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RE: Vibes week 23 - Case (missing you) // an oldie song

in Vibes5 months ago

Bro!!! This is straight fire mheeen!!
Feeling the sound man
“I miss you so much, yuuuuuuuuuuu” that place got me💪
Came out strong there


You are so funny!!!
Lucid did the magic cc.
Thanks my brother.
Congratulations on your last winnn

Thanks so much bro, that win did great things man, thanks to the judges and votes from friends.
Lucid did a great job really.
I wish you the best this week

Thanks a lot man.
I wish you same too...
If God will have it, nothing stope a back to back win for you mannn

The best kind of goodwill is the one your friend gives.
Thanks man, Goodluck

Yoooo man.
I love you.... not baby oil own though 😂😂😂

Big love brr💪❤️