Vibes web3 Music Competition Week #17 // Storm Is Over Cover By mamab

in Vibes3 months ago (edited)

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Welcome to Vibes web3 Music Competition week #17. My name is mamab on this space and I am super excited to be among the participants on this edition. I couldn't participate in the last edition due to some distractions and challenges beyond my control.

I want to specially congratulate everyone for stepping into the beautiful month of August. May God favour us in Jesus name. Amen 🙏.

My shout out goes to @lordbutterfly and his team for their constant and tireless efforts to make the platform a place to be.

On this edition, I chose the song of a famous black American musician popularly known as R. Kelly. The song is titled "Storm is over". This is a message of hope and prayer to everyone who is passing through a dark tunnel right now and nothing seems fine. Every storm will be over in Jesus name. Amen 🙏.
Let's declare it together.

I was in a tunnel
And couldn't see the light
And whenever I'd look up
I couldn't see the sky
Sometimes when I'm standin'
It seems like I done walked for miles
And my heart could be cryin'
Dead in the middle of a smile

But then I climbed the hills
And saw the mountains
I hollered help 'cause I was lost
Then I felt the strong wind
Heard a small voice sayin'

The storm is over
(The storm is over now)
And I can see the sunshine
(Somewhere beyond the clouds)
I feel Heaven, yeah
(Heaven is over me)
Come on and set me free, whoa

Now in the midst of my battle
All hope was gone
Downtown in a rushed crowd
And felt all alone
And every now and then
I felt like I would lose my mind
I've been racin' for years
And still no finish line, oh


Link to my X published

~~~ embed:1819308459034398751?t=oGr8HXKiCPpULr-LV3zbeg&s=19 twitter metadata:QkFrd2FkZW44MDE3NXx8aHR0cHM6Ly90d2l0dGVyLmNvbS9CQWt3YWRlbjgwMTc1L3N0YXR1cy8xODE5MzA4NDU5MDM0Mzk4NzUxfA== ~~~

Bienvenido a la semana 17 del Concurso de Música Vibes web3. Mi nombre es mamab en este espacio y estoy súper emocionada de estar entre los participantes de esta edición. No pude participar en la última edición debido a algunas distracciones y desafíos fuera de mi control.

Quiero felicitar especialmente a todos por entrar en el hermoso mes de agosto. Que Dios nos favorezca en el nombre de Jesús. Amén 🙏.

Mi agradecimiento a @lordbutterfly y su equipo por sus constantes e incansables esfuerzos para hacer de la plataforma un lugar donde estar.

En esta edición, elegí la canción de un famoso músico negro estadounidense conocido popularmente como R. Kelly. La canción se titula "Se acabó la tormenta". Este es un mensaje de esperanza y oración para todos los que están pasando por un túnel oscuro en este momento y nada parece estar bien. Cada tormenta terminará en el nombre de Jesús. Amén 🙏.
Declarémoslo juntos.

estaba en un tunel
Y no pude ver la luz
Y cada vez que miraba hacia arriba
no pude ver el cielo
A veces cuando estoy parado
Parece que caminé millas
Y mi corazón podría estar llorando
Muerto en medio de una sonrisa

Pero luego subí las colinas
Y vi las montañas
Grité ayuda porque estaba perdido
Entonces sentí el fuerte viento
Escuché una pequeña voz diciendo
La tormenta ha terminado
(La tormenta ya pasó)
Y puedo ver la luz del sol
(En algún lugar más allá de las nubes)
Siento el cielo, sí
(El cielo está sobre mí)
Ven y libérame, espera

Ahora en medio de mi batalla
Toda esperanza se había ido
El centro en una multitud apresurada
Y me sentí completamente solo
Y de vez en cuando
Sentí que iba a perder la cabeza
He estado corriendo durante años
Y todavía no hay línea de meta, oh


Link to my X published

~~~ embed:1819308459034398751?t=oGr8HXKiCPpULr-LV3zbeg&s=19 twitter metadata:QkFrd2FkZW44MDE3NXx8aHR0cHM6Ly90d2l0dGVyLmNvbS9CQWt3YWRlbjgwMTc1L3N0YXR1cy8xODE5MzA4NDU5MDM0Mzk4NzUxfA== ~~~

▶️ 3Speak


I love your performance

Thank you 😊

Amazing performance

Thank you

With God is possible overcome the Storm.
Happy New month dear

A big thanks ma'am

Storm is over in Christ
Beautiful indeed 🤩

Thanks a lot 🙏

Wow so lovely, you voice is so calm and natural.

Thank you 😊

Wow I really love the song and your voice is amazing

Thank you very much

You are always welcome

To be very honest, this is the very first time since I just ecency that I'm watching a post over and over. Like I mean, I watched this presentation 5 good times already and I'm still craving and longing to listing to your presentation over and over. See, I lack words to use in describing your presentation. Please permit me to say the presentation is awesome, lovely, beautiful, entertaining, sweet to the soul and live lines to my veins. Let me tell you that you got me dancing this night. I had a very long and bad day, I was just about to lay my head and rest when I stumbled on your post, now this rendition has mad my day and has eased my stress. Thank you so much @mamab for sharing

O wow 😁, I am so happy to hear this. One of the reasons I do my music is to be a blessing. God be praised 💪. @danrabs thanks a lot 🙏.

The pleasure is mine

Beautiful, presentation 🌹🌹🌹
This is very encouraging!!!
The storm is over !!!
Thank you for sharing!!!

A big thanks ma'am ❤️