Vibes web3 music competition week 18 | Cover " Besala" (La sirenita)

in Vibes7 months ago (edited)

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Para mí Disney es sinónimo de infancia Feliz porque su mundo llenó de magia mis días junto a mi hermana, soñamos con ser princesas y podíamos pasar horas envueltas en sus historias, la música siempre fué nuestra mayor satisfacción. No podría decir algun musical favorito porque siento que sería injusta con algunos, pero definitivamente en mi corazón guardo algunos clásicos que ya he interpretado en hive.

Hoy dejé a un lado mi guitarra y vaya que me cuenta hacerlo, esto es salir totalmente de mi zona de confort, pero creo que la ocasión vale la pena pues hoy les interpreto un tema exquisito que me puso a trabajar un poco, pero era así o simplemente no participaba pues ya en mi mente no podía imaginarme cantando este tema sin su armonía.

Extrañamente no recordaba esta canción, pero buscando algunas opciones en lo que escuché este tema no dude por un segundo que sería mi elección de esta semana, creo la dulzura y picardía que envuelven a esta canción me atrapó, y pues viaje en el tiempo a reencontrarme con esa pequeña niña que disfrutaba dejar volar su imaginación.

Gracias por llegar hasta el final, espero que sea de su agrado.


For me Disney is synonymous of happy childhood because its world filled with magic my days with my sister, we dreamed of being princesses and we could spend hours wrapped in their stories, the music was always our greatest satisfaction. I could not say any favorite musical because I feel I would be unfair to some, but definitely in my heart I keep some classics that I have already played in hive.

Today I put aside my guitar and it's really hard to do it, this is totally out of my comfort zone, but I think the occasion is worth it because today I'm playing an exquisite song that made me work a little bit, but it was like that or I just didn't participate because in my mind I couldn't imagine myself singing this song without its harmony.

Strangely I did not remember this song, but looking for some options when I heard this song I did not doubt for a second that it would be my choice for this week, I think the sweetness and mischievousness that surround this song caught me, and then I traveled back in time to meet again with that little girl who enjoyed letting her imagination fly.

Thank you for making it to the end.

🎵 Besala (Banda sonora de la Sirenita / Kiss the girl
Compositor/Composer:Alan Menken
Howard Ashman

Pista usada

Herramientas usadas / Used tools

  • Portada y banner creados en Canva /Cover and banner created in Canva

  • Fotos y video tomadas de mi Redmi note 12/Photos and video taken from my Redmi note 12

  • Video editado en el programa capcut/Video edited in the capcut program

  • Traducción/Translation Fuente


▶️ 3Speak


Beautiful music



Hello mrs. Mirel, that's a beautiful song. I like the part where you do the chorus. That was very good.

Thank you for taking the time to listen to me, I'm glad you liked it.

Sin duda alguna es extraño no verte con tu guitarra estimada amiga @mirel0510 pero valió la pena porque está presentación quedó excelente, tu voz hermosa, dulce y el juego de voces fué estupenda. Felicidades y exitos🥰👏👏👏💜💛💞

Without a doubt, it is strange not to see you with your guitar, dear friend @mirel0510, but it was worth it because this presentation was excellent, your voice was beautiful, sweet, and the play of voices was great. Congratulations and success 👏👏👏💜💛💞

Holaaaaa, siiii, es raro interpretar sin mi guitarra pero sentí necesario escuchar toda la banda que realmente es hermosa. Gracias amiga bella por venir a escucharme y dejarme tus impresiones

Wow, what a cute song and it reminds me of my childhood when I listen to it. You can create it with your own unique voice, sis. I like it.

This is a nice, please I need your help,
I am on a contest on @vibes which is pinned on my profile please I need your vote to win, I tried so hard to get to this stage but I don’t have much vote so please I want you check on my pinned post to help VOTE for me the name to vote is “Preshzinosongz” Thank you so much for your time