres: horror gore, grindcore, lol, its very cool and interesting that you can feel it in this other "soft" kind of genre! Im very glad that you noted bro, blessings! yeahhh
Gracias por la invitación y por ser parte de esta genial improvisación y creación 🤟🎸🤟
sin ti, este tema no hubiese quedado bien y sonado genial! mil gracias por colaborar y tocar conmigo
Hey @nahupuku and @orimusic you sure can multitask😀Loved this entry because it's definitely different then unique. You are very talented instrumentalists and congrats to you Nahu for being able to play two different instruments at once:) Goodluck to you
Co-founder and judge at Vibes
thanks a lot for passing by. blessings and all the best for youLol @silentscreamer yess, it was in pandemic when I figure that I maybe can play keys - guitar - bass (sometimes at the same time with the drumset), but its hard to make in one take with flow, so, its a complex thing, Ori made a wonderful work at bass, because she makes everything easy for me with her flow, without bass the song probably doesnt have heart and soul that she put on in
Hacen como siempre un bueno duo. Traes originalidad al concurso y eso definitivamente es un plus. Te deseo éxitos esta semana y las semanas por venir.
mil gracias! amen e igualmente!!!
Bellos mis PukuBrothers rockeando de lo lindo 😍... de pana que este Sad Blues está super genial de inicio a fin. El bajo de mi hermanita @orimusic sonó muy pulcro en ejecución y ritmo 🌹💖.. la percusión con la guitarra al tiempo es otro beta 🤘.. cuando se trabaja en equipo con amor, nacen trabajos de este nivel 🔥🔥🔥
Los felicito de todo corazón, los quiero mucho 😘 y les deseo el mejor de los éxitos con esta participación para la semana 12 de Vibes 🙏❤️... LLEVATELOOOOOO.... You Fuc&%$ Rockkkkk!!!! 👊😎🔥🎙️🎸🥁🎶❤️🌟🍻💥💫💯
hermano mio! muchas gracias! si de verdad que esto le faltaba al tema anterior! un bajo solido! Y Ori cumplió su aporte demasiado bien! como siempre todo hecho en una sola toma! si es difícil coordinar ambas cosas pero para algo tengo que darle uso al redoblante del pie izquierdo jaja ahí vamos poco a poco domando a la bestia! un gran pukuabrazo! amen e iguamente!