in Vibes5 months ago

Hola comunidad de Hive!!. Este es mi tercer post aquí en la comunidad de vibes dentro de hive.

Hello Hive community!! This is my third post here in the vibes community within hive.

Para Vibes he decidido presentarles una parte la canción. "All by my self" de Celine Dion, es una reflexión sobre la soledad. Expresa la soledad de crecer y la dificultad de encontrar amor y compañía en un mundo que a menudo parece tan lejano.

For Vibes I have decided to present part of the song to you. "All by my self" by Celine Dion, It is a reflection on loneliness. It expresses the loneliness of growing up and the difficulty of finding love and companionship in a world that often seems so far away.

Puedes escucharla completa en el siguiente link

You can listen the full song at the following link

Puedes ver la canción en x en este link / You can see the song in x in this link


When I was young
I never needed anyone
And making love was just for fun
Those days are gone
Livin' alone
I think of all the friends I've known
When I dial the telephone
Nobody's home
All by myself
Don't wanna be
All by myself anymore
Hard to be sure
Sometimes I feel so insecure
And love's so distant and obscure
Remains the cure
All by myself
Don't wanna be all by myself anymore
All by myself, I don't wanna live
Don't wanna be all by myself anymore
When I was young
I never needed anyone
And making love was just for fun
Those days are gone
All by myself
Don't wanna be all by myself anymore
Ohh... ohhhh
All by myself, don't wanna live
Ehh, eh eh... ehhhh
Don't wanna live by myself, by myself anymore...
By myself

Espero que disfruten la canción, y me encantaría leer sus comentarios y opiniones pueden seguirme en mis redes, allí pueden encontrar todas mis canciones y apoyar todo mi proyecto. ¡Gracias por crear estos espacios para compartir la música que mueve mi mundo con ustedes!

I hope you enjoy the song, and I’d love to read your comments and opinions. You can follow me on my social media, where you can find all my songs and support my entire project. Thank you for creating these spaces to share the music that moves my world with you! (1).png

flyer vibes.png


Not a very easy song to sing.
You have a lovely voice texture.
I love you approach to delivering this song.
You did a great job trying to hit the high note.
Well done.
Lovely entry.

This song is a really hard song to sing and you sang it so effortlessly. Very well done ❤️,all the best

I strongly agree with Jess and Meya that the song is hard but I loved how you showed that you understood the song. You are an amazing singer and I love your delivery.